This is not a complaint thread, but a dose of realism that I hope will go towards motivating rigorous fixes. I have never spent money on an F2P game ever. None before this has interested me enough. I've supported kickstarters however.
I want to buy a mount in NWO. I do. They are ridiculously overpriced, but $40 is worth the price of purchase to play this game (other games cost $80 etc.) In context, I don't mind because I want to support the devs who made this game. It has enough potential to warrant it.
However I can't bring myself to do it because of all the AD/Zen hacks going on, and the possibility of my purchase being outdated by the next new thing on the market. Spending real money in a game where the currency is leaking as badly as it is in NWO doesn't make sense. I can't commit long term to a game that is being undermined by cheats. I will either play long enough to save up the AD, or the cheats and leaks are going to kill it for me before I can be bothered.
All that to say, the hacking is costing you guys money. I can't be the only one holding back in the hope things are sorted out. Fix the economic issues, and I'm willing to bet there will be a flood of support money come in from guys like me.
If the basis of your argument is that you don't want to spend money on a game with exploits and hacks, then you are going to have a hard time finding a game to spend money on. Even WoW had a recent situation where people were able to dupe items/currency using the AH, so no game is immune to these issues.
phoenixrte69Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Let me give you a piece of advice from a Founder who has recently asked for a Refund... Keep playing, buy a mount with Gold, reach lvl 40+, then you will have a better idea if it is worth it or not... And if it is worth it, I suggest to go with the 60% Founder Pack, gives each toon a mount, Respec Token + 600k AD...
Have fun o.O
If the basis of your argument is that you don't want to spend money on a game with exploits and hacks, then you are going to have a hard time finding a game to spend money on. Even WoW had a recent situation where people were able to dupe items/currency using the AH, so no game is immune to these issues.
You've strawmanned me, and I knew someone would. That's not what I was saying at all. To expect a game without substantial economy leaks, and one without any hacks at all are two very different things.
P.S. I just discovered Perfect World is a Chinese company, which brings a whole other set of cultural differences/ethical differences when it comes to monetization. I guess I'll be saving AD or walking.
I do not suggest spending any money at all, I spent over 100$ and just recieved a banishment 5/27/13 without even receiving any form of notification and or heard any reply from Customer Support. I have send in a few tickets now and waited over 72+ Hours just to hear absolutely nothing, I will be requesting a refund due to the non-existence of customer service/communication.
Foundry Missions ;
By ; @pestilence149
Gladiators of Dhara (Easy) & (Hard)
Search by Best : Name/Summary/Short-Code ; Gladiators
NW-DJJS7OWZI (For easy)
NW-DPT9I8RKF (For hard)
Any feedback and suggestions are welcome please enjoy!
You've strawmanned me, and I knew someone would. That's not what I was saying at all. To expect a game without substantial economy leaks, and one without any hacks at all are two very different things.
Wasn't my intention to strawman your argument. But the situation I was referring to in WoW was a very similar situation, just on a smaller scale as far as players involved (and dealt with faster because of infinite larger budget that a game like WoW has for dealing with situations like these). However, my point was that even established and polished games have substantial economy hacks and exploits, much less a game that has been in open beta for about a month.
Spending real money in a game where the currency is leaking as badly as it is in NWO doesn't make sense. I can't commit long term to a game that is being undermined by cheats. I will either play long enough to save up the AD, or the cheats and leaks are going to kill it for me before I can be bothered.
I feel exactly the same way! I refuse to spend money on this game until it's finished and these problems have been sorted out.
To be honest though (and I hate saying this) I'm starting to fear for the future of NWO. So many people seem to have left the game, that I'm really beginning to worry.
Over the past week or so there has been a noticeable drop in population (I can even run around Protector's Enclave now without crashing). I really don't know what's going to happen to NWO, but if those of us who are still playing refuse to spend any money on it because of all the cheats and exploits, then I can't see how the game will ever survive
So bets if they acknowledge one of the other currently extant exploits this weekend, and take the AH down again, or just stick their fingers in their ears and go "la la la"?
This is not a complaint thread, but a dose of realism that I hope will go towards motivating rigorous fixes. I have never spent money on an F2P game ever. None before this has interested me enough. I've supported kickstarters however.
I want to buy a mount in NWO. I do. They are ridiculously overpriced, but $40 is worth the price of purchase to play this game (other games cost $80 etc.) In context, I don't mind because I want to support the devs who made this game. It has enough potential to warrant it.
However I can't bring myself to do it because of all the AD/Zen hacks going on, and the possibility of my purchase being outdated by the next new thing on the market. Spending real money in a game where the currency is leaking as badly as it is in NWO doesn't make sense. I can't commit long term to a game that is being undermined by cheats. I will either play long enough to save up the AD, or the cheats and leaks are going to kill it for me before I can be bothered.
All that to say, the hacking is costing you guys money. I can't be the only one holding back in the hope things are sorted out. Fix the economic issues, and I'm willing to bet there will be a flood of support money come in from guys like me.
If there was a bunch of astral diamond/zen hacks there would be massive inflation and the astral diamond/zen conversion would be greatly effected. Astral diamonds are going up in value, not down, and there's very little inflation.
" I don't mind because I want to support the devs who made this game. It has enough potential to warrant it."
I do understand your POV, and agree, to an extent. I am really enjoying the game and want to support devs financially, but until the game is officially released I remain a little reluctant to spend real cash -plus the prices seem a little excessive. I appreiciate this isn't the only opinion, but I think it's a fair concern so wanted to let you know your'e not alone in your view. cheers all.
A wise man learns more from a foolish question, than a fool learns from a wise answer.
Personally I would like to spend money here like I do in STO. Unfortunately most stuff is character bound and so is useless to me.
The way this game is setup the experience is in the leveling game itself, what with skirmishes not being repeatable etc so I would like to be able to make a toon, level it a bit and then delete and start over maybe with another class/race or whatever. The store discourages me from doing this as any purchase made is bound to that toon and cannot be transferred without an extreme effort to get hold of AD.
Seriously if you want to make money, make more stuff like companions account-wide purchases. Let us feel free to play as we wish and we will likely spend more money here.
codewizardMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Seriously if you want to make money, make more stuff like companions account-wide purchases. Let us feel free to play as we wish and we will likely spend more money here.
I agree with this point. Character bound ZEN purchases, especially considering how expensive they are in real dollars should be account wide. I know it's a dilemma. Single purchase for 1 item that can then either be used by the character who purchased it (and therefore bound to that character) or on-sold through the AH to another character (and therefore bound that character) makes sense. I would prefer though that things like mounts and companions in particular should be account bound rather than character bound when they are ZEN purchases.
PWE runs many games. One I'd like to mention specifically is Forsaken World. The Zen conversion for that game doesn't remain Zen, it gets called Erydia Leaves and the transfer goes at 100 Zen = 40 Leaves. There is both tradeable and non-tradeable gold in that game. So, three currencies just like Neverwinter. That game even has the option to turn your character into a vendor as well as the AH. That game also has the gold to leaf exchange like Neverwinters AD to Zen exchange.
All in all the economic similarities are striking, but they pretty much end there. That game's economy is rather stable and not so inflated because it is really hard to get tradeable gold in the game without spending Zen/Leaves. (One major difference is that the AH posting fees are taken out of bound/non-tradeable gold, though.)
The problem with the economy in Neverwinter is that they hand out AD like they are candy and that is the currency the AH is based on. It should be the other way around. Gold should be more prevalent, AD should be less so. (or even better, combine the two as I've posted once before making AD the next step up from gold at 100g to 1AD.)
Another thing they recently added to Forsaken World is Bound Leaves. A way to get specific things from the Zen/Leaves store via in game rewards rather than spending money. (Most of those things purchaseable via the bound Zen/Leaves is cosmetic however)
I could see Neverwinter benefiting from a lot that is currently stable and useful in Forsaken World's economic structure. If they were to make gold bound/non-tradeable, then AD becomes the trade currency for non-AH as well as AH trades unless you want to use a Zen item like the keys as currency which could be avoided too, but I don't think they'll go that far.
Of course then there are the exploits and hacks that have been mentioned. Not much you can do about those other than fix them as they happen and hope to stay far enough ahead of it that you don't have to wipe the economy somehow. That leads me to another topic though.
This game's dev team needs to get their priorities straight.
1.) Fix bugs that prevent a majority of players from accessing the game.
2.) Fix bugs that are game breaking in nature: A) Class/Group gameplay mechanics, Encounter specific mechanics, C)Hacks/Exploits/Dupes, D) Other game breaking bugs, such as: terrain issues, fall through ground, dungeon queues, etc.
3.) Fix bugs preventing a minority of players from accessing the game.
4.) Fix bugs related to cosmetic issues or that aren't game breaking in nature.
5.) Miscellaneous tweaks and fixes not covered by previous priority steps.
IF there were more than one dev team, these could be distributed around and worked on at the same time if need be, but as things stand right now I don't think that is possible. So the next best thing would be this or some similarly effective priority order. If you fix enough of the major bugs in the game, you will bring in more players by word of mouth and keep more players as well which will in turn cause more profit in the long run.
However, based on the forums full of complaints, I don't know what kind of priority list they are using nor do I think they are addressing the more pressing issues fast enough. This could be due to the size of the dev team, because I have no idea how many coders they have capable of working on these issues. Or it could be budget issues, which would be why they are focusing more on bugs involving Zen store and AD issues.
Honestly, I think that is why the cash shop is even open... they didn't have the budget to finish the game properly without the influx of money the Zen store provides, i.e. Founders Packs are actually a terminology for Investors. And looking at it from an investment standpoint, the game isn't good enough as it stands to warrant investing money in it. Which is another reason the Zen store was opened probably. They couldn't convince anyone to invest or bankroll the rest of the games development so they decided to let the gaming community foot the bill rather than lose the money they already spent on it.
Wow, I just realized how much I was ranting... I apologize. Just my two cents on the matter.
Honestly, I think that is why the cash shop is even open... they didn't have the budget to finish the game properly without the influx of money the Zen store provides, i.e. Founders Packs are actually a terminology for Investors. And looking at it from an investment standpoint, the game isn't good enough as it stands to warrant investing money in it. Which is another reason the Zen store was opened probably. They couldn't convince anyone to invest or bankroll the rest of the games development so they decided to let the gaming community foot the bill rather than lose the money they already spent on it..
PWE spent...50 million? buying Cryptic. This game is a ROI. A quick cash grab cause it was already in the supply chain and it's going down the path of the rest of the PWE games but probably quicker. I think it is nothing less than they deserve and I truly and honestly hope it has soured people on the F2P model as a whole.
Have fun o.O
...if all you're after is the speed of a tier 3 mount, you can get a horse for $30. Only have to go for the 40 if you want one of the fancier skins.
You've strawmanned me, and I knew someone would. That's not what I was saying at all. To expect a game without substantial economy leaks, and one without any hacks at all are two very different things.
P.S. I just discovered Perfect World is a Chinese company, which brings a whole other set of cultural differences/ethical differences when it comes to monetization. I guess I'll be saving AD or walking.
By ; @pestilence149
Gladiators of Dhara (Easy) & (Hard)
Search by Best : Name/Summary/Short-Code ; Gladiators
NW-DJJS7OWZI (For easy)
NW-DPT9I8RKF (For hard)
Any feedback and suggestions are welcome please enjoy!
Wasn't my intention to strawman your argument. But the situation I was referring to in WoW was a very similar situation, just on a smaller scale as far as players involved (and dealt with faster because of infinite larger budget that a game like WoW has for dealing with situations like these). However, my point was that even established and polished games have substantial economy hacks and exploits, much less a game that has been in open beta for about a month.
I feel exactly the same way! I refuse to spend money on this game until it's finished and these problems have been sorted out.
To be honest though (and I hate saying this) I'm starting to fear for the future of NWO. So many people seem to have left the game, that I'm really beginning to worry.
Over the past week or so there has been a noticeable drop in population (I can even run around Protector's Enclave now without crashing). I really don't know what's going to happen to NWO, but if those of us who are still playing refuse to spend any money on it because of all the cheats and exploits, then I can't see how the game will ever survive
If there was a bunch of astral diamond/zen hacks there would be massive inflation and the astral diamond/zen conversion would be greatly effected. Astral diamonds are going up in value, not down, and there's very little inflation.
I do understand your POV, and agree, to an extent. I am really enjoying the game and want to support devs financially, but until the game is officially released I remain a little reluctant to spend real cash -plus the prices seem a little excessive. I appreiciate this isn't the only opinion, but I think it's a fair concern so wanted to let you know your'e not alone in your view. cheers all.
The way this game is setup the experience is in the leveling game itself, what with skirmishes not being repeatable etc so I would like to be able to make a toon, level it a bit and then delete and start over maybe with another class/race or whatever. The store discourages me from doing this as any purchase made is bound to that toon and cannot be transferred without an extreme effort to get hold of AD.
Seriously if you want to make money, make more stuff like companions account-wide purchases. Let us feel free to play as we wish and we will likely spend more money here.
I agree with this point. Character bound ZEN purchases, especially considering how expensive they are in real dollars should be account wide. I know it's a dilemma. Single purchase for 1 item that can then either be used by the character who purchased it (and therefore bound to that character) or on-sold through the AH to another character (and therefore bound that character) makes sense. I would prefer though that things like mounts and companions in particular should be account bound rather than character bound when they are ZEN purchases.
All in all the economic similarities are striking, but they pretty much end there. That game's economy is rather stable and not so inflated because it is really hard to get tradeable gold in the game without spending Zen/Leaves. (One major difference is that the AH posting fees are taken out of bound/non-tradeable gold, though.)
The problem with the economy in Neverwinter is that they hand out AD like they are candy and that is the currency the AH is based on. It should be the other way around. Gold should be more prevalent, AD should be less so. (or even better, combine the two as I've posted once before making AD the next step up from gold at 100g to 1AD.)
Another thing they recently added to Forsaken World is Bound Leaves. A way to get specific things from the Zen/Leaves store via in game rewards rather than spending money. (Most of those things purchaseable via the bound Zen/Leaves is cosmetic however)
I could see Neverwinter benefiting from a lot that is currently stable and useful in Forsaken World's economic structure. If they were to make gold bound/non-tradeable, then AD becomes the trade currency for non-AH as well as AH trades unless you want to use a Zen item like the keys as currency which could be avoided too, but I don't think they'll go that far.
Of course then there are the exploits and hacks that have been mentioned. Not much you can do about those other than fix them as they happen and hope to stay far enough ahead of it that you don't have to wipe the economy somehow. That leads me to another topic though.
This game's dev team needs to get their priorities straight.
1.) Fix bugs that prevent a majority of players from accessing the game.
2.) Fix bugs that are game breaking in nature: A) Class/Group gameplay mechanics,
3.) Fix bugs preventing a minority of players from accessing the game.
4.) Fix bugs related to cosmetic issues or that aren't game breaking in nature.
5.) Miscellaneous tweaks and fixes not covered by previous priority steps.
IF there were more than one dev team, these could be distributed around and worked on at the same time if need be, but as things stand right now I don't think that is possible. So the next best thing would be this or some similarly effective priority order. If you fix enough of the major bugs in the game, you will bring in more players by word of mouth and keep more players as well which will in turn cause more profit in the long run.
However, based on the forums full of complaints, I don't know what kind of priority list they are using nor do I think they are addressing the more pressing issues fast enough. This could be due to the size of the dev team, because I have no idea how many coders they have capable of working on these issues. Or it could be budget issues, which would be why they are focusing more on bugs involving Zen store and AD issues.
Honestly, I think that is why the cash shop is even open... they didn't have the budget to finish the game properly without the influx of money the Zen store provides, i.e. Founders Packs are actually a terminology for Investors. And looking at it from an investment standpoint, the game isn't good enough as it stands to warrant investing money in it. Which is another reason the Zen store was opened probably. They couldn't convince anyone to invest or bankroll the rest of the games development so they decided to let the gaming community foot the bill rather than lose the money they already spent on it.
Wow, I just realized how much I was ranting... I apologize. Just my two cents on the matter.
PWE spent...50 million? buying Cryptic. This game is a ROI. A quick cash grab cause it was already in the supply chain and it's going down the path of the rest of the PWE games but probably quicker. I think it is nothing less than they deserve and I truly and honestly hope it has soured people on the F2P model as a whole.