Hey everyone,
First, thanks for checking out my post. I am currently looking for an end game guild to settle in with on the Mindflayer shard. I am somewhat of a "professional" raider with 5 years raid experience in WoW. My guild was called the Exiled (
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/guild/rexxar/The_Exiled/), top raiding guild on Rexxar. With them I raided 5 nights a week, 7pm to 11:30pm and got numerous server firsts. I have also played other MMOs (SWTOR, AoC, Rift, Secret World) but always found my way back to WoW.
I feel with this experience, I bring a lot to the end game table. First and foremost, I bring dedication. We had to study fights and always be aware of our surroundings (dont stand in the fire!!!). Second, I bring teamwork. The only way to down heroic bosses is together. As a DPS class, not only was high damage numbers a priority, it was also peeling adds from healers because without them, our damage means nothing. Finally, I bring experience. I am always willing to help with theorycraft and discussing encounters.
Lastly, I wanted to sum everything up.
-I am 30 years old
-I have vent and mumble (I can get TS if people still use it)
-I am currently only level 45 (I will be 60 by the weekend at my 5 levels a night pace)
-I am a founder and am will to pay some money to ensure my gear is raid ready.
I know I spoke a lot of raiding which doesn't have a lot to do with Neverwinter (YET!) but if you can raid efficiently, five mans are a breeze. If you like what you read here and made it all the way to the end, feel free to contact me in game.
Thank you for your time.
Have you had a look at the Order of the Raven recruitment thread? We're a very active guild on Mindflayer.
Guild Recruitment Thread: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?124231-Order-of-the-Raven-Casual-Guild-Awesome-Community!