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Guardian Fighter Blocking broken after the patch.

prolegapprolegap Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Bug Reports (PC)
There seems to be surprisingly little discussion about this, given that potentially a whole class is affected. Possibly because so few people play Guardian Fighters. Anyway, blocking is currently broken so that you often seem to be blocking based on the animation, but damage just goes through your shield like it wasn't there. And no, it's not a stamina issue. It happens even when your blocking meter is full. You can temporarily fix the issue by releasing the shift key and pressing it again, but being unable to know if your classes central power is working or not, makes GFs very difficult to play at the moment.

There are already a couple of threads about the issue on the class and tech support forums, but I'm posting this here hoping to gauge how widespread this problem is among people playing GFs. For one thing, lag seems to worsen the problem from what I've heard. It looks likely that this problem is caused by the stamina check being moved serverside, which of course is the right thing to do, but might make this a slightly difficult thing to fix.

I'm playing from Europe, my ping is at steady 200ms, and keep running into this issue constantly. Any other GF players seeing this, and how bad is it for you?
Post edited by prolegap on


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    treize26treize26 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm pretty sure I've seen this, although I haven't paid too much attention to what causes it. I've noticed it mostly in PvP where I have to keep mashing block to get it to actually stick, and sometimes it seems to just drop for no reason/not block damage.

    GFs are fairly worthless in PvP in the first place, so to be honest I didn't give it much thought, all it really does is delays the inevitable stunlocking from CWs or obliteration from Rogues :P
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    vheraunvheraun Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 180 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I see... To be honest, I thought it was just my idea, but, yes, this happened to me too. I thought that perhaps I wasn't blocking straight enough, but it happened too many times to be just that. Not game breaking, since I don't do PvP and one more hit from a mob won't kill me (I'm one of the few tank GFs around here), but it certainly is an issue.
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    macerocksyoumacerocksyou Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I ran Mad Dragon dungeon as a 36 GF earlier today but didn't notice anything wrong. I will be sure to check this out though next time i log in.

    I was getting a bug during the dragon fight though where my sword and shield became invisible.
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    datdanktankdatdanktank Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yes, this is a major bug that greatly affects the way I must play, therefore, my Guardian has taken a back seat until there is something done about this... here's more threads about the issue.



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    gmsantashelpergmsantashelper Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You aren't alone, it is noticeably different since the patch. I chalked it up to temporary lag on servers, but it kept happening over and over, though eventually I adapted for it. Guardian is already a pretty gimped class so you kinda just roll with the punches waiting for them to fix/adjust things. I'm pretty sure a lot of our features are not working as intended. I shouldn't get hit harder than any other class when not blocking, my armor class is near double! Near impossible to be a tank if you don't have a cleric who knows what they are doing right now. But that all is moot atm, as I can't log into PE on either character... rawr. If I miss out on 7th celestial coin AGAIN this weekend I'm gonna be sad, so very sad.
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    redwaterxredwaterx Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    it's got nothing to do with clerics not knowing what they're doing - we can't help that aggro is broken, or that GF is irrelevant right now. they've pretty much ignored GF since release, save for the exploit, and it's just... dumb. the thing GFs are supposed to CAPITALIZE on is now as worthless as all of their other features, and it's so stupid that no one's even addressed it. my GF is shelved until they learn how to manage their game.
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    karischkarisch Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Our groups GF found this to be most annoying this evening while we ran a couple of dungeons, he noticed that his char was often double animating its encounter skills alot and more often than not the block was failing to work when applied after an encounter ability was used, he was not experiencing any lag in any other way if lag is possibly the cause.

    I feel sorry for those folks that are left playing GFs, tbh so many have given up bothering to play the class now.
    Sarcastic Malevolence
    Recruitment is CLOSED!!
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    zultamanzultaman Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have to agree with this. I've notice since the last update that I seem to be taking a lot more hits where I should not have and I've burnt through most of my healing pots now because of this.
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    prolegapprolegap Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yep, looks like it's a common problem then. Thanks for all the comments so far.
    My 1st and highest lvl character is a rogue, so I'm not exactly stuck sitting on my hands while GFs are broken, but I was just getting into playing one when the patch hit. Blocking seems like a fun mechanic, and hopefully they can fix it.

    I've been noticing the rogue's powers double firing and/or not going off after the patch too, but it's not as much of a problem, since you don't have to maintain them.
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    propingproping Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Bump for obvious reasons.
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    snowballosnowballo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's still broken.
    Snow's Melee Arena: NW-DMT7STJ9E
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    snapybsnapyb Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 32
    edited May 2013
    PWE/Cryptic apparently know of this bug but will continue to sit with their thumb up their *** because a class breaking feature isnt a top priority to them a top priority to them is fixing stupid *** gateway issues. This has been happening since patch i have come across 8 different posts about this most about 5 pages long this seems to be a newer one but yet in all posts not a single reply frm PWE so i assume nothing will be done for a very long time this bug severely cripples a gf in pvp when its 1 v X and your trying to hold a node once you release block its gg you will get ccd and there is no way you can stay alive to block the more incoming cc till help comes. 1 v 1 its still fine because gf can easily beat all classes even tho once again blocking crucial attacks is messing us up now.

    GG pwe your solution to a bug was not thought through properly to fix an exploit you opted for a quick fix (moving this feature to server side) which in turn caused a even bigger problem from infinite block to 1 stop block guys come on is it really that hard to think issues through and not take the easy way out and actually fix the game instead of gateway issues that a effect a few and not the many?

    Atm GF has been smacked pretty hard with bugs there are multiple feats that are not working as intended ie (lunging strike interrupt 100% dosnt work) and now this very crucial class breaking feature its almost like blocking has become and encounter skill.

    In the end i assume Pwe/Cryptic will not respond to this thread either like the rest and will continue to act like their game has no issues and gateway problems take precedence over the actual game. As of this moment i will no longer be spending anymore money on re-specs or anything for that matter until things start to get fixed also will be taking a 2 week break to see weather anything gets fixed at all.

    Come on guys this game had so much potential so many ppl had enjoyed it and this game could of reached new limits if only pwe/cryptic had better ppl running the game. Yes its not completely their fault exploiters and what not are the main cause of everyone's problems but a company hat actually cares about their game will fix the issues and always be on top and will always be ready if something new arises and be ready to take it on but no they have the longest time to respond to a problem they take ages to fix a problem which isn't a fix in the end examples are ( astral diamond bug been going since day one was only fixed recently when it went public, the "pvp afk fix" really nothing done here say they will kick after set time limit even though match is finished b4 then or the botter now has a script to jump every few seconds).

    k sorry for the mass spam but im sure alot of ppl agree and these guys will be losing alot of players soon if they dont pick it up.
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    vinagre2vinagre2 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    snapyb wrote: »
    PWE/Cryptic apparently know of this bug but will continue to sit with their thumb up their *** because a class breaking feature isnt a top priority to them a top priority to them is fixing stupid *** gateway issues. This has been happening since patch i have come across 8 different posts about this most about 5 pages long this seems to be a newer one but yet in all posts not a single reply frm PWE so i assume nothing will be done for a very long time this bug severely cripples a gf in pvp when its 1 v X and your trying to hold a node once you release block its gg you will get ccd and there is no way you can stay alive to block the more incoming cc till help comes. 1 v 1 its still fine because gf can easily beat all classes even tho once again blocking crucial attacks is messing us up now.

    GG pwe your solution to a bug was not thought through properly to fix an exploit you opted for a quick fix (moving this feature to server side) which in turn caused a even bigger problem from infinite block to 1 stop block guys come on is it really that hard to think issues through and not take the easy way out and actually fix the game instead of gateway issues that a effect a few and not the many?

    Atm GF has been smacked pretty hard with bugs there are multiple feats that are not working as intended ie (lunging strike interrupt 100% dosnt work) and now this very crucial class breaking feature its almost like blocking has become and encounter skill.

    In the end i assume Pwe/Cryptic will not respond to this thread either like the rest and will continue to act like their game has no issues and gateway problems take precedence over the actual game. As of this moment i will no longer be spending anymore money on re-specs or anything for that matter until things start to get fixed also will be taking a 2 week break to see weather anything gets fixed at all.

    Come on guys this game had so much potential so many ppl had enjoyed it and this game could of reached new limits if only pwe/cryptic had better ppl running the game. Yes its not completely their fault exploiters and what not are the main cause of everyone's problems but a company hat actually cares about their game will fix the issues and always be on top and will always be ready if something new arises and be ready to take it on but no they have the longest time to respond to a problem they take ages to fix a problem which isn't a fix in the end examples are ( astral diamond bug been going since day one was only fixed recently when it went public, the "pvp afk fix" really nothing done here say they will kick after set time limit even though match is finished b4 then or the botter now has a script to jump every few seconds).

    k sorry for the mass spam but im sure alot of ppl agree and these guys will be losing alot of players soon if they dont pick it up.


    Is a BIG problem and need priority, fix it!
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    meitranmeitran Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 30
    edited May 2013
    Bump....fix this now -.-
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    blindsyn1blindsyn1 Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Still no response....
    if it was about spending more money on zen store they would have responded....
    i like this game, but its been a nightmare playing with a broken class and im starting to loose my patiente and the will to log on......and no , i dont want to reroll another class, i picked guardian because that qhat i always pick in every MMO, a "tank" like character...
    No aggro, broken taunt (5 target limit when the boss spawns 20adds is just pro development right there), useless TAB ability, at-will while guarded doesnt do what they are suposed to do, and now one of the things that we Guardians use the most is also broken,our SHIFT ability block...
    It simply DOESNT WORK, my char puts up shield, does the at-will attacks and i still take the damage as if i didnt block at all...
    i know that this is a F2P game but i also know that i WILL NOT HAVE THE URGE OR THE WILL TO SPEND MONEY in a game where im not feeling good playing it...
    there is alot more games releasing soon, and im thinking on moving on, atleast to try to find a similar game, but with more customer service and with developers and forum moderators, admins that really take care of their customers and a company that believe in their own game.... its clear that you dont care about players , only care about Zen store.......
    and i leave you an advice.... Fire the imcompetents working for you, thats most of your staff...its clear to everyone that you are over your heads on this, the game was bigger than you expected and now you dont know what to do....
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