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There's no reason to clear trash, so people are finding ways to skip it.

rd87rd87 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
I run a lot of dungeons and people would rather take shortcuts to the bosses than have to deal with trash.. because, well, there's no real reason to clear it. They drop around.. 52 copper each? and maybe some unidentified green loot? an enchant rune every now and then? but all of that stuff, other than the radiant lv 4 enchants, is pretty much worthless.. trash takes too long to clear and it feels like there's no reward for killing anything, while you're constantly burning through your potions and kits.

Maybe if there was a feature added where you got to exchange tallied monster kills for tokens for potions and kits, then people would actually care about clearing trash instead of just running to the next campfire, or jumping through a whole instance through poor level design because potions are so expensive to keep stocked.
Post edited by rd87 on


  • immortaltenzhiimmortaltenzhi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Besides which, if the first several dungeons are anything to go by, there'll likely be more than enough trash to kill during the boss fight to get one's fill of trash slaying.
  • ivandwsivandws Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Good reasons to kill trashes is about drops and farming xp, if the player are on level cap, the only way to enjoy the trash killing without rush to boss is looking for some great drops, and it's not happening on NW ><
    Ivan Carlos
    CISO, Consultant
    +55 (11) 98112-0666
  • iamdoctordeathiamdoctordeath Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There's way too much trash as well.

    What made trash more reasonable in other games?

    First off- they dropped decent coin, these trash here don't.
    Second- they had a decent chance to drop epics in endgame dungeons- these ones just drop horrible greens.
    Third- Sometimes they could be skinned for rare materials
    Fourth- A reputation of some sort being attached that led to bonus loot made it so some people even farmed trash if they couldn't kill the bosses.

    There is too much high hp trash, and too few bosses worth their weight- it seems like the only real point of any of these dungeons is to kill the final boss- which ends up being a small chunk of the time you spend in the game.

    Add to that how bosses are just a boss plus waves of trash you've already been farming...

    You need more variety of bosses too- how is it that you made every single boss's difficulty be 'add loads of monsters to the fight'. That isn't to say the bosses aren't a challenge- but it's the exact same thing, this game is brand new and it's already stagnant due to the mediocrity of things like that.
  • dockilljoydockilljoy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I kill too much trash on bosses to waste my time killing trash to get to said bosses.

    If the tokens they dropped gave anything worthwhile it would be a bit more worth the time.
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