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How did GF get through closed beta?

cihuacoatlcihuacoatl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Quick history...

I originally wanted to run a Protection GF (MT) for my guild. Like I have done for the last 4 years on numerous games. When I hit level 28 I quickly realized that I was unable to hold threat properly to MT. I made the call to move to Tactics the threat generation tree. I stacked defense, hp, and deflect. Questing was painful and very annoying but with the help of my DC friend I made it to level 60 in about 5 days or about 60 hours of game time.

T1s were great and while annoying at times seemed like GF while buggy and very loosely fit into the meta I had high hopes for end game.

Fast forward to T2s... Tactics is horrible and holding threat while possible is for the most part impossible. There are to many adds to to manage and the cleric ends up tanking. Tanking the Boss is a job because dodge > block in almost every case. Mainly because attack animations are slow and shifting from block to moving is rough. Not to mention once your block is down regenerating it is a pain. My guild told me to reroll that I was being carried, I have to agree.

I read a log on the forum and found that amazingly a lot of GF are not having issues. After a lot of research I find that every one that is not having issues is running one build Conq.

I switched to Conq this weekend and it is like night and day. While my gear sucks for the build it is 100x better than Tactics at holding threat.

GF is broken...

Please fix.

I also want my respec token back!


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    wingofbenuwingofbenu Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    simple. The same way its still getting through OPen beta. PWE cares more about the cash shop being functional than the game
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    mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Same way as the GWF did, and exploits: Player feedback was completely ignored.
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    nekoakureinekoakurei Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If you haven't noticed, there are more issues with this game than pixels. The game hasn't even been out for a month now and there have already been 3 game breaking exploits, glitched bosses, glitched class feats, etc. No self respecting MMO company would have let this game go past alpha like this.

    An Open beta is supposed to be a last test of class balance, small glitches, and server load. Not a complete unloading of an obviously unfinished product like this is. This is just disgraceful.

    I'm pretty sure this game is meant as nothing more than a quick cash grab from D&D fans. They did the same thing with Star Trek Online to make a quick dollar off of Star Trek fans. Everything from the obvious glitches, to the game missing basic functionality, to the terrible class balancing and no class depth, all the way to the obviously pay to win cash shop points to this.

    IMO put this game down, walk away, and check back in a month. Nothing short of that will make PW do a thing, and even then I'm not sure they will care enough.
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    derangedtaco29derangedtaco29 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In other games, stacking HP is usually the way to go, plus the defensive stats. In this game, not really. You would have an easier time tanking if you stacked Recovery, Defense, Power, and Deflect. While you won't have high HP, you'll be able to use encounters faster, thus having more consistent daily's.

    It's unfortunate the current meta of the game only allows for DPS builds. In any other tree/build, we're kicked from pug groups constantly and left in the dust.
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