I read lots of complaining about gwf leveling, pot usage, speed of kills, and lots of other things. Hope these things help you!
1. First the biggest tip I can give you is always do content at LEAST 3 levels below you, that way you feel somewhat strong!
2. Buy a blue quality weapon every 4-6 levels they are pretty cheap.
3. Upgrade your gear every 10 levels or so.
4. Lifesteal is a pretty awesome stat in my opinion, while leveling I tried to get lifesteal and lifesteal/power gear.
5. Use /gfxSetDefaultFOV 150 just type that in game, that way instead of some fighter that uses a big two handed weapon trying to save the world/npc/town/whatever rolling 1d4 damage you will instead enable the true character mode. This lets you become a constant wondering blabbering drunk that does 1d4 damage. This really lets you roleplay your damage and should make you feel pretty good about that 1d4. If you decide you dont' like this setting i suggest you try /gfxSetDefaultFOV 75
6. If you need certain mobs and someone is killing that certain mob leap onto it and help dps it, let others kill stuff for you! Especially those big mobs that take 40 hits.
Not sure where to post these but i figured they will help someone out, use them before they get nerfed!
1. If you form the party you will get some kind of kick immunity! If you are like most gwf that dont' rely on a guild, you have been kicked simply because of your class. Instead of trying to join groups try to form one, i have found this kick immune bug pretty devastating to the normal 2 wizards, 2 clerics, 1 rogue comps!
2. This next exploit lets you get a free AMAZING companion as long as you meet 2 requirements. This code is like the contra code, the blood code and other codes of that epic level! First the code! w a s d q 1 TAB then hold left click. Now onto the requirements, first you need to be in an area with tons of mobs that you need, and there has to be a TR or CW there also. What you do then is input the W A S D part of the code to aggro everything, i mean EVERYTHING. Then click Q (make sure this is bound to leap!) and leap onto the cw/tr. Next part of the code is 1 (make sure this is bound to slam!), then tab, then hold left click till everything is dead! With proper usages and mind you this has worked 100% of the time, the tr/cw becomes another companion helping you kill stuff, but unlike the cleric companion this one is pretty awesome, they usually pop their dailies for you also! Agian W A S D Q 1 TAB, hold left click! Not sure when they are fixing this secret code but dang that will be the day =/.
Im pretty tired, and i hope these help someone, if i remember any others i will post them!