We are currently recruiting people for T2 Dungeons and Castle Never. We are very excited for raids when they come out and are looking to progress at an exceptional rate. Feel free to get ahold of myself (demonstrate@demonstratex), Kross (Kross@deberserker), or Kherune (Kherune@magicrocksniper).
PS. New recruits get mounts from Kherune huehue : )
We have vent as well. I don't want to bore you with a wall of text so get in contact with us and see what we're about!
If anyone who isn't 60 is interested in leveling with us also let us know!
Thanks everyone,
have a great day!
edit: whats your tag crone?
im an experienced gamer and im looking for a decent group to do pvp and dungeons, lvls 60 and have a mic
im hoping this group its usa