Hey all, having a little trouble deciding on what to dedicate sockets towards.
At the moment i'm sitting at 53xx Str, 33xx Crit, 1.3K ARP (raising to 15xx-2xx) and about 1.2k Rec (also still raising).
What i'm having trouble working out is whether reflect or lifesteal would be most beneficial, i know defense isn't the greatest since we start at such a low point and would only benift somewhat if we invested large amounts of points to this.
I don't know how effecitive reflect is and haven't heard too much about it, at the moment lifesteal seems like an option though it's not set in stone.
Any input would be appreciated.
Common sense is hard to come by around here it seems..
My opinion is that for defensive stats life steal will probably get you the most mileage in pve. In pvp defense essentially does very little as most good players will be bringing armor penetration anyway, it is quite good in pve though if you can get a decent amount. In pvp I would say either deflect or pure hp would get you the most mileage, depending on how high you can get your deflect.
life steal all day. especially since rogues are used to tank some bosses. anyway you look at it your going to take damage, would you rather have reduced damage or just take the hit and have some passive self healing? I prefer the healing personally.
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