.. I ragequit time and time again, I rolled a wizard, a cleric, and a GF -- despite my 37 GWF's flourish doing less damage to a single target htan my 23 cleric's DL does to a fairly large aoe, despite feeling like a redheaded stepchild next to my wizard.
I always come crawling back, always find myself wading back into battle cleaving left and right. curse your cryptic for designing the class to fit my asthetics so well, and curse you cryptic for underbalancing it sol hard I feel bad playing it.
Anyone else feel that way, or is the world just full of the despaired and the hopeful?
Pretty well sums up my sentiments regarding the current GWF. I started with him, saw how inadequate he is compared ot the other classes. Rolled a CW who was stronger and deleted him, then a TR who was a lot stronger and deleted him..same goes for GF and DC.. The 2h weapon is just what I like in a game so I guess Im as stubborn as they come for still playing my GWF..
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
I got mine to lvl 60. Geared him for 8.4 GS(just enough to get into some high tier dungeons) and put in a corner until buff cause he's just useless. My lvl 60 rogue in full green hits x2-x2.5 harder that full purple gwf
Carnage TR Dragon shard - retired? hell yea it's retired along with Nevewinter
Seze - Rogue - Necropolis - RIFT
axer128Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
GWFs are weak at lower lvls..
But they can really devastate in both pve at 60 once you properly gear up. And can hold there own in pvp too, surviving far better then rogue and dealing far better damage then guardians (tho still low on the list obviously).
They easily lead the damage coutns in heavy aoe epic dungeons, even against the best rogues.
Just a lot more complex to gear, build and play properly then other classes is what makes them be considered weaker. But play with a group that lets you exploit there strengths in aoe damage and they do very well.
Then again, knocking everything off the edges in always the faster aoe solution heh (in areas that allow it).
But hey the mobs at the end of spellplague are (mostly) immune to kb, so GWFs rule there
But they can really devastate in both pve at 60 once you properly gear up. And can hold there own in pvp too, surviving far better then rogue and dealing far better damage then guardians (tho still low on the list obviously).
They easily lead the damage coutns in heavy aoe epic dungeons, even against the best rogues.
Just a lot more complex to gear, build and play properly then other classes is what makes them be considered weaker. But play with a group that lets you exploit there strengths in aoe damage and they do very well.
Then again, knocking everything off the edges in always the faster aoe solution heh (in areas that allow it).
But hey the mobs at the end of spellplague are (mostly) immune to kb, so GWFs rule there
dps gf do almost 2x more damage then dps gwf in pve dungeons on lvl 60 :P and gf is even good for pvp
dps gf do almost 2x more damage then dps gwf in pve dungeons on lvl 60 :P and gf is even good for pvp
To be 100% fair though, that's entirely due to something that's going to be nerfed horrendously into the ground soon (Stalwart bulwark -- t1 set that gives 5% of your MAX hp in power when struck, stacks 5 times.. 25% of a guardians hp is.. on average, 5000-6000 extra power; couple that with the conqueror capstone that increases power by 1000%, and you have guardians running around with 10000-12000 extra power in a t1 set that's actually defensively focused -- Cryptic may be notorious for their speed at fixing things, but even they must see the incredibly broken state that's in)
To be 100% fair though, that's entirely due to something that's going to be nerfed horrendously into the ground soon (Stalwart bulwark -- t1 set that gives 5% of your MAX hp in power when struck, stacks 5 times.. 25% of a guardians hp is.. on average, 5000-6000 extra power; couple that with the conqueror capstone that increases power by 1000%, and you have guardians running around with 10000-12000 extra power in a t1 set that's actually defensively focused -- Cryptic may be notorious for their speed at fixing things, but even they must see the incredibly broken state that's in)
this is not only good set ,they have one which increase power by 60% it have 25% chance to activate but last long so they can easy have 60% power more all time while in fight
GWF is not a Rouge and it's a not a GF. Don't look at numbers. It won't tell you anything.
So what's that Rouge gonna do in pvp when he gets perma CC'd by wizzards??? How are that GF gonna kill anything thats goin for your cleric. You have to understand class roles, and how they work together with groups to understand the classes. Game is still fairly young and i bet we're gonna see a couple of tweaks here and there to this class. But i promise the class is very well ballanced and working atm.
GWF is not a Rouge and it's a not a GF. Don't look at numbers. It won't tell you anything.
So what's that Rouge gonna do in pvp when he gets perma CC'd by wizzards??? How are that GF gonna kill anything thats goin for your cleric. You have to understand class roles, and how they work together with groups to understand the classes. Game is still fairly young and i bet we're gonna see a couple of tweaks here and there to this class. But i promise the class is very well ballanced and working atm.
1) Rogue will do Impossible to Catch
2) GF will do permaFaceplant + HAMSTER power gain from feat+set bonus
3) I have 60 gwf and 60 rogue already geared in T2. In comparison - gwf IS pure unquestionable garbage. That's the truth. We can try to build em however we want, we can gear the **** out of them, won't matter, it's a bad class design and thus resistance is futile so to speak
ps: how classes work together is easy to understand. 2 cw+ rogue+ 2 clerics. mages tank under double astral shield is pve. 2 clerics double astral middle point pvp HAMSTER enemy team etc. THIS is how classes work, no place for gwf gf in perfect party composition.
Carnage TR Dragon shard - retired? hell yea it's retired along with Nevewinter
Not GWF, all classes; At least the wizard and cleric set bonuses i've seen are in the same boat as the GWF ones, nice little bonuses, but nothing like 6000 POWER or 60% bonus power. the GF has
It's the capstone that causes the issue. I don't blame the GF set bonuses. I blame the fact that GWF set bonuses are utter garbage.
After looking at the GWF 'epic' gear, I have to agree with you. I think Cryptic is f'ing terrified that GWF will be OP if they give them any useful toys at all. This is funny, since the other classes are already there.
It's like they actively made the decision to balance only one class.
MoF/Thaum CWSS/Thaum CWIV/Protector GFSW/Combat HRSM/Destroyer GWFWK/Executioner TRDO/Faithful DC
Pretty well sums up my sentiments regarding the current GWF. I started with him, saw how inadequate he is compared ot the other classes. Rolled a CW who was stronger and deleted him, then a TR who was a lot stronger and deleted him..same goes for GF and DC.. The 2h weapon is just what I like in a game so I guess Im as stubborn as they come for still playing my GWF..
GWF is not a Rouge and it's a not a GF. Don't look at numbers. It won't tell you anything.
So what's that Rouge gonna do in pvp when he gets perma CC'd by wizzards??? How are that GF gonna kill anything thats goin for your cleric. You have to understand class roles, and how they work together with groups to understand the classes. Game is still fairly young and i bet we're gonna see a couple of tweaks here and there to this class. But i promise the class is very well ballanced and working atm.
If we analyze the roles then:
how come GWF sucks at holding damage?
how come GWF sucks at dealing damage?
how come GWF sucks at kiting?
how come GWF being a MELEE damage dealer, it hits less than a mage, a cleric or a rogue throwing his knives?
For the record CWs hit twice what any GWf hits with the basic At-will skill.
Where is the role there? Because i don't see it.
A CW hits twice what my GWf hits with the basic At-will skill.
For what i understood on your post is that you are talking about 1 v 5. Nobody here is talking about having a class that can go rambo and solo a party of 5 CWs.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Hedas 60 GWF.
Hrod 60 GF.
Alain Loreweaver 60 CW.
yep yep yep
Seze - Rogue - Necropolis -
But they can really devastate in both pve at 60 once you properly gear up. And can hold there own in pvp too, surviving far better then rogue and dealing far better damage then guardians (tho still low on the list obviously).
They easily lead the damage coutns in heavy aoe epic dungeons, even against the best rogues.
Just a lot more complex to gear, build and play properly then other classes is what makes them be considered weaker. But play with a group that lets you exploit there strengths in aoe damage and they do very well.
Then again, knocking everything off the edges in always the faster aoe solution heh (in areas that allow it).
But hey the mobs at the end of spellplague are (mostly) immune to kb, so GWFs rule there
-Epic Dread Vault Crushed.
Characters (Dragon): Axer (60 Guardian, Leader of Crush It!), Controller (60 Wizard), Warlocker (60 Warlock)
To be 100% fair though, that's entirely due to something that's going to be nerfed horrendously into the ground soon (Stalwart bulwark -- t1 set that gives 5% of your MAX hp in power when struck, stacks 5 times.. 25% of a guardians hp is.. on average, 5000-6000 extra power; couple that with the conqueror capstone that increases power by 1000%, and you have guardians running around with 10000-12000 extra power in a t1 set that's actually defensively focused -- Cryptic may be notorious for their speed at fixing things, but even they must see the incredibly broken state that's in)
So what's that Rouge gonna do in pvp when he gets perma CC'd by wizzards??? How are that GF gonna kill anything thats goin for your cleric. You have to understand class roles, and how they work together with groups to understand the classes. Game is still fairly young and i bet we're gonna see a couple of tweaks here and there to this class. But i promise the class is very well ballanced and working atm.
1) Rogue will do Impossible to Catch
2) GF will do permaFaceplant + HAMSTER power gain from feat+set bonus
3) I have 60 gwf and 60 rogue already geared in T2. In comparison - gwf IS pure unquestionable garbage. That's the truth. We can try to build em however we want, we can gear the **** out of them, won't matter, it's a bad class design and thus resistance is futile so to speak
ps: how classes work together is easy to understand. 2 cw+ rogue+ 2 clerics. mages tank under double astral shield is pve. 2 clerics double astral middle point pvp HAMSTER enemy team etc. THIS is how classes work, no place for gwf gf in perfect party composition.
Seze - Rogue - Necropolis -
Hedas 60 GWF.
Hrod 60 GF.
Alain Loreweaver 60 CW.
After looking at the GWF 'epic' gear, I have to agree with you. I think Cryptic is f'ing terrified that GWF will be OP if they give them any useful toys at all. This is funny, since the other classes are already there.
It's like they actively made the decision to balance only one class.
If we analyze the roles then:
how come GWF sucks at holding damage?
how come GWF sucks at dealing damage?
how come GWF sucks at kiting?
how come GWF being a MELEE damage dealer, it hits less than a mage, a cleric or a rogue throwing his knives?
For the record CWs hit twice what any GWf hits with the basic At-will skill.
Where is the role there? Because i don't see it.
A CW hits twice what my GWf hits with the basic At-will skill.
For what i understood on your post is that you are talking about 1 v 5. Nobody here is talking about having a class that can go rambo and solo a party of 5 CWs.