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How to counter Rogues

tenkurotenkuro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
Since most of you can't figure it out yourself and cry about rogues being overpowered, I'll teach you how to counter every single one of rogue's good pvp skills:

Smoke bomb - You see a big purple hazy ball, you run away because as long as you're in it, you will be silenced.

Dazing Strike - Rogue is in mid air for about 1.5 seconds about to drop down on you and silence you. You can easily dodge/block this with your shift. If you are too slow and get dazed anyways, just run away, it doesn't root you in place.

Deft Strike - Teleports behind your back and slows you. Most rogues decides to use a skill immediately after this so just use your shift right away or cc counter.

Impossible to Catch - Black cloak with purple haze around the outlines. Means they can't be CC and if they use it out of stealth, means they are immune to damage. You can simply move away until it disappears. Rogues has no stuns, only daze which is a silence.

Path of the Blades - Does aoe damage around the rogue for a few seconds. You'll see blue swords all over the place flying at the ground. Can simply move away from it or go closer to your teammates since the damage is split when it hits more people.

Shocking Executioner (daily skill)- Rogue is in mid air, much higher than dazing strike or a normal jump. Only counter to this is to CC to disrupt the skill, unless you're a cleric then your blue shield will make that skill do almost nothing to you as long as you have similar gear score.

Lashing Blade - Burst damage with the big blue knife that comes from the side. Most rogues uses this to take your hp down a bit so that they can finish you off with shocking executioner. If you manage to take damage from the blue knife, CC the rogue immediately. (All classes should have at least 1 cc in their build to counter all the other classes daily damage skills or high burst encounters)

Duelist Fury - At will skill that requires the rogue to hit you twice with two slow attacks then a 3rd one that makes the rogue do this matrix style attack that will put bleeds on you until you die. If you see a rogue hitting you with their weapon with a normal attack, let them hit you twice then use your shift to dodge or run away because that skill has a very small range.

Stealth - Pay attention to your health bar and if you're taking damage and don't see anybody around you, it's most likely a stealthed rogue, so RUN away until the rogue is out of stealth. If you see a rogue that's dumb enough to stealth in front of you, just fire your cc in that direction and he'll still be cc-ed and his stealth bar will drop while he's cc-ed.

I can't name anything else that rogues has that is decent in pvp. Honestly, after playing rogue as my main and then playing another class, I can easily counter rogues with any class I play. The best counter to rogue is just being able to react to the obvious tells of their skills.

I've learned how to counter every class and their skills except the stupid Cleric Blue Shield. There is no counter to that as far as I know if you're fighting a cleric with the same gear score as you. Well, you can get 5 people to jump on him/her but that imbalances things in team pvp.
Post edited by tenkuro on


  • tenkurotenkuro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Soooooo I am itching to hear from the people who cries rogues are OP. Can you please scratch this itch for me?
  • wiedeiwiedei Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sitting in my Astralshield.
    Eating a 35k Crit out of nowhere.

    Don't know how to counter this.
    Enlight me!
  • realpureshadowrealpureshadow Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2013
    It's not how to counter a rogue people qq about it. It's how to counter 5 rogues. Rogues and CW due the highest damage, even with their auto attacks. I kill players on my gwf but its usually under geared players. Even with good gear im still doing less damage than fresh 60 rogues and cw. Even if you dodge all their attacks they could just stealth and cc to get cds attacks back.
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