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Solution to wipe question?

cucumberduhcucumberduh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 18 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
(Sorry for my english)

Please, consider this as an idea, and idea only. The thing I want is a feedback, no flame war, hatred, insults and so.

Here it is: I know it was already stated, that there will be no wipe, nor new shard. But how about to split shards? I mean, leaving 2 servers as they are and wipe only one of those 3? F.e. Dragon and Mindflayer stays the same, Beholder is wiped. Of course, there should be an option to move your character from Beholder to Dragon or Mindflayer before this happens. Would it work? Would it stop people shouting "Full wipe, or I leave!" and "Don't wipe, for Christ's sake, or I'll leave!"? It could prevent people from leaving NW...

Thank you for your opinions.
Post edited by cucumberduh on


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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited May 2013
    The issue is that the shards are temporary and will be merged in time.
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    cucumberduhcucumberduh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The issue is that the shards are temporary and will be merged in time.

    Ah, I didn't know that... Thank you for a quick response.
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    akikisaragiakikisaragi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The people threatening wipe or they will leave are full of it. Guarantee you the majority are blowing smoke and you'll see them tomorrow and next week and a month from now. If they were serious they wouldn't be here now still complaining about it after PWE said no wipe. Just saying..
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    kerch80kerch80 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wipe was never a feasible solution. Not simply because people won't want to level their characters again, because most probably would be willing, but because Cryptic cannot afford to have players asking themselves, "Why bother leveling again, when my character could get deleted the next time some knucklehead breaks the game?" Games like these rely on creating confidence that the effort players put into the game will be preserved by the developers. Take away that confidence, and I'm not sure the game could survive.
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    buldegradbuldegrad Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kerch80 wrote: »
    Wipe was never a feasible solution. Not simply because people won't want to level their characters again, because most probably would be willing, but because Cryptic cannot afford to have players asking themselves, "Why bother leveling again, when my character could get deleted the next time some knucklehead breaks the game?" Games like these rely on creating confidence that the effort players put into the game will be preserved by the developers. Take away that confidence, and I'm not sure the game could survive.

    While I understand your logic behind this man, things went completely FUBAR in this game. I never thought I would say this in any game, but it absolutely needs a wipe. Thats how fudged up things got. Confidence has already been tampered with. NOT wiping will equally have the same effect on the games survival. I know more people that would stick around if there were wipes than people that will stick around if there are no wipes. That says a lot. They need to listen to their community before most are gone.
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    gaerolthgaerolth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 289 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    buldegrad wrote: »
    While I understand your logic behind this man, things went completely FUBAR in this game. I never thought I would say this in any game, but it absolutely needs a wipe. Thats how fudged up things got. Confidence has already been tampered with. NOT wiping will equally have the same effect on the games survival. I know more people that would stick around if there were wipes than people that will stick around if there are no wipes. That says a lot. They need to listen to their community before most are gone.

    How long have you been wanting a wipe? Serious question.
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    buldegradbuldegrad Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The issue is that the shards are temporary and will be merged in time.

    The OP suggestion is in no way affected by this at all. You can still eventually merge the shards. Its not going to happen immediately. By the time the shards are merged things will have stabilized. The two servers that remained intact would probably be dead anyways, and the real devoted players will have been enjoying the game fresh instead of leaving the game. Something to consider....have half of your player base leave? OR create an easy solution....ie: OP's idea is one example.
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    buldegradbuldegrad Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gaerolth wrote: »
    How long have you been wanting a wipe? Serious question.

    Not sure I understand the relevance of your question. The time frame is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is it needs to be done.
    I don't know if you purchased the founder pack or not, but if you did, you too would be foolish not to feel ripped off right about now.
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    gaerolthgaerolth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 289 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    buldegrad wrote: »
    The OP suggestion is in no way affected by this at all. You can still eventually merge the shards. Its not going to happen immediately. By the time the shards are merged things will have stabilized. The two servers that remained intact would probably be dead anyways, and the real devoted players will have been enjoying the game fresh instead of leaving the game. Something to consider....have half of your player base leave? OR create an easy solution....ie: OP's idea is one example.

    You're acting as if the economy is already dead. What makes you think that? It wasn't dead on thursday-friday. Was doing pretty healthy actually. The time frame is important. If your answer is "Saturday." you have no leg to stand on. As the roll back fixed that fiasco. If you say it's been borked I'd challenge you to name 10 items that are far more overpriced than they should be.
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    buldegradbuldegrad Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    For me personally, this has absolutely nothing to do with the auction house fiasco...its started loong before that. There were soooo many holes in this game man. The economy is NOT in good health. Can it recover? Sure. I'm sure it will. But with the GF exploits that occurred (among others) masses of people acquired gear (and AD from the sale of gear) from Castle Never that they would not ordinarily had access to as quick as they did. No where near it. This is just one exploit among many others that have occurred and where enough in and of themselves to ruin the game outside the recent auction house fiasco. That was just the final nail in the coffin.
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    gaerolthgaerolth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 289 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    buldegrad wrote: »
    For me personally, this has absolutely nothing to do with the auction house fiasco...its started loong before that. There were soooo many holes in this game man. The economy is NOT in good health. Can it recover? Sure. I'm sure it will. But with the GF exploits that occurred (among others) masses of people acquired gear (and AD from the sale of gear) from Castle Never that they would not ordinarily had access to as quick as they did. No where near it. This is just one exploit among many others that have occurred and where enough in and of themselves to ruin the game outside the recent auction house fiasco. That was just the final nail in the coffin.

    Final nail in the coffin for what? No damage was really done on Saturday as it got rolled back. No more than what was done previous to that so that "Nail to the coffin." never happened. Yes people exploited so they could kill bosses quickly. This allowed them to flood end game gear on the auction house lowering the prices of it. So? This didn't destroy the economy either. This gear was going to flood the market anyway and just sped up the prices. End game gear can be sold on the auction house. The tier dungeons only require 5 people to do it. In other mmo's 20 is the most common number (nowadays) so a guild that could normally field a single raid can now field 4 groups at once.

    The tier dungeons ARE capable of being done by pugging. A month later and this gear will be filled in the auction house. You say the economy is not in good health but under the fact that end game gear doesn't sell for much what else is wrong with it? Want a nightmare mount? It's cheaper to buy it in astral diamonds than purchasing an epic mount off the store. For the economy to be unhealthy Astral diamonds should have almost no or little value. Astral diamonds value is pretty stable. There's no massive fluctuations. Most things you want on the acution house? Even a casual can farm up the astral needed to afford it. It's not like D3 where it costs 90,000,000,000 gold to get a BIS piece of armor. Something that you can farm all year for legitimately and never see. (Note in D3 BIS gear can cost upwards to over a grand.)

    The economy is nowhere near broken enough to even consider a wipe. It's completely over the top to think it's that bad. I've seen many many games with far more damage done to it than this one. Sadly D3 doesn't even have the most broken economy. There's much worse out there.

    I'll agree to a wipe and eat my words when the economy gets so bad that armor pieces, weapons, and mounts start costing 150+ dollars for a single piece of gear.
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    lltsnwnlltsnwn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 787 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    (Sorry for my english)

    Please, consider this as an idea, and idea only. The thing I want is a feedback, no flame war, hatred, insults and so.

    Here it is: I know it was already stated, that there will be no wipe, nor new shard. But how about to split shards? I mean, leaving 2 servers as they are and wipe only one of those 3? F.e. Dragon and Mindflayer stays the same, Beholder is wiped. Of course, there should be an option to move your character from Beholder to Dragon or Mindflayer before this happens. Would it work? Would it stop people shouting "Full wipe, or I leave!" and "Don't wipe, for Christ's sake, or I'll leave!"? It could prevent people from leaving NW...

    Thank you for your opinions.

    The Neverwinter servers are going to merge in the future so having a wipe server is only a temporary solution to the issue. If you really want to have a wipe you have the option to delete all of your characters and have your own personal server wipe.
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