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[Suggestions] Full Wipe and here's why

seariouslyseariously Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Patch the things that have been exploited for so long:

1.) 1 shot bosses
2.) Foundry EXP exploit
3.) AH Astral Diamond exploit

Fix these major bugs along with others, in the end it is still BETA, wiping will fix all these problems.

And apparently the AD AH exploit has been around since closed beta, so every astral diamond out there is a lie.
Post edited by seariously on


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    clansman2013clansman2013 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If the full wipe did not happen last night, it will never happen.
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    seariouslyseariously Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I just read a post where the suggestion is to add a new server where players who want to start new they can, without all the exploited Astral Diamonds and foundry levelers.
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    norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    seariously wrote: »
    Patch the things that have been exploited for so long:

    1.) 1 shot bosses
    2.) Foundry EXP exploit
    3.) AH Astral Diamond exploit

    Fix these major bugs along with others, in the end it is still BETA, wiping will fix all these problems.

    And apparently the AD AH exploit has been around since closed beta, so every astral diamond out there is a lie.

    The reasons do not make sense.
    1) only a few people did this, punish them not everyone
    2) see #1
    3) see #1

    there are tons of people who just play the game without cheating. Many of them, because they did not cheat, have put in more time and effort on their characters. These people, like me (hit 60 on sat, hooray) do not need to be set back to level 1 again because someone else cheated. Wipe the cheaters, ban their IP and account, be my guest. But leave me the heck alone.
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    l1d3nl1d3n Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 385 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    They arent gonna wipe, the exploiters own neverwinter.
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    nelronainelronai Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    For one reason full wipe is almost required.

    Despite being in beta, the Team has sold currency in game and sold founder packages with a predetermined amount of AD and other goods. People have paid something for what they have gained, and these paying customers have gained less in monetary value when the pers in question have been able to freely abuse system and dimish the value of both AD and Zen in the economy, for what it might really be if there was no exploitation such as have been found during the beta.

    If a package is counted to be worth of something in monetary value with all goods and in game currency it gives, that does not hold ground anymore because the value of the currency may not be what it should be without the exploits that have been going on since the start and times of Star Trek.

    The auction house bug for negative values also has existed since the start, because I know it was found two years ago in Star Trek. It is not a new problem and was never properly fixed, so it has been abused all the way up until now. There is no sure way for Cryptic to ensure that it has not as it existed all the way until now from another game to the Neverwinter.

    Issue remains: Ones who have abused the exploits have permanently crippled the system and it's settled where it is now. What it -would- have been in reality cannot be for certain said because the sheer value of currencies and goods out there cannot be validated. If there is no wipe, exploiters will be allowed to play with advantages that they did not pay for or even achieve fairly, unlike some of you people that purchased the founders packages. Unfair to paying customers and those playing by the books, so far. This situation would though allow people to keep their hard earned progression, which they have put time into because they were told wipe was not going to happen.

    If wipe was done however, it would ensure a proper customer return value. Their purchased would hold the value they are supposed to, instead of being diminished by currency that has not been fairly gained. Downside is that it would steal away the progress and hours people have put into the game thus far. Worst of all to us free players who did not afford to dare and buy founders packages. I can surely relate.

    In either case, I can't really help but feel bitter one way or another. Mostly because in both cases damage has been done and it cannot be fixed. People will be upset, money will be lost and reputation damaged because this simple bug of negative values is something that exists in basic programming, and it was present in their old games -years- backward. It should not have been able to be there, yet it happeend. Now what is needed is a stern action to set things right, even if it might hurt things in this immediate and short future - it would show backbone and get things in a right path for the longer run.
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    rapticorrapticor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,078 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    [Suggestion]No full wipe and here's why : Cryptic says no.

    Seriously the "Wipers" are now becoming like "Birthers" going on and on a bout Obama's birth certificate. Crazy people who can't accept reality.
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    starkaosstarkaos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rapticor wrote: »
    [Suggestion]No full wipe and here's why : Cryptic says no.

    Seriously the "Wipers" are now becoming like "Birthers" going on and on a bout Obama's birth certificate. Crazy people who can't accept reality.

    But Obama is actually from Mars.
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    glanniganglannigan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 463 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    seariously wrote: »
    Patch the things that have been exploited for so long:

    1.) 1 shot bosses
    2.) Foundry EXP exploit
    3.) AH Astral Diamond exploit

    Fix these major bugs along with others, in the end it is still BETA, wiping will fix all these problems.

    And apparently the AD AH exploit has been around since closed beta, so every astral diamond out there is a lie.

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    enctenct Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The economy is still damaged in a way that the rollback (less than 24 hour rollback, at that) won't fix. Even for just the auction house bug, people started exploiting it before the rollback date.
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    leefordleeford Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 157 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Yeah...I would like a "do over" on what I spent zen and AD on as well LOL
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    revenantbobrevenantbob Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rapticor wrote: »
    [Suggestion]No full wipe and here's why : Cryptic says no.

    Seriously the "Wipers" are now becoming like "Birthers" going on and on a bout Obama's birth certificate. Crazy people who can't accept reality.

    I wish posts had a thumbs up option XD
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    entalyanentalyan Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2013
    seariously wrote: »
    Patch the things that have been exploited for so long:

    1.) 1 shot bosses
    2.) Foundry EXP exploit
    3.) AH Astral Diamond exploit

    Fix these major bugs along with others, in the end it is still BETA, wiping will fix all these problems.

    And apparently the AD AH exploit has been around since closed beta, so every astral diamond out there is a lie.

    Sorely missing from this argument is any consideration for the impact on players. That these issues exist(ed) does not mean they are widely used, and have any real impact on the game. Now I do assume that since one of these exploits has caused a major meltdown, this has focused attention on exploits, and therefor more people will try it. But if the exploits are closed when they get too popular, and the playerbase is properly monitored, these things should not have to be a real problem. Certainly not one requiring a server wipe.
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    clonzoneclonzone Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    glannigan wrote: »


    Wisdom is not this community's strong suit.
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    solyad1solyad1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 127 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    The only way they can do a full wipe is if they refund every Zen purchase associated with this game. That will not happen, period full stop.

    So, here is hoping they can find the mules full of items purchased with the couterfeit AD and the billions of counterfeit AD still out there. Otherwise, the economy will never stablize and the game will die within a few weeks.
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    maximiliousmaximilious Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    clonzone wrote: »

    Wisdom is not this community's strong suit.

    You see, unlike some of these stupid people there are players like us that have read what Cryptic / PWE have been saying over the last 24 hours and... I don't know if this comes as a shock to someone as stupid as you but they have announced that there will be no "complete wipes" or "new servers" because it has been asked to them a couple of times. So people like this suggesting something that is completely out of the question just... it's just plain hilarious to be honest.
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    pilfropilfro Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Here is another reason not too- I play with 4 other people. I go to the forums. the other 4
    do not.
    They are all around level 15-25. Two of them have purchased things in game.
    All four have no idea there is even an issue. One txted me- cant log tonight- some maintenance going on.
    If you full roll back the majority of people(forums not the majority ever) wont be happy.
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    mkesdmkesd Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If the full wipe did not happen last night, it will never happen.

    For wiping, they have to make sure, the custumers get their spent ingame money back. They must have a concept for that. Otherwise they are in "deep ****" if they burn the real money.

    Maybe they start to think about it now, after the massive exploits.
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    epixcomixepixcomix Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    seariously wrote: »
    Patch the things that have been exploited for so long:

    1.) 1 shot bosses
    2.) Foundry EXP exploit
    3.) AH Astral Diamond exploit

    Fix these major bugs along with others, in the end it is still BETA, wiping will fix all these problems.

    And apparently the AD AH exploit has been around since closed beta, so every astral diamond out there is a lie.

    No Full Wipe and here's why

    1) Open beta so things are rough and expected to not be finished
    2) They stated before open beta started there would be no more wipes which means they would have to go back on their word
    3) They would have to be prepared to refund the money from every single founder pack and zen purchases for those people for going back on their word
    4) All the problems you listed are correctable and in a few weeks really won't matter much in the long terms.
    5) Using a wipe as a corrective measure sets a terrible precedent and punishes all players for the actions of a few
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    jebzigjebzig Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Cryptic...i should have known how bad they where from their previous games....
    This bug was reported many moons ago and they let it corrupt the whole economy.
    For this reason alone a full wipe is needed.

    But to little to late, full damage control in effect and many players alrady saying goodbye.
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    rangurenranguren Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2013
    seariously wrote: »
    Patch the things that have been exploited for so long:

    1.) 1 shot bosses
    2.) Foundry EXP exploit
    3.) AH Astral Diamond exploit

    Fix these major bugs along with others, in the end it is still BETA, wiping will fix all these problems.

    And apparently the AD AH exploit has been around since closed beta, so every astral diamond out there is a lie.

    dude, I rarely playing the game yet can reach lvl 39 easily without those "exploit" ... so, what is it again?
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    clonzoneclonzone Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You see, unlike some of these stupid people there are players like us that have read what Cryptic / PWE have been saying over the last 24 hours and... I don't know if this comes as a shock to someone as stupid as you but they have announced that there will be no "complete wipes" or "new servers" because it has been asked to them a couple of times. So people like this suggesting something that is completely out of the question just... it's just plain hilarious to be honest.

    I have been following what they have been saying. And as a live game hiding behind the guise of 'open beta' that is single-handedly the dumbest thing the company can do. I'm not denying that they aren't going to wipe, I'm just stating that by them not wiping they are essentially shooting themselves in the foot.

    When there is **** on your ***, you wipe. If you don't, the **** stays there. Relatively simple concept.
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    revenantbobrevenantbob Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    clonzone wrote: »

    Wisdom is not this community's strong suit.

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