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PVP at 60

arsonrenllawarsonrenllaw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2 Arc User
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
I am curious about how the pvp community feels about level 60 domination pvp.

To me, it feels like a totally different game once you have your pvp gear. I have not seen any of the long adrenaline filled fights on a node that swing back and forth until one teams healer goes down. The damage output it so high now that the team that gets its rotation off 1st wins. And wins FAST. Don't get me wrong. I am still enjoying myself, but it seems that I am saying, "**** that was a great fight" far less often.

Agree? Disagree?
Post edited by arsonrenllaw on


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    travail01travail01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 151 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    The best PvP I've experienced was in the 10's/20's/30's. Back when most people were just running around in greens (no point upgrading your gear when you'll out-level it quickly) and there wasn't any huge damage numbers flying around (well, relative to what we see at 60, anyway.)

    In fact, there was a point where I thought to myself, "WoW, this is the most balanced PvP I've ever played," after having leveled a Rogue, Wizard, Guardian, and Cleric all up to about level 20 or so. It all really started going downhill in the 50's, where Clerics could make their whole team unkillable while inside their astral shield; and then 60, where that scenario flips on it's head, with no one able to survive against the insane damage combos most classes are capable of.

    Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
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    distastedistaste Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The PvP is truly awful and probably the worst of any MMO I've played which is probably well over 50+ at this point. How the TR and CW made it this far with such insane damage is astonishing. The fact that there is no DR on CC is mind boggling. It's like the developers have not learned any of the MMO PvP lessons over the past 10 years. WoW had better PvP balance at launch and at least knew CC was something that should break on damage.

    CC needs DR and some should break on damage so people don't go from 100% health to 0% health without being able to use a single skill.

    The TTK(Time to Kill) should be around 15 seconds or more, currently TR/CW is around 2-3s.
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    dashartzdashartz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    distaste wrote: »
    The PvP is truly awful and probably the worst of any MMO I've played which is probably well over 50+ at this point. How the TR and CW made it this far with such insane damage is astonishing. The fact that there is no DR on CC is mind boggling. It's like the developers have not learned any of the MMO PvP lessons over the past 10 years. WoW had better PvP balance at launch and at least knew CC was something that should break on damage.

    CC needs DR and some should break on damage so people don't go from 100% health to 0% health without being able to use a single skill.

    The TTK(Time to Kill) should be around 15 seconds or more, currently TR/CW is around 2-3s.

    This^. I ve been playing pvp mainly since hitting level 60. Played before level 60 to get the ad but didn't want to waste MY TIME. I have played one match where the teams seemed to be balanced. But how is it right that my gf def is through the roof and dam is reasonable, but yet in a 1vs1 against the cw or tr no matter how you strategize you cant win. I hate this game mode on this game. The matchmaking should be equal across the board, not just level specific. Levels and gear should also be considered when making even teams. Not to mention the fact that the majority of the players consistently win are "pay to players" and trolls that think they are the best at everything and have no problem telling you the fact. Even though there is no skill or strategy whatsoever. Also the fact that if you are unfortunate enough to get shorted on number of team mates. And i despise the maps. Perfectly ok for the enemy team to get up by our campfire and kill team mates that are either afk or just give up because the teams are so slanted. Best part of the game is the campaign, skirmishes and dungeons. I would rather face the impossible bosses than play this <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. but it is the only way to get glory. Pvp is a waste of time.
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