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9500 GS CW Looking for Guild on Mindflayer!! Experience MMO player and end game raids

mike81679mike81679 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 6 Arc User

I am a CW as the title says with a current GearScore of 9560 looking for an active, Tier2 and Castle Never dungeon running guild. I am on the Mindflayer server and am most active from around 915pm -12am EST Monday Through Friday. I also play on the weekends when I am able.

I have played MMO's since the first Everquest, and have done end game raids and dungeons starting with the planes in Everquest through every MMO I have played. Was in a top tier guild, 3rd on the server in WoW for 5 years, lelved a character to max level or close on most MMO's of any relevance, but not all. I only say all this so whoever is reading this knows I am not inexperienced. I do not wish to raid hardcore any longer, I unfortunately do not have the time for it. However I have the skills to be effective in high end dungeons and raids if they ever come out and I am available for them.

I am looking for a guild I can run dungeons with and even pvp from time to time in the Eastern time zone, or at least active during the times I listed above. By active, I mean actually running dungeons during these times, most of the time if not all of the time. I am looking to gear up with max gear and runes so that I can be set to do foundry quests, or level alts when the other classes come out. I do not like exploiting, but want to grind our these dungeons and get the loot.

My in game name/handle is mayshar@mike81679, send me a tell with any questions or concerns and we can talk about things to make sure I am a fit.

Thanks for your time and consideration.
Post edited by mike81679 on


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    mike81679mike81679 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Looking for serious responses please.
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    zoetje81zoetje81 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Poor guy seems hacked.
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