Because it is bound to your account, and you can't mail bound items. There is also no way to transfer account bound items that I know of, so...they might as well be character bound.
So if I want to delete a character that has AD, I can't mail my main character the AD either?
I don't see why you would transfer money through the Auction house and incur an 10% cut on your money when you can put it up in the zen exchange with no cut..
True, but that means you could sell your zen at 450 and buy at 500, and lose the same amount of cash. I don't expect buy/sell prices are that much different.
So if I want to delete a character that has AD, I can't mail my main character the AD either?
Oh well, that blows
thanks for the reply.
Thanks, I will do that. I just need to wait till the Broker is back online