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Dungeon Exploits are Ruining Party play

hestralhestral Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
I have been running in several different pugs and learning Everyday of more and more Exploits that are actively used. Quite frankly, its getting out of control and having a severe impact on a players party play. So, instead of pointing it out to players in the party in game, I am going to just keep a rolling thread of the ones I know of and learn of everyday. Now I have reported these players and 3 days later, no action taken and I still see them around doing the same exploits over and over.

This is a request for Developers to get on top of these and fix them ASAP!

Epic Temple of the Spider:
1. At the zone in line, players are able to jump on the Rafters next to the Campfire. This allows for them to jump around the edges of the map and fall through the world. Once they are doing so, they wait about 15-20secs then type the /unstuck command and it ports them to the Campfire just before the first boss.
Suggestion for a fix:
Remove the rafters.

2. On the final boss, instead of using the door, you can jump on the walls and bypass the door. Once done, a lot of players are pulling the boss and jumping off the ledge with it and taking the boss with them. Killing it instantly. (usually done on Dungeon Delves) (On the same note, the boss aggros through the door if you are standing there waiting for party members)
Suggestion for a fix:
First, you should reduce the aggro range of the Final boss. That would solve the door issue.
Secondly, to solve the wall jumping issue you can adjust the wall to be higher. It has to be high enough that you cannot jump downhill and reach the upper part of the wall.
Thirdly, to solve the mob issue.... I have no idea. Fix its coding so the boss is suicidal?

Epic Frozen Heart:
1. You can bypass the 1st by running to the wall just past him. Once there you acquire the update for the next campfire. The group wipes and waits for the encounter to reset. Upon release, they are at the next campfire and continue on.
Suggestion for a fix:
Adjust the position of the 2nd campfire, not allowing players to acquire the update without clearing the 1st boss and getting past the wall afterwards.

2. You can bypass the 2nd boss by training to the next campfire and wiping the party there. Once the mobs reset, the party revives and clears the small open area right before the Last Boss.
Suggestion for a fix:
No need for 3rd campfire if you move the 2nd fire halfway between its current location and the 3rd fire. Its not a large map.
Post edited by hestral on


  • surv1vor1surv1vor1 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hestral wrote: »
    Epic Frozen Heart:
    1. You can bypass the 1st by running to the wall just past him. Once there you acquire the update for the next campfire. The group wipes and waits for the encounter to reset. Upon release, they are at the next campfire and continue on.
    Suggestion for a fix:
    Adjust the position of the 2nd campfire, not allowing players to acquire the update without clearing the 1st boss and getting past the wall afterwards.

    2. You can bypass the 2nd boss by training to the next campfire and wiping the party there. Once the mobs reset, the party revives and clears the small open area right before the Last Boss.
    Suggestion for a fix:
    No need for 3rd campfire if you move the 2nd fire halfway between its current location and the 3rd fire. Its not a large map.

    Good suggestions. For the part I quoted, a better solution would be to make the Camp fire appear only after killing the boss before it.
  • khazaadkhazaad Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 40
    edited May 2013
    I'm pretty sure yer not supposed to be detailing "how-to's" about exploits. This cracks me up though. I mean, the ingenuity and devotion some people will valiantly employ to go where, and do exactly what they're NOT supposed to do. It's kind of admirable. er.. except the Ah exploiters. those people are dicks. :)
  • klixanklixan Member Posts: 447 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    To be honest, I can't really blame people for doing this. If the dungeons weren't so impossibly difficult, then people wouldn't have to look for these cheesy exploits. Because at the moment, the dungeons simply aren't fun at all. I've stopped doing them and if I never see another one I'll be very happy.
  • adenosine3padenosine3p Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    klixan wrote: »
    To be honest, I can't really blame people for doing this. If the dungeons weren't so impossibly difficult, then people wouldn't have to look for these cheesy exploits. Because at the moment, the dungeons simply aren't fun at all. I've stopped doing them and if I never see another one I'll be very happy.

    Nothing in this game is mechanically hard. People are using this to be lazy, skip trash, and get as many end boss kills as possible b/c of the way the DD event works. It's getting to the point where I'm considering trying to find a guild just so I can play the content as designed without bugging out the bosses or trying to use skips that involve wall climbing or out of bounds abuse.
  • girlsgirlsmegirlsgirlsme Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If THIS is truly true ... then im about to stop playing this game.
    I havent reached these dungeons myself yet, but a customer service who blinded me to beleive they took actions against exploit's and cheaters .. it's just something i can live without.
    in they end i guess a cheater pays he's $ to the game aswell.. and therefore not being banned.
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