come on guys... i talk a friend into playing Neverwinter, and today he posts this on FB
"Wow, this just amazes me. I'm trying out the game "Neverwinter" with my wife, and there's someone running around with a very profane name. When I try to report the name to customer service, I can't use the actual name that the person is using because customer service filters out profanity. So let me get this straight. You can filter out profanity when I'm making a complaint, but you can't filter out profanity in names? Something is wrong with that."
now How can i talk a friend into giving the game a chance if thats his first experience. i know you guys are better than this... i've been a long time cryptic supporter. i want to be able to recommend your games to my friends with families...
I've seen and reported a certain guild name for being totally innappropriate. So there's more than one person running around with just this one particular guild tag.
We first world here or what?
After all this HAMSTER I'm shocked they even have a working ticket system.
That said, I agree I have seen MANY companion names that were offensive but unreportable.
There are MORE serious issues with this game than somebody using a name that you or someone else finds profane. People should really stop trying to police others, and maybe things would be better, chances are your views/ideals, and believes are not mine, I'm not trying to change your views. If they want to roam with a stupid name, let them...they find it funny, its childish, you dont want to play with that type of person, dont join said group, dont play with said person...Its a simple solution. Just because something offends you, it certainly does not make your point of view correct, just do not associate with that view/person or w/e. If they are spamming /zone like an idiot, then report
Why are you offended? I don't understand it.
I was reporting a player who seemed to be exploiting, he was teleporting all over the place. So I start writing a detailed ticket, the time, date, zone I was in, all the details of what I've seen and write the guy's name. I click submit, the window closes and I see a red text warning in my chat window saying that I am not allowed to write profanity in my ticket.
LMAO LOL ROFL!!! I just laughed and continued playing. I'm not writing all of that all over again!
If there's profanity because of the player's name, then don't close the ticket window and force me to re-write it all from scratch! Keep the window open, warn me I wrote profanity and allow me to erase the word before closing down the window!
and another thing lol when is an MMO going to actually give NPC's some space... tired of seeing jerks park horses on top of quest givers then going for lunch
FREEEDDOOMM! for npcs!
I don't seem to have a problem with filters when I use the proper method. (My profanity filter is disabled)
1) Game Support (Default H)
2) Click "Request GM Help"
3) Click "Behavior"
4) fill out the report, you will also need the player's @name
5) the report itself doesn't filter anything when I use it (perhaps he has his filter enabled which causes him to see the word as filtered)
Currently the in-game system is down and they can be reached via the instructions here:
I tried it out just now and was able to place any type of profanity in the report field with no filtering problems at all.
Perhaps have him disable his filter and see if he still has problems... just remind him that the in-game method is currently down and he will need to use the alternative method provided by the CM.
- Drizzt Do'Urden
― R.A. Salvatore
Has your friend never played MMO's or been on the interwebs before? profane names are part of the scenery, the ticket system is down currently he can use this to report it, but the best thing to do is /ignore the player turn off names so you only see them on mouse over and face the fact that the world is full of idiots.
No need for it in a game. It is pure immaturity shinning through. While it may not be the biggest issue the game has, if they can have a crew that's sole purpose is Zen store items. Surely they can allocate a few people to cleaning up the thrash.
How does someone Else's name change your game experience?
People love to tell others what is "offensive".
This is the problem with MMO's today... it isn't bad games, its bad horrible communities. all the little xbox kiddies ruining games for with their total anti social behavior. all we can really hope for is more single player games.
That's not how game ratings work. You don't rate games based on what the community does, but on the content the developers intended you to see. Online experiences are actually unrated, because if they weren't, everyone online game would have an M-rated. Any gamer should know this why makes me question whether or not this is some sort of joke?
I proofread my post and couldn't find what was flagging the system.
So, deleted it all and sent a 2 sentence message.. never heard back.
Gotta love their support system.
PC specs:
Happened when GW2 launched. People thought they were in the clear a month in. Then all of a sudden 4,000+ bans for offensive names, offensive guild names and excessive profanity use in local chat. Funniest part about it was Arena Net went public with it on Reddit and gave people a chance to defend themselves. Most of the time as soon as the person banned asked why and his name or chat record was posted, they never replied again. Best way to deal with it and it was hilarious.
I'm certain I would find your name utterly stupid and immature....Can we have a vote option similar to how it works in PVP! Join group, I dont like your name, thus I ban you on the spot?
"Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB" - Warns those who intend to play the game online about possible exposure to chat (text, audio, video) or other types of user-generated content (e.g., maps, skins) that have not been considered in the ESRB rating assignment"
Well there you have it...
Spell it right, or no one will take you seriously.
You won't ever get a response on any sort of investigation beyond "thanks for your report, we'll look into it and take appropriate action!!"--if they reply at all. Unfortunately, they're not allowed to share the results of an investigation with anyone but the offending party.
On topic: Insert the title of any MMO you wish, it's still the same. Nature of the beast. Stupidity isn't against ToS, and there's no fix for stupid beyond the ignore list.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at