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Some Things That Need to Change

writerdgwriterdg Member Posts: 51
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
First of all, let me say that this is not an "I'm going to quit" post. I love this game and I'm going to be playing it for a long time. These are just things that are really frustrating.

I've been at level 60 for almost a week now and these are the things that frustrate me the most about this game:

1. As guild leader, not being able to send more than one guild mail per day. This is ridiculous. I see no reason whatsoever for this rule.

2. Not being able to create more ranks for the guild.

3. Loot from chests during dungeon delves being auto bound to character. This one is really frustrating. For example, I've run the Cragmire Crypts dungeon(which is buggy as all get out by the way) over thirty times now, just trying to get the Stalwart Bulwark Greaves. It's frustrating enough that I haven't gotten them yet, but even more frustrating that I can't sell the loot I do get to at least get something for my time. I've literally spent over 30 hrs running one dungeon and have virtually nothing to show for it. Either let us sell the loot from the chests, or do away with dungeon delves and just make it where there is always a chest, so at least we have more opportunity to get what we're looking for.

4. Random group leaders having the power to kick anyone. You need to either come up with a way to make it a vote or put it on a timer so after 2-5 min, the group leader can't kick people. I don't PvP much, but this is especially frustrating in PvP where 10 min into a fight, you're doing well and the group leader just kicks you for no reason. I've pretty much quit doing PvP completely because of this.

5. This one I know has been brought up numerous times, but seriously, you shouldn't be able to roll "need" on equipment your class can't use. This makes the issue from #3 even more frustrating.

6. Not being able to preview equipment. I think most people would like to know what something is going to look like before buying it.

7. The auction house fees are insane. Do away with the posting fee at least, or make it a set small amount instead of a scaling amount. It's bad enough that there's a 10% tax, but I can live with that if I didn't have to spend several thousand just to post something, then if it doesn't sell, you have to spend several thousand to post it again.

8. Give us a reason to run foundry quests. After leveling one toon to 60 and another to 45, I'm really tired of running through the same story line. I'm finding it really hard to get motivated to even create anymore toons, cause I don't want to go through all the same quests once again. I would love to be able to run awesome foundry missions from 1-60 instead, but you get next to nothing out of doing them. I realize that people were exploiting early on, but come on guys. You're the professionals, there has to be something you can do to make it worth our time.

Like I said, I'm not quitting and I don't see any of these things as being "game-breaking", at least not to me. But a few relatively small changes would make this game so much better and would keep a lot of people playing a lot longer.
Kinset Drake - Lvl 60 GF - Legio Draconum Guild Leader - Mindflayer
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    writerdg wrote: »
    First of all, let me say that this is not an "I'm going to quit" post. I love this game and I'm going to be playing it for a long time. These are just things that are really frustrating.

    I've been at level 60 for almost a week now and these are the things that frustrate me the most about this game:

    1. As guild leader, not being able to send more than one guild mail per day. This is ridiculous. I see no reason whatsoever for this rule.

    2. Not being able to create more ranks for the guild.

    3. Loot from chests during dungeon delves being auto bound to character. This one is really frustrating. For example, I've run the Cragmire Crypts dungeon(which is buggy as all get out by the way) over thirty times now, just trying to get the Stalwart Bulwark Greaves. It's frustrating enough that I haven't gotten them yet, but even more frustrating that I can't sell the loot I do get to at least get something for my time. I've literally spent over 30 hrs running one dungeon and have virtually nothing to show for it. Either let us sell the loot from the chests, or do away with dungeon delves and just make it where there is always a chest, so at least we have more opportunity to get what we're looking for.

    4. Random group leaders having the power to kick anyone. You need to either come up with a way to make it a vote or put it on a timer so after 2-5 min, the group leader can't kick people. I don't PvP much, but this is especially frustrating in PvP where 10 min into a fight, you're doing well and the group leader just kicks you for no reason. I've pretty much quit doing PvP completely because of this.

    5. This one I know has been brought up numerous times, but seriously, you shouldn't be able to roll "need" on equipment your class can't use. This makes the issue from #3 even more frustrating.

    6. Not being able to preview equipment. I think most people would like to know what something is going to look like before buying it.

    7. The auction house fees are insane. Do away with the posting fee at least, or make it a set small amount instead of a scaling amount. It's bad enough that there's a 10% tax, but I can live with that if I didn't have to spend several thousand just to post something, then if it doesn't sell, you have to spend several thousand to post it again.

    8. Give us a reason to run foundry quests. After leveling one toon to 60 and another to 45, I'm really tired of running through the same story line. I'm finding it really hard to get motivated to even create anymore toons, cause I don't want to go through all the same quests once again. I would love to be able to run awesome foundry missions from 1-60 instead, but you get next to nothing out of doing them. I realize that people were exploiting early on, but come on guys. You're the professionals, there has to be something you can do to make it worth our time.

    Like I said, I'm not quitting and I don't see any of these things as being "game-breaking", at least not to me. But a few relatively small changes would make this game so much better and would keep a lot of people playing a lot longer.

    Well thought out and 100% agree... This should change asap!
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    writerdgwriterdg Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2013
    ayroux wrote: »
    Well thought out and 100% agree... This should change asap!

    Thanks. Glad at least one person agrees with me. Haha. :)
    Kinset Drake - Lvl 60 GF - Legio Draconum Guild Leader - Mindflayer
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    jaggreggariousjaggreggarious Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Also, Quest items shouldn't be in inventory, they crowd up the valuable space!
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    writerdgwriterdg Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2013
    Also, Quest items shouldn't be in inventory, they crowd up the valuable space!

    Unfortunately, I don't see them changing that. It's intentional so you'll want to spend money on bags. I try not to get too upset about things like that because I know they have to make money to keep the game going. It is annoying though, especially when a bag costs $10.
    Kinset Drake - Lvl 60 GF - Legio Draconum Guild Leader - Mindflayer
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    v4guev4gue Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I somewhat enjoyed the questing, but after realizing how much exp I was getting in PVP... I've never looked back. Level 45 and 35 of those levels are from PVPing.
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    writerdgwriterdg Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2013
    v4gue wrote: »
    I somewhat enjoyed the questing, but after realizing how much exp I was getting in PVP... I've never looked back. Level 45 and 35 of those levels are from PVPing.

    Hmm....I've never been a big fan of PvP, but I might give that a try with my alts for now. Thanks for bringing that up.
    Kinset Drake - Lvl 60 GF - Legio Draconum Guild Leader - Mindflayer
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    cythrulcythrul Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    v4gue wrote: »
    I somewhat enjoyed the questing, but after realizing how much exp I was getting in PVP... I've never looked back. Level 45 and 35 of those levels are from PVPing.

    Unfortunately PvP is entirely broken due to botters in pre-level 60 matches.
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    elfranger1018elfranger1018 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i agree with most of the things said... although i am just a casual player, i do use the gateway a lot. the gateway is a nice touch since i can do professions and AH while not playing (coz i do have a day job). but they need to work on a few things:
    - AH does not show my entire inventory so I cannot post items i want for sale
    - once you get outbid in AH you dont get the AD back right away, you have to go to the mailman just to retrieve the AD. Imagine if i got outbid on an item that is worth like 100k, i cant use that 100k AD again until i go to the mailman.
    - professions also don't add the AD you get from tasks to your AD count in the gateway. i could have used the AD to outbid others or use it to finish tasks earlier.

    since the AD thing in the gateway is kinda screwed, the gateway AH is also limited in a sense. I wish they would fix this so i can properly bid and progress in my professions. but overall, i still like the gateway.
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    kyleridesfixedkyleridesfixed Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I completely agree with ALL of this. I'd like to make note that my minimap is constantly inverted. As in I'm running on black while the green area is the walls. Also, I feel like Control Wizards are way too strong in PVP. Half the time I'm fighting a team with 3 or 4 of them and I'm just running around being disabled for 20 minutes. Maybe I just suck, idk. xD
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