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The reason I refuse to play anything other than a TR untill balance happens

asmoday12321asmoday12321 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Sitting in a PvP game like I do all day and this time I finally got a team! I have screen shots if anyone would like to argue this where I was put into a game by myself.
Then I have AFKers most of the day or bots most of the day. Sad when bots do better than you do right?
But then this happened, and remember, double ray of enfeeble is on him, so his damage is reduced as well as he had chill on him lowering his damage even more. Yes, I feated into this if that's a word.
I have roughly 19% damage reduction just through defense alone but it did not matter one bit. With all that damage reduction and sitting at 24k HP the TR still did this to me in one attack.


Yes, that is indeed a 36k crit in one attack with all this damage reduction on him.
So, I guess Neverwinter becomes farmville with the gateway untill balance patches hit in about a year or so.
Post edited by asmoday12321 on


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    knoteskadknoteskad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah defense stats are pretty worthless in pvp unfortunately, and that guy must have had some OP gear/enchants for that. Vorpal etc, which is pretty stupid how much money helps in this game.

    Dmg is just obscene at 60 unfortunately and you can't even build against it.
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    pilf3rpilf3r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The pvp in this game serves one purpose, to get AD via the dailies.

    Sure it can be fun if you get a decent team that works together but it gets old fast and not something you want to do all the time unless you get your jollies playing premade teams against pug teams you know in advance will not be up to par as the people are not use to working with each other.

    Neverwinter Thieves Guild
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    atlanticx1atlanticx1 Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2013
    lurker gives 60% dmg bonus besides that lashing is pretty strong attack.. if the rogue had 5x deadly momentum + stealth + maybe wizard set bonus.. lashing not always hit that high in pvp .. but clearly he had a nice sewerity + decent ap and power values and possible 5xdeadly momentum with possible stealth(25% crit sewerity)..
    no need to qq just because you got 1 shotted by better geared player..
    gear up in pve than try pvp again
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    asmoday12321asmoday12321 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    atlanticx1 wrote: »
    lurker gives 60% dmg bonus besides that lashing is pretty strong attack.. if the rogue had 5x deadly momentum + stealth + maybe wizard set bonus.. lashing not always hit that high in pvp .. but clearly he had a nice sewerity + decent ap and power values and possible 5xdeadly momentum with possible stealth(25% crit sewerity)..
    no need to qq just because you got 1 shotted by better geared player..
    gear up in pve than try pvp again

    Yes, its a gear issue when Im sitting at 14.8k
    Yes, its a gear issue when you can do almost double someone's HP when they can not get any better gear.

    I can tell you he had none of these bonuses as he was just sitting in the spawn point and popped stealth and then Lashing to crit that hard.
    The problem lies in the fact that a class is able to do that high of damage with a single attack with no set up, while having a ton of damage reduction placed on him. If that was not on him he would have hit for probably around 47-50k.

    Sorry to be blunt Atalantix, but this is not QQing of a gear issue this is simply stating facts with proof of the damage that needs to be better balance. This is coming from someone that has played in nearly every MMO PvP format from EQ warhammer WoW Tera Rift LoL Smite and many more at or near the top level. That backing of knowledge helps solidify the claim that the damage output needs to be looked at without a biased opinion as one such as yourself. From your post, I can only assume that you yourself main a TR.
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    ganjaman1ganjaman1 Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sitting in a PvP game like I do all day and this time I finally got a team! I have screen shots if anyone would like to argue this where I was put into a game by myself.
    Then I have AFKers most of the day or bots most of the day. Sad when bots do better than you do right?
    But then this happened, and remember, double ray of enfeeble is on him, so his damage is reduced as well as he had chill on him lowering his damage even more. Yes, I feated into this if that's a word.
    I have roughly 19% damage reduction just through defense alone but it did not matter one bit. With all that damage reduction and sitting at 24k HP the TR still did this to me in one attack.


    Yes, that is indeed a 36k crit in one attack with all this damage reduction on him.
    So, I guess Neverwinter becomes farmville with the gateway untill balance patches hit in about a year or so.

    He has spent tons of cash on the game and now he has the best enchants available so he oneshots you - big deal , eat some oranges and everything will be K .

    EDIT :The games you're talking about are nothing like this one , just a heads up in case you haven't noticed it yet .
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    knoteskadknoteskad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    atlanticx1 wrote: »
    lurker gives 60% dmg bonus besides that lashing is pretty strong attack.. if the rogue had 5x deadly momentum + stealth + maybe wizard set bonus.. lashing not always hit that high in pvp .. but clearly he had a nice sewerity + decent ap and power values and possible 5xdeadly momentum with possible stealth(25% crit sewerity)..
    no need to qq just because you got 1 shotted by better geared player..
    gear up in pve than try pvp again

    Lol, gear won't save anyone, all that will do is make everyone die faster, you just can't build defensive stats to counter the massive amounts of dmg that come out.

    Dmg in pvp REALLY need to be looked at lol.

    One shotting shouldn't even be close to possible unless it's someone who went 100% super l33t glass cannon min/max vs someone who did they absolute best to get as little hp/defense etc as possible (not that defense does anything anyway in pvp lol)
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    xen1912xen1912 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    its already been stated by the staff that class balance is in the works and should be coming out soon. along with the 20v20 gauntlegrym pvp. for now it sucks but eventually it will get better. which I guess sucks for the people that don't like it. this is one of the reasons why I don't pvp.

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    laudon1laudon1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Why are so many people crying about TRs one shotting when a lot of classes can? I can do a 60k hammer of fate. CWs can do 50k ice knifes. TRs can do 50k shocking executions. Rogues aren't the only ones who can dish out tons of damage.
    Lemonade Stand.
    Dragon Guild
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    xen1912xen1912 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    laudon1 wrote: »
    Why are so many people crying about TRs one shotting when a lot of classes can? I can do a 60k hammer of fate. CWs can do 50k ice knifes. TRs can do 50k shocking executions. Rogues aren't the only ones who can dish out tons of damage.

    Yeah all classes can 1hit/2hit people in 60 pvp. people complain about rogues because they are the easiest to complain about since they are so overused. I believe the OP is complaining about how with all his gear he still gets 1shot. that I agree should be balanced over but all classes can do it.

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    smulchsmulch Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 625 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I wish I could get 50k ice knifes. For it to happen, it has to be in absolute perfect circumstances in pve. Pvp, forget it, getting higher than 20k is a miracle.
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    knoteskadknoteskad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    laudon1 wrote: »
    Why are so many people crying about TRs one shotting when a lot of classes can? I can do a 60k hammer of fate. CWs can do 50k ice knifes. TRs can do 50k shocking executions. Rogues aren't the only ones who can dish out tons of damage.


    I do that with my CW and Cleric constantly.

    Dmg is just insane at 60. Yet everyone keeps calling for class nerfs.

    CW and TR just benefit from dmg being king a little more and are perceived as broken.

    Only thing I'd like to see nerfed on TR is SE ignoring defenses completely.
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    asmoday12321asmoday12321 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    laudon1 wrote: »
    Why are so many people crying about TRs one shotting when a lot of classes can? I can do a 60k hammer of fate. CWs can do 50k ice knifes. TRs can do 50k shocking executions. Rogues aren't the only ones who can dish out tons of damage.

    CWs can not do a 50k Ice Knife at all. I have even tested this and in a PvP its not a one shot, to get the most damage we have to use Ray twice on you, then get a stack of chill and useing Chill strike is not a viable option as the cast time is too long as well as having to want to use that once chill is up for more damage. The most Ice knife has ever crit for with me sitting at a pure glass cannon build was 28k and that was WAY to much setup to ever pull off in PvP as well as WAY too much damage.
    The GF crits for 60k are just as annoying, that class has more control than a Control wizard. I think they should to be honest with you, but the animation for standing back up is much much longer than need be and then a tank class is doing more damage than damage classes when they hit targets that are prone. All the CC prones them.

    Some of you are missing the point. There should not be a way to ever one shot someone unless they were naked and afking.
    Damage scales at 60 are so incredibly off and you can build all the defense you want to survive, it wont matter as you will still be getting one shot or close to it.
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