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Disable Companions in Protector's Enclave?

writerdgwriterdg Member Posts: 51
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
I just wanted to get everyone's thoughts on this. There is really no reason at all to have companions out in Protector's Enclave, and I think it would help enormously with the lag and other issues most people have in the area. Common courtesy would have most people dismissing them on their own, but we all know that isn't a trait found in most people these days, especially in online games. So, if they could just make it where companions couldn't be summoned, that would benefit everyone's performance in the area.

I really think they should disable mounts as well, but I know a lot of people would complain about the ten extra seconds it might take to walk somewhere in Protector's Enclave. Since, it seems that 90% of people are running around, either on their mounts, with companions out, or both; Imagine how much less lag you'd have with literally half as many characters having to be rendered in the area.

What's everyone's thoughts on this? Would you be for them disabling companions, or mounts, or both? Is there any real reason to have a companion out in Protector's Enclave that I'm not aware of?
Kinset Drake - Lvl 60 GF - Legio Draconum Guild Leader - Mindflayer
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    b0r7b0r7 Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    writerdg wrote: »
    Common courtesy would have most people dismissing them on their own, but we all know that isn't a trait found in most people these days, especially in online games. So, if they could just make it where companions couldn't be summoned, that would benefit everyone's performance in the area.
    Common courtesy would to leave people be, it is in fact your problem you are lagging. You computer sucks, not the other guy. You are assigning blame for failure of your hardware, your ineptitude to come to a logical conclusions and jumping to a hasty conclusion is the only typical response of a human. Why even hang out in Enclave? You know it lags you, you know its popular, you know this...but blame it on the other guys. Typical human problem, just because humans congregate in one area with herd mentality it cannot be your fault you are the cause of the problem, its just the other fat cows getting in your way as you chew your cud.

    I have no problem in Enclave, I see hundreds of people/pets/horses standing around with no stuttering (and I remember back in the day when EQ1 first put in the glowing trail this game has taged to the z key...I lagged like crazy when I had it on). How about a more smarter approach...disperse people so there is no reason to not be in enclave. We have literately a home page tied the L key to open the Foundry where you can request dailies, harpers everywhere for again a foundry theme, and job boards for the foundry...so we can easily cut out the last two by using the home page tied to the L key for the foundry. Put brokers in every zone. BLAM! Put more couriers in every zone. BLAM! Have the foundry port you into the instance like a skirmish or dungeon. BLAM! How many more ways can we head shot this problem and fix it, without coming to the conclusion that it is your failure of hardware that doesn't need to impact how other people play the game with their pets/mounts and not provide an area where people stupidly gather in convenient herds. Aside from the courier, Sgt. Knox, and the auction house + the few foundry instances that start there...there is no other reason to be in enclave at all except the convenience of the lazy human and the few services it offers.
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    writerdgwriterdg Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2013
    Yay. Lovely immature response. I guess I should have expected that. Is it so hard to answer a post without trying to insult the person who started it? I mean really? My hardware is more than adequate, I can assure you; Seeing as I built it myself, I would know. I have zero lag anywhere else or in any other games as far as that goes. If you have zero lag in the Enclave, you are either lying or are super special and very much in the minority.

    All I asked was a simple question. It doesn't require getting personal in order to respond.

    In fact, let me adjust your response for you. Here's how a mature person would have responded:

    "Meh, I don't get any lag at all in Protector's Enclave. Are you sure you don't have hardware issues or maybe a bad connection? That could be causing it. I really don't even know why people go there to be honest. I would leave everything the same. I don't think it's really an issue at all for most people."

    There... see? Not too hard right? It even takes less time to not be rude.
    Kinset Drake - Lvl 60 GF - Legio Draconum Guild Leader - Mindflayer
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    b0r7b0r7 Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    writerdg wrote: »
    Yay. Lovely immature response. I guess I should have expected that. Is it so hard to answer a post without trying to insult the person who started it? I mean really? My hardware is more than adequate, I can assure you; Seeing as I built it myself, I would know. I have zero lag anywhere else or in any other games as far as that goes. If you have zero lag in the Enclave, you are either lying or are super special and very much in the minority.

    All I asked was a simple question. It doesn't require getting personal in order to respond.

    In fact, let me adjust your response for you. Here's how a mature person would have responded:

    "Meh, I don't get any lag at all in Protector's Enclave. Are you sure you don't have hardware issues or maybe a bad connection? That could be causing it. I really don't even know why people go there to be honest. I would leave everything the same. I don't think it's really an issue at all for most people."

    There... see? Not too hard right? It even takes less time to not be rude.
    No, the only immaturity is people like you that assume everyone else is the problem and that want to change the game because you are having problems with other people and it isn't breaking the game like the AH exploit. You even state "common courtesy" like you assume everyone is going to know your specs and your system lags, so they should turn off their companion. The people who are not complaining, are the ones not having the problem. Its the minority that belly aches and gets things changed, because when a human has a problem they get loud and start to point fingers. The problem is, you have two issues
    1) You spend to much time in enclave and I gave mention to ways to keep people out of enclave by splitting the convience of one zone.

    2) Your system is suffering, not mine but I should be inconvienced by having to walk to my destination because your having problems. Or that it is an inconvience to dig through the menu to summon and dismiss the pet, just because you assume common courtesy that someone should dismiss it. My common courtesy is to leave it be and if I have a problem, to not make it somone else's....you want to make your problem of lagging someone else's inconvience. Again, there is no reason to be in the Enclave but for the courier, broker, and Sgt Knox. Split the difference and problem solved.
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    s1erra117xs1erra117x Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't really have lag in PE but I does take more time then it should to get in and I'm running an i7 with an SSD drive so my hardware is not the issue. No need for the ban though in PE i think it can be fixed from PW end. However I will take that into consideration and leave my Cleric behind whenever I'm in the zone.

    If i had a pet I don't think I could bare to part ways with it so I wont make someone else who has got a dog or panther
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    anglachel87anglachel87 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would disable companions in Dungeons too, makes the place too much meesed up and to me it makes a mess also focusing on your role (cc, tank and healing).
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    knoteskadknoteskad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Would be nice.

    I would kind of like it if there could be a building or 2 that had the auction houses and mail couriers in.

    It's annoying sitting in the pit of lag trying to use em.
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    cozodcozod Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't know if a client side option to display companions in PE is possible, but that could help. I'm sure a lot of people that ha e the rarer pets want to show them off though, so disabling them could upset those players.
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    grassturtlegrassturtle Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A client side block is simple and easy ... it would also allow people to choose what ever play style they want without interrupting the play of others ...

    i have no problems in any section ... however these days the biggest lag problem in a server side game isnt my hardware or even yours ... (yes you who dosent have the money for a high end computer) ... its the hardware of all the connecting points inbetween you and the server your trying to play on ... ive been in online gaming for around 25 years ...

    there are plenty of ways to put in a fix for the problem without messing up what other people want to do ...
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