Greetings Neverwinter community!
I made a foundry quest (who could expect that when i am posting here) and i would like to hear your thought's about it! I appreciate every feedback and of course I am thankful for every review!
I tested the map already a couple of times also with different friends to fix bugs or dialog issues and misspelling (I am german but i made the foundry in english)
Here are some informations what Ulora is all about:
Campaign Name: Legacy of Ulora - Quest Name: Act 1: The neverending War by
@CiroussShort Code: NW-DKDR5DQZI
Mission Type: A Balance of story and combat. Many different tasks.
Average Duration: 15-25 min
Amount of Combat: Medium
Starts at: Any gate (You have to travel to it via Worldmap)
Author tips/hints: You can play it solo or with a group. But be careful it is sometimes quite challanging.
Ulora is a peaceful kingdom, ruled by Aaras, the Immortal. In the past they had some differences with Ezunir, a drow kingdom ruled by the tyrant Mourn Aghar. The kingdoms fought many wars, most of them hundreds of years ago. In the last war about 10 years ago, when Aaras had killed Mourn Aghars father, the war has ended and the kingdoms made peace.
From that day, Aaras became King of Ulora and the title "The Immortal".
Act 1 Questinfo
You heard rumors about Ulora, which has been invaded by Ezunir's armies and their 13th Garde, the private elite task force from Mourn Aghar. You decided to visit Ulora.
Screenshots/attachments: (Sorry can not show any here directly because it says i got too many included... but there are no screenshots so you just have to klick the links)
That are of course just a few screenshots and not all maps are included. Just test it, enjoy it and have fun! Thank you for reading!