Come on guys, not sure why all the complaining about rogues getting a daily that 1 shots most people, or wizards that seem to have a infinite range with insta cast spells. They obviously made the game to be unbalanced as they have already said "We don't plan to balance classes anytime soon"
Which what I take from that is that they know they're unbalanced and they don't care. They made it that way
Killz2Many ~ Greatest Weapon Fighter ~ Dragon Shard

You're right being completly balanced is too much to ask for, but do you think it's too much to ask to not have a class that can kill you in one hit?
*Note picture showing 1 attack doing 22k damage**
I don't know about you guys, but I'm a GWF with 9.4k gear rating and I couldn't survive that.
But PVP is different. It makes us pit ourselves against each other and compete with each other's specialties, and I believe that's where the conflict is arising right now. Some classes were made to excel in PVP such as striker and control classes, TR's and CW's, because they were made to be that way. It's also a surprise how a defender class like the Guardian Fighter can also excel in PVP but they really are viable and they're good at what they do. In my opinion, almost everything in PVP is really working as intended. CW's are able to control, TR's are able to strike like the glass cannon they are, Devoted Clerics can heal and buff, and GF is tanky like a defender should be. I'm not sure about the GWF, but really, it just goes to show that each class has its specialty that is going according to how they really should work.
PS. The TR Daily isn't a one shot kill. The opponent needs to have at least 50% or less HP for it to do a one shot, because Shocking Excecution deals additional damage based on how much health the opponent is missing. While this is wonderful in PVP, it also works even better in PVE settings. The overall effectiveness and role of a class in PVE should not be affected just because they're showing the potency of their functions in PVP. This game wasn't made for PVP, IMO. I'm fairly surprised that it even has one.
I'd say you make a good argument. Honestly most the time I'm on the side against people screaming unbalanced. There is some straining issues though, I've seen countless times people kick GF out of a group to have a 2nd cleric and GWF's getting kicked to have another rogue.
When that becomes the norm for your game to exclude certain classes for PvE than you have your self a game too far unbalanced. The sad part for me is that I have managed to out dps some rogues as a GWF, but since on average most can't come close I get rejected for groups because they need another "DPS"
then i would kill you twice over i have done a 47k shocking ex
Add some combat advantage and concealment (stealth) and the rogue can poke at you with extremely high numbers. But this is expected, since this was the trick to play a rogue in the first place: always stay in combat advantage and poke at enemy until the said enemy is dead. That's what a striker (the rogue) does.
So yeah, there is no balancing without ruining the gameplay.
I agree with you. The current state of how the GWF class is being treated is horrible, but we really cannot blame people for choosing the TR over a GWF. GWF is so hard to spec on, particularly because they are lacking a specialty that most other classes have. And I believe they deserve a good boost in DPS, AoE, or at least defense. I heard the GWF used to be so awesome and OP and I personally would like to see the class back in its glory days.
And with a dodge, we would be more viable in PVE to since we wouldn't be spending so much time trying to get out of all the RED circles of death and not doing any DPS.
For one I'm a GWF. For 2 I don't do much less dps in dungeons than rogues, and I've never seen another gwf out dps me. I have good gear, I'm always 1st-3rd in points in PvP. So now that we got that out of the way (That you don't know what you're talking about)
The thing I don't have is any dodge abilities (Like Clerics, Rogues, and Wizards do) I can't do 12k dmg with a single encounter like wizards and rogues do. I can't block like GF's can. Sure I do well in PvP matches, but it doesn't mean I have a don't have a huge disadvantage. Luckily for me most people are awful at PvP in this game. I can understand why, as any good pvp would shy away from such broken combat. Only reason I still PvP is because it's the only daily to do at level 60 and my gear is already almost maxed so there is nothing else to do.
~In hopes of a better Neverwinter.