So anyone that's been around for a while got to be thinking well oh few hours rollback not so bad ey could be worse right? waiiit a minute wait a minute daerpp.. then it hit me, what would Brian boitano do.... and more importantly what would my criminal mastermind do, if i didnt have a strong sense of internet spaceship honor..
I'll paint a scenario to the best of my ability given the nature of coniving
HAMSTER and personal experience in many MMO's.. Without further adoo i present to you my mental image of what happened..
Little Timmeh and jim-bob is sitting in thier perfectly hermeticly sealed mancave playing Neverwinter. Jim-bob is half passed out on his keyboard drewling all the while Timmeh is trying to shoot m&m up Jim-bobs nose, unsuccessfully so far.
Timmeh is working his auction house magic like always, when all of a sudden, he is like Neo in the matrix he sees time slow down numbers and m&m's floating around. He takes a shot! BAM! he all but manages to lobotomize Jim-bob.
In a Instant Jim-bob is wide awake snot and drewl flying everywhere, who is responsible he thinks...
Everything fades to black due to the sudden rude awakening and lack of blood to the brain, and Jim-bob finds himself
having picked up Timmeh by the neck and rolled his face over the numpad like a rag..
Numbers reading -34234234234232323 in the bid *click*
Now after this has happened

theres usually two three things that happen
-w- what?
1. Oh good sir this is obviously horribly broken we shal send in a ticket immediatly and resolve this issue promptly have no fear!
2. HAAH! Tell noone if you so as much utter a word about to anyone i will murder you in your sleep with your chiwawas intestines.
And if the option #2 was the prefered alternative the classic super secret society of the l33th4x is yet again reborn
The first finders having a go at it and duplicating the bug and using it to thier advantage until they are sufficiently filthy rich, infact so rich that they are no longer able to even read out the numbers..
Then the natural thing after that is "share the wealth" because well let's be honest there's no way we can spend all of this. So you share your l33th4x with a couple of close friends, BUT you will strangle them in thier sleep with someone elses pet chiwawas intestines if they share it with someone else, this is also where the halflife of your l33th4x is starting to decline rapidly..
Now it's only hours or days away from beeing no more because as im typing this your friends are already scouting for chiwawa intestines to strangle thier friends with

because as it turns out there is a reddit post or a youtube video of friendly people wanting to share the wealth.
And now finally to the real question, how much damage did they really do? and can it be reversed.
In my opinion it can't be reversed because as much as i would like to believe PW can track all this and nail everyone
to the wall, and restore the market with just a few hours of rollback my mind races to how many regular people had access to this or was the goldfarmers on the ball from the get go, people with YEARS of experience trying to dodge automated systems designed to flag funky transactions & loundering currency..
One of the large problems with this bug is that just a few select individuals due to the nature of the bug itself, could have amassed vast quantitys of AD and if they can't catch everyone just a few missed would still make huge ripples in the economy..
Well that's it for me Enjoy please note English is not my primary language and im constantly intoxicated and prefer communicating by grunting and pointing, punctuations etc may or may not make any sense aswell as the contents of the text itself

peace out