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Running away, regen points, and the problem they cause with pvp

whiteravin308whiteravin308 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 7 Arc User
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
i have started to notice in the past week that players in PvP will start picking fights only to flee from them. at first this seemed to be only an annoyance one rogue choosing to run because he lost the element of surprise. no big deal right i mean he is just gonna recover and try it again. and eventually he will get into a fight he can't run from. but it seems that everyone is now picking up this straightway. basically pick a fight on a point you want to take or defend, when the other person starts fighting back run away to the nearest regen point and go in again. because you decided to run first if the person tries to chase you down they will never be able to close the gap enough and if they do they can only score one hit before your back on the move. and if they stay you can continuously assail them with full health thus slowly wearing them down. if only one or two people were did this it wouldn't be a problem but now entire teams are using this as there line one tactic. culminating in a pvp match today with zero,that's right ZERO! kills for ether team. when pvp degenerates to who can run away quicker it ceases to be fun. if you want to take or defend an objective that means that you should have to stick to that point even if you are not in completely favorable situations.

i can only think of a few way to fix this and granted they all have problems. first give a bonus to the capture speed for every defender who leaves the point when it is being attacked, and conversely have the capture set back for every attacker who leave the capture zone. or they could remove the heal points on the maps so even if a player chooses to flee they wont be able to perpetually assault a point at full health. or lastly implement a mechanic that makes it harder for players to flee in the first pace.of the three removing the in zone heal points creates fiewer new problems but there are other ways to heal in pvp so it might not fix the situation.

something needs to be done about this. cowardliness should not be the leading pvp tacit
Post edited by whiteravin308 on


  • krumple01krumple01 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i have started to notice in the past week that players in PvP will start picking fights only to flee from them. at first this seemed to be only an annoyance one rogue choosing to run because he lost the element of surprise. no big deal right i mean he is just gonna recover and try it again. and eventually he will get into a fight he can't run from. but it seems that everyone is now picking up this straightway. basically pick a fight on a point you want to take or defend, when the other person starts fighting back run away to the nearest regen point and go in again. because you decided to run first if the person tries to chase you down they will never be able to close the gap enough and if they do they can only score one hit before your back on the move. and if they stay you can continuously assail them with full health thus slowly wearing them down. if only one or two people were did this it wouldn't be a problem but now entire teams are using this as there line one tactic. culminating in a pvp match today with zero,that's right ZERO! kills for ether team. when pvp degenerates to who can run away quicker it ceases to be fun. if you want to take or defend an objective that means that you should have to stick to that point even if you are not in completely favorable situations.

    i can only think of a few way to fix this and granted they all have problems. first give a bonus to the capture speed for every defender who leaves the point when it is being attacked, and conversely have the capture set back for every attacker who leave the capture zone. or they could remove the heal points on the maps so even if a player chooses to flee they wont be able to perpetually assault a point at full health. or lastly implement a mechanic that makes it harder for players to flee in the first pace.of the three removing the in zone heal points creates fiewer new problems but there are other ways to heal in pvp so it might not fix the situation.

    something needs to be done about this. cowardliness should not be the leading pvp tacit

    So let me shorten the story here. This person sucks at pvp and wants to nerf how players play so this person can cope with hit and run strategy?

    No how about this, anticipate where your enemy is going to go, if you think they are going to try to flee, close their escape route don't leave them any place to run. Is that too hard of a concept to grasp? If a player is fleeing from you it is called strategic retreat. Only an idiot stands in a fight knowing it can not win it. You pull back, regroup and heal up and go in for another volley. Oh but that is too hard for you, so you want to punish other players instead?

    Well tell you what, your idea wouldn't work and a few days later you would be crying over your idea. Want to know why? Because think about you being on the side who just lost the point? Oh look your enemy can chase you down faster than you can run away. Aww you got ganked by a fast moving defensive group. Now you will start complaining that the defenders shouldn't be able to move faster than a person trying to take the point.

    Your suggestion = fail.
  • biobrainbiobrain Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It is still a tactic.

    All fair in love & wars.
  • destinyknightdestinyknight Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Its a legitimate tactic. It doesnt work if you anticipate that is just what they are doing. you can either not fall for it, or cut them off. Its really simple.
  • xratasxratas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 153 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Picking your fights you can win is pretty much the most important skill for a fighter. There are some situations, where heroic 15 second death is more useful, but more often it is better to break off and heal than wait for resurrection and run back. When there are clerics around, you will see much more stationary fights. Without them, running is often the best choice when health drops too much. Roll one, if you want to play more focused PvP games?

    Breaking off from fight is much harder at level 60 PvP as you can easily die with just one series of powers from a single enemy player.

    Besides, game is not won with kills, so maybe you should be less obsessed with them? This game mode is about controlling 3 points, not about killing the other team.

    Oh, and new sentence starts with a capital letter.
  • slumpfaceslumpface Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    LoL at this post.
  • kitsunekisukitsunekisu Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    These players that are fighting and running are bad players and i'm all for them helping me win easier. For instance a player charges onto an enemy point and engages the defenders. While he is standing on that point he is contesting it and the enemy team will not get points as long as he remains on it. If he dives in takes some damage then runs he is not only never going to cap the point but allowing the enemy to gain more points from an uncontested base.

    When you take a base, it is do or die. Capture it if u can if not u kite for as long as possible on the base to contest for as long as possible to prevent enemy team gaining points. For as long as an enemy is running away and trying to find health he is out of the fight making it easier for my team to capture another base or defend from the now lesser manned team. <='.'=>
  • ixiondlfixiondlf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    it's called kiting and whoever is dumb enough to chase after the running attacker, it's their own fault.
    This is like complaining that people are capturing nodes in domination o.O
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm may be one of those people whom you are referring to you in your post. And just like everyone else is saying I see this as a strategy, and not cowardice. As a Trickster Rogue, a fairly flimsy class without Stealth, I can faceroll myself towards my opponents but that's just like feeding myself in just to die a useless death. There's nothing much to gain in dying.

    I'm not confident enough to survive a 2 - 5 vs. 1 type of match, so I run away. I take towers that are defenseless, and if I see someone coming my way, I'm cool with that. I'll take the challenge and try to beat my opponent. If 2 opponents are coming my way, the natural thing to do in order to be more productive when it comes to taking towers and plugging the opponent's point gain is to stay alive and watch the movements and behaviors of your opponents; that means go for stealth, run away. There is nothing to gain by fighting a match you will lose by defending a tower. But there are also times when keeping 4 - 5 of your opponents busy in one tower is a viable strategy for your teammates to take over another tower that is currently lacking the attention of your opponents. I'd gladly faceroll myself over to my opponents and annoy the heck out of them while they guess where I'm hitting them in their own base tower.

    While it's true that these TR tactics may be underhanded, or can be considered as cowardly, but in hindsight, it also falls under the responsibility of our opponents if they let us get away. We should not be blamed for playing strategically, nor should we answer for the negligence of players who are not able to catch us while we retreat.
  • whiteravin308whiteravin308 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xratas wrote: »
    Picking your fights you can win is pretty much the most important skill for a fighter. There are some situations, where heroic 15 second death is more useful, but more often it is better to break off and heal than wait for resurrection and run back. When there are clerics around, you will see much more stationary fights. Without them, running is often the best choice when health drops too much. Roll one, if you want to play more focused PvP games?

    Breaking off from fight is much harder at level 60 PvP as you can easily die with just one series of powers from a single enemy player.

    Besides, game is not won with kills, so maybe you should be less obsessed with them? This game mode is about controlling 3 points, not about killing the other team.

    Oh, and new sentence starts with a capital letter.

    I agree that picking your fights is important and i don't have a problem with people trying to get outta fights they can not possibly win.
    However when there are matches where the both teams spend the entire time avoiding each other isn't really PvP. I don't have a problem with people trying to regroup. My problem is people use the healing spots combined with the fact that once someone starts running it is extremely hard to stop them to to attack and defend points with no consequence.

    I have a lvl 60 Wizard and i am aware that it is possible to kill someone near instantly with the right setup. and yes i have the best ability to stop people from running, and still if someone decides to straight turn and run it is imposable to keep them in attack range. and as i pointed out earlier with the in zone heal points they can just heal up and come at me again and again however long it takes.

    If someone gets into a fight there should be some consequence for that. As it stands always choosing to run is the best option because it holds no consequences.
  • newtype88newtype88 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Lmfao, I do this all the time. I'm a GWF, 85% of the time i'm the top of the scoreboard; usually with like 1-2 kills and no deaths, but a lot of cap points, lol. It's a legit strat, and the most effective.

    I find it specially hilarious when 2 to 3 of the enemy over commit and chase me around the map while I let my team do the capping. Play to win.
  • mhblis1mhblis1 Member Posts: 167 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    This isn't a problem with heal point, this is a problem with people not understanding how Domination works. Let them run they are giving you the victory. So what if they grind you down over time, it is time you are scoring and they aren't.

    So sick of muppets rushing off to no mans land trying and get the most kills instead of defending a point for the victory. If you want PvP that is about the kills you get this obviously isn't the game for you.
  • stfuppercuttstfuppercutt Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This post is PURE gold. lololol
  • ixiondlfixiondlf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mhblis1 wrote: »
    This isn't a problem with heal point, this is a problem with people not understanding how Domination works. Let them run they are giving you the victory. So what if they grind you down over time, it is time you are scoring and they aren't.

    So sick of muppets rushing off to no mans land trying and get the most kills instead of defending a point for the victory. If you want PvP that is about the kills you get this obviously isn't the game for you.

    well said. is there a "How to REALLY PvP" thread already?
    wouldn't hurt to tell people how domination works and that it is NOT deathmatch
  • xratasxratas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 153 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    It is the stupid pvp objective's fault. If this was a proper 10vs10 deathmatch, things like this wouldn't even matter. I remember when pvp in mmo's used to be about kills/scores, nowadays it feels like i'm in PVE doing some quests...

    One man's trash is another man's gold. Pure deathmatches are boring unless they are no respawn, IMO.


    But really, people that run back and forth are not scoring for their teams effectively, it needs right kind of mix of fighting and running for the tactic to work. And sometimes dying is the faster way to another flag, it's good to remember that too. But pointless death is pointless, second or two more contesting zone before death is more often better paid in making 10 second potion run and coming back to contest, even more so on a enemy home flag. Besides, if constant 1 man attempts keep 2 enemies tied to 1 flag, there is a good chance remaining 3 are fighting against superior enemy.

    My characters are built for 1vs1 fights, I tend to win those quite often, so if I meet lone defender, I try to take him out, and If more than one, I hold them as long as I can before running away, often kiting them off from important points. GWF excels in running bussiness, and rogue is good at winning the duels. Neither can take any serious heat at high levels / endgame though.
  • vrtesseractvrtesseract Member Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    one thing they could do...If we are to claim that hit n heal tactics are a "bad" thing... is they could make the regen point not work if a person is flagged as in combat. that way the person would have to "lose" you completely then go back to the regen point. but im sure if that was the case people would cheese people up by sniping rest zones.

    your best bet is try to find a tactic that works in the rules that have been set out for you. maybe you can find a way to get the advantage over the hit and runers.
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