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Every dungeon boss is exactly the same.

thesuperdthesuperd Member Posts: 26 Arc User
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
I'm so glad I didn't buy one of the founders' packs. I like MMO's for doing dungeon runs & raiding, but this game is a sore disappointment. Every single dungeon boss... Every. Single. One. just has nothing but a huge HP pool, standard monster attacks, and SWARMS and SWARMS of adds. Is this really the best they could come up with? Having to gear up by fighting the exact same boss (in slightly different surroundings) over and over and over again is boring. I've never played an MMO with such a mindless lack of variety in their boss encounter design. I feel bad for anyone who's spent money on this game.
Post edited by thesuperd on


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    atlanticx1atlanticx1 Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2013
    welcome to Cryptic? i guess. =)
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    rangurenranguren Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2013
    what do you expect then, tell me? a boss that can avoid attack like C9 high level bosses?. I wonder which is the part of "lack variety" here, the skill and way to defeat them is variety enough for me
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    atlanticx1atlanticx1 Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2013
    ranguren wrote: »
    what do you expect then, tell me? a boss that can avoid attack like C9 high level bosses?. I wonder which is the part of "lack variety" here, the skill and way to defeat them is variety enough for me

    First of all boss doesn't hit constant auto-attack.. boss mobs has only some sort of ability attacks with cooldown and can easily avoidable by DPS players.. There is no need for tanks since 1 more dps or 1 more cleric always does the job since nobody gets major damage from boss..

    Secondly adding 100x add to an encounter doesn't make that encounter "Epic" or "Hard" or "Challenging" not to mention ADDs doesn't considered BOSS mechanic unless its an ADD like WoW Vanilla Majordomo Executus encounter.. So bunch of adds that can kiteable, or knockbackble or whatever doesn't considered boss mechanics.. its just trash mob
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    thesuperdthesuperd Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ranguren wrote: »
    what do you expect then, tell me? a boss that can avoid attack like C9 high level bosses?. I wonder which is the part of "lack variety" here, the skill and way to defeat them is variety enough for me
    Play just about any other MMO and run a couple dungeons. Notice the bosses probably have some unique abilities, interesting mechanics, and not just a huge cluster^%$ of adds. That's what I expect.
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    charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ranguren wrote: »
    what do you expect then, tell me? a boss that can avoid attack like C9 high level bosses?. I wonder which is the part of "lack variety" here, the skill and way to defeat them is variety enough for me


    Here's a good example
    6 mobs that must die in assigned pairs at the same time
    adds that spawn in response to player action like a member dying
    2 boss that must be kept apart and die at the same time
    unique boss attacks and debuffs
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    maximiliousmaximilious Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This game right now to me personally it feels like when I reach hell mode in Diablo 3. Even if you had the best gear you could possibly get in the previous difficulties you would be getting 1-2 shooted by the monsters. I personally stopped playing right at that moment because I could not continue to play the game. I believe they have "nerfed" the difficulty a couple of times but I haven't bothered going back.

    The point I am trying to make is that they did not make the mode challenging but instead just stupidly hard / not enjoyable. This is the feel I get from bosses in this game, it feels like instead of taking their time and making each and every battle challenging they just went with the "make it hard / enjoyable". I would LOVE to see a dev team with 1 class of each trying to run T2 dungeons in this game.
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    fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ranguren wrote: »
    what do you expect then, tell me? a boss that can avoid attack like C9 high level bosses?. I wonder which is the part of "lack variety" here, the skill and way to defeat them is variety enough for me

    I'm guessing you've never played any other MMORPG (non-Perfectworld ofc).

    In other MMORPGs, the differences between boss mechanics and the details of the encounter tend to be very diverse and often very important, at least in the endgame. They may not be WoW-level of extreme detail and diverse mechanics, but they are much closer to that than *any* dungeon in this game.

    NWO = kill the adds then the boss OR nuke the boss before overwhelmed with adds. That's it, period.
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    maximiliousmaximilious Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ranguren wrote: »
    what do you expect then, tell me? a boss that can avoid attack like C9 high level bosses?. I wonder which is the part of "lack variety" here, the skill and way to defeat them is variety enough for me

    Every boss is extremely easy to kill, the adds are the only problem with the current bosses.
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    charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    chanxbe wrote: »
    There's no information but I would imagine the game would be seamlessly released...

    There's a difference between bug free, and good encounter design. This is neither, the boss fights honestly are boring.
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    erisandeerisande Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't honestly know about this, because I tend to just space on bosses anyways.
    They all look the same to me.

    Even on WoW, it was "Don't get hit by fire, don't let the boss smack you. Zzzz.."
    I guess I just adapt innately to mechanics and don't notice anymore.
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    rangurenranguren Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2013
    atlanticx1 wrote: »
    First of all boss doesn't hit constant auto-attack.. boss mobs has only some sort of ability attacks with cooldown and can easily avoidable by DPS players.. There is no need for tanks since 1 more dps or 1 more cleric always does the job since nobody gets major damage from boss..
    yes, because the job of DPS is hit-and-run, right?. no for "no tanking", CW and DC do have dps on boss, no tank means DC and CW is easy pick by the adds, they cant hit run, CW cast spell it must stand still

    for the rest who quote me, thks, really. I play MMO from RO, Xian, Lineage, DN, C9, RF, Aion, Asda Story, and so on, also good video there, nice sample. true, have so many "variety", but you guys must remember, how many arsenal you can bring in to that shortcut skill compare to this game? you can see on the video there, that probably doesnt include macro-style skill, the under-6-sec-skill-cd which supported by mana that can be boosted by pot. not to mentioned, that kind of bosses is pont-click base game, not an action base, the reason I pointed out on C9 because it is a action hack and slash too. hey, I dont mean by your idea is bad, no, your Idea is GOOD guys, i dont like only die because killed by adds either, but too much in variety attack style in bosses will make some player will also want more shortcut for skill too someday. beside, isnt in this game there are dungeon that you can kill boss after kill mini bosses too, CMIIW
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    lisau1974lisau1974 Member Posts: 100
    edited May 2013
    I would like something other than adds. I don't know or care what, but less adds please.
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    rawhedrexrawhedrex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    thesuperd wrote: »
    I'm so glad I didn't buy one of the founders' packs. I like MMO's for doing dungeon runs & raiding, but this game is a sore disappointment. Every single dungeon boss... Every. Single. One. just has nothing but a huge HP pool, standard monster attacks, and SWARMS and SWARMS of adds. Is this really the best they could come up with? Having to gear up by fighting the exact same boss (in slightly different surroundings) over and over and over again is boring. I've never played an MMO with such a mindless lack of variety in their boss encounter design. I feel bad for anyone who's spent money on this game.

    Don't feel sorry for me...I'm RICH!!
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    hestralhestral Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    thesuperd wrote: »
    I'm so glad I didn't buy one of the founders' packs. I like MMO's for doing dungeon runs & raiding, but this game is a sore disappointment. Every single dungeon boss... Every. Single. One. just has nothing but a huge HP pool, standard monster attacks, and SWARMS and SWARMS of adds. Is this really the best they could come up with? Having to gear up by fighting the exact same boss (in slightly different surroundings) over and over and over again is boring. I've never played an MMO with such a mindless lack of variety in their boss encounter design. I feel bad for anyone who's spent money on this game.

    You do realize that in the Epic version most of the encounters have additional mechanics, right? Also, are very Team work heavy. There are instances where it is just a burn fight, sure, but in most cases it requires some sort of strategy to manage the fight. I personally feel the only issue right now with any boss fight are the hate calculations appear to be broken all to hell.
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    fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hestral wrote: »
    You do realize that in the Epic version most of the encounters have additional mechanics, right?

    Name one...
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    thesuperdthesuperd Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    fondlez wrote: »
    Name one...

    More adds! lol
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    daervondaervon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There's a slight difference between this game's End-game and that of other MMO's (at least for now)... End-game in Neverwinter is still a 1-group endeavour. In WoW, EQ2 or DDO it's a raid, consisting of multiple groups. That definitely gives those games greater flexibility when it comes to encounter dynamics.

    When you only have 5 people to work with, your options become more limited.

    Could they add different mechanics? Sure... different sorts of AEs, radiating debuffs on players so they have to move away from the group until they expire, immunity or damage reflect, hell even environmental obstacles could go in.

    I would expect more to be released as new content comes our way -- with Gauntlgrym being set for a 20v20 PvP zone perhaps the dungeons it unlocks are also raid-style dungeons for multiple groups, allowing for more variance in mechanics.

    Personally though I have to say that, so far, despite it's shortcomings, I am enjoying the game much more than I initially expected to... so... I guess it's all a matter of perspective ;)

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    oghieroghier Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 84
    edited May 2013
    NW has no boss fights. It just has some rooms with 425905454 adds chasing the cleric, then there's loot.
    - Snit (Cleric, Dragon Server)
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    thesuperdthesuperd Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    daervon wrote: »
    When you only have 5 people to work with, your options become more limited.
    Not really. Most other MMO's have managed to have more interesting boss fights with small dungeon groups. That's the problem. Every single dungeon boss is "fairly easy guy with huge HP pool + dozens of adds".
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    oronessoroness Member Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If we had the bosses they have in Raiderz or Vindictus we would have sooo much fun =/
    Instead of that crappy Add2Win strategy of the bosses around here. They are WEAK, they need their minions to kill you because they can't possibly do it by themselves.

    I've never seen crappier bosses in my life.
    No offense.
    I want this class in NW. :o
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