hey there guys,
I'm making this thread so people can see at the beginning of a PVP match which accounts r bots. feel free to add accounts u know who bot around. I for myself am sick and tired of having to tell the teamleaders everytime to kick the bot and they do after its too late for another person to join the ranks 'coz they DON'T READ THE CHAT.
I am sending the account information to the support teams on a regular basis, but as a programmer, I know how much work they have on their hands during beta phases, especially after exploits etc.
I love this game and think they did a great job. and remember: no MMO out there was exploit free, even the ones with monthly fee!
anyways, here we go:
<No Naming and Shaming Please>
more to be added soon

anyways, hope u guys find this thread useful. see u on the battlefield
<No Naming and Shaming Please> these bots are very, very well scripted, and sadly one even got second in the overall rating of a match.
<No Naming and Shaming Please>
to all PvP Teamleaders: Kick these mofos!
luckely in lvl 60 PvP i haven't seen a single bot so far, just the usual nub-players
While you are doing this in an earnest attempt to help and I assure you the private reports are much appreciated posting names on the forums to "Blacklist" people causes more flame responses than productivity.
On top of that it's very much a "he said, she said" issue since you can't post any proof of the accusations. In theory you could decide to simply list great players who beat you in an attempt to enact retribution.
Thanks for the effort and the reports, truly, but players suspected of botting or being AFK are best handled through private reports rather than public blacklists.