I really hate it when your group is playng a dungeon ( In this case it was the werewolf dungeon end boss) for an hour and someone drops out just before the boss!!!!!!!!
To my knowledge you can't add players to the group when they drop when you are in an instance! This needs to be fixed!!!!!!
Also when somebody dies the timer is way too fast to try and revive them! It needs to be double what it is now! Also the wait at the campfire to come back from injury is severe either bring the price of the kits down or shorten the time!
I know this is a work in progress but the devs shouldn't be trying to re-invent the wheel when it comes to an mmo! Put the staple stuff in there because it's there for a reason!
A) No they cant allow people to enter the dungeons after a limited amount of time because all the loot is at the end. If they did, party leaders would kick all members of the public, call there mates in, and collect the loot. (so NO because of griefing)
the revive time (20secs) is more then plenty, all depends if u have teamplayers ore not, i always revive mates even if it cost's me my live (ingame DuH), on the other side i have had players look at me while im stil revivable meters away without mobs on them doing damage instead of reviving...but 20 seconds is more then plenty, i also buy 20 kits at a time with all the cash i earned, kits cost u gold and there is plenty of it, i fail to see how u could not have gold for kits since it is the only thing to spend cash on(other then a horse i only bought kit's with my "gold" )
Easyest solution to ure problem is, find 4 social people that wil chat with u, usualy this is a sign of people willing to communicate and test out strategy's at the boss, and then enter the dungeon with them, and not random que's...
(i understand ure post but ure issue's are not very wel thought true...ure solutions wouldent be solutions at all, and ure problems are mostly created by ureself...)
Petram Sacram - I am no devine cleric, i am a Gaurdian fighter in disguise with better threat and supportive spells -
A) No they cant allow people to enter the dungeons after a limited amount of time because all the loot is at the end. If they did, party leaders would kick all members of the public, call there mates in, and collect the loot. (so NO because of griefing)
(i understand ure post but ure issue's are not very wel thought true...ure solutions wouldent be solutions at all, and ure problems are mostly created by ureself...)
Nice for people who don't mind waiting until there's enough "known" people to group up and run the instance but otherwise the system is broke.
Never mind your holier than thou, ******* attitude.
An easy way to fix the problem would be to allow invites to replace disconnect/rage quitters but not to allow people to be kicked out of the group. Much simpler solution, addresses your point and does it without being a d-bag.
People need to be able to be replaced no matter what imo. If someone has to go after a while and u killed the first boss ur screwed, no one wants that. The only thing they need to change is to remove the ability of party leaders to kick members and change it to a 3/5 votekick system.
@ clanrakka,
i think u are reading a different post because i was simply explaining why they cant implement these things ATM, i wasent being offensive in any way, i was just stating that with a little bit of effort all of the OP's problems could be evaded quite easily.
I have no guild, i got no mates playing this game, and stil i am able to chat in zone chat and get a group of 4 other people i dont know to join me and be social and kill the bosses at the end.
I really wonder why u think i am an *******(<- whatever u said) because i respond to the OP with a reason why this cannot be done, and give him a solution to his problem. Either u dident understand something i typed, or u took it the wrong way.
Being social is a requirement for a human being, if the people in ure team arent social, then most likely u wont see the end of the dungeon because it gives away what kind of human beings they are. Now if u dont agree with that, i am fine with that, but dont tell me im being an ****** for pointing out a simple solution to the OP's problem.
(Also if u think i would kick people from a game, for some bizare reason????, and invite friends to grab all the loot, i wouldent i was just putting myself in the shoe's of an abuser and thinking about ways how this new system could be undermined, and it took me 5 minutes to come up with that, think about what people would come up with that ectualy enjoy doing this?)
i sort of agree the kick system has already caused a lot of grief in the fashion i mentioned earlier, kicking people at 5%hp and taking all the loot alone '-.-, i fail to come up with a reason why they implemented this. Also "need" has to change be available only to the hero's that can equip the item, having all members "need" on every items defeats the purpose and is a bad MMO mentality, people have to become aware about "greed" before "need" if u cant use it...
Petram Sacram - I am no devine cleric, i am a Gaurdian fighter in disguise with better threat and supportive spells -
Easyest solution to ure problem is, find 4 social people that wil chat with u, usualy this is a sign of people willing to communicate and test out strategy's at the boss, and then enter the dungeon with them, and not random que's...
(i understand ure post but ure issue's are not very wel thought true...ure solutions wouldent be solutions at all, and ure problems are mostly created by ureself...)
Nice for people who don't mind waiting until there's enough "known" people to group up and run the instance but otherwise the system is broke.
Never mind your holier than thou, ******* attitude.
An easy way to fix the problem would be to allow invites to replace disconnect/rage quitters but not to allow people to be kicked out of the group. Much simpler solution, addresses your point and does it without being a d-bag.
i think u are reading a different post because i was simply explaining why they cant implement these things ATM, i wasent being offensive in any way, i was just stating that with a little bit of effort all of the OP's problems could be evaded quite easily.
I have no guild, i got no mates playing this game, and stil i am able to chat in zone chat and get a group of 4 other people i dont know to join me and be social and kill the bosses at the end.
I really wonder why u think i am an *******(<- whatever u said) because i respond to the OP with a reason why this cannot be done, and give him a solution to his problem. Either u dident understand something i typed, or u took it the wrong way.
Being social is a requirement for a human being, if the people in ure team arent social, then most likely u wont see the end of the dungeon because it gives away what kind of human beings they are. Now if u dont agree with that, i am fine with that, but dont tell me im being an ****** for pointing out a simple solution to the OP's problem.
(Also if u think i would kick people from a game, for some bizare reason????, and invite friends to grab all the loot, i wouldent i was just putting myself in the shoe's of an abuser and thinking about ways how this new system could be undermined, and it took me 5 minutes to come up with that, think about what people would come up with that ectualy enjoy doing this?)
i sort of agree the kick system has already caused a lot of grief in the fashion i mentioned earlier, kicking people at 5%hp and taking all the loot alone '-.-, i fail to come up with a reason why they implemented this. Also "need" has to change be available only to the hero's that can equip the item, having all members "need" on every items defeats the purpose and is a bad MMO mentality, people have to become aware about "greed" before "need" if u cant use it...