Massively Multiplayer Online.
Not a very good description for this game imo, this isn't the fault of the developers though. Theres a few posts about long queue times for certain classes and some groups that prefer to double up on certain classes to make things easier, or people complaining about quitters in their groups.
Its more like MiMO - Massively impatient multiplayer online.
Quite a few times now I've been in groups that do great through an instance until they reach the last boss then it all goes south. This usually ends up with one impatient sob rage quitting and forcing the rest of the group to disband. Most of the time you will now see someone advertising for a group asking for 11k+ gearscore, must know how to do X boss.
As quite a few of you ex Wow players know, gearscore means nothing. It's the worst thing you could possibly add to a game tbh, I've seen players with high gearscore that are pretty much useless and others with low score that are superb.
Through trial and error I've managed to learn a few of the end bosses in this game and can kill them successfully on either of my chars. I'm not a great player, but I'm not a faceroller and know how to pull my weight in a group as dps or a healer. I would also be happy to spend a bit of extra time explaining, or helping someone learn, a new boss encounter.
If some more of you high rollers actually had a bit of patience and were willing to impart your knowledge to other players you would see less queue times, less rage quitters and who knows you may even make some new contacts in the process. Play it as a MMo and not as a Co-op 5 man game.
Everyone need to learn at some point, give them a break.