First, i don't know much about other classes, but from what i have experienced myself with my Control Wizard and read about other people's experience with CW's, it's safe to conclude that there is a lot of power-swapping going on.
I do that too most of the time, since i find some skills more fitting for a particular purpose - i have a skillset for solo play, pvp play, dungeons and even sometimes i use a different skillset for skirmishes. I'm sure that is he case with most, if not all, other classes as well.
However, frequently manually changing powers is quite cumbersome, so i have a suggestion for the dev's - provide us with an option to make skill presets, which you could cycle trough at any time at a press of a button (or by using the mouse wheel). Of course, the cool-downs after changing particular power should stay there, but still this feature would help greatly for adjusting to certain situations, gameplay styles and whatnot.
Basically as i have imagined it, there would be a nice little button in the power selection window with a label "Create/Edit a skill preset" or something along those lines, and once clicked, it would open a pop-up dialog box, that would...err...let you create or edit skill presets, where you could put what skills you want in their corresponding slots, save it and afterwards happily change the presets at-will (see what i did there?), whenever a need would arise.
Let me know what you think about this awesome (:p) idea!
They have a similar setup in EverQuest, where you could preload Spell Lists. There, you could have something like 8-10 spells memorized (slotted) at the same time. But your class had well over a hundred spells. Even the most straightforward class, Wizard, could get pretty complex if you wanted them to, having a spell set prepped for teleportation, self-buffing, group buffing, soloing, solo aoe, group solo, group aoe, boss burn, specific Farming, and spells you use just because you're bored. Figuring out how to load and save spell lists was a GODSEND.
I can already think of plenty of spell lists I'd make here for my wizard. Solo, Generic Group, Ledging, Massive AOE, Boss, FlashyTownSpells, Generic PVP, Specific PVP.
gummibear2Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 31Arc User
edited May 2013
Yeah i would love that, both my cleric and my GF could use different skills for groups play as for solo, but since i cba to change all the time with how much of a hassle it is i kinda found a middle ground that works okay both places but aint optimal
They have a similar setup in EverQuest, where you could preload Spell Lists. There, you could have something like 8-10 spells memorized (slotted) at the same time. But your class had well over a hundred spells. Even the most straightforward class, Wizard, could get pretty complex if you wanted them to, having a spell set prepped for teleportation, self-buffing, group buffing, soloing, solo aoe, group solo, group aoe, boss burn, specific Farming, and spells you use just because you're bored. Figuring out how to load and save spell lists was a GODSEND.
I can already think of plenty of spell lists I'd make here for my wizard. Solo, Generic Group, Ledging, Massive AOE, Boss, FlashyTownSpells, Generic PVP, Specific PVP.