I keep running across people who didn't know you can get an extra 12 slot bag at level 30, so I decided to slap together a quick 12 step guide for getting your 3rd free bag. If you're way over level, you can just do these particular quests I have listed to get the bag... If you're in your mid to high 20's, hit up the side quests along the way, they're good XP and you'll be in the area anyway!
So without further ado, here is the guide. Complete the quests in the order below, the questgiver is listed in parentheses. Also, I believe the step 1 starter quest is optional and you can actually just start with Doomguide Volahk, but I could be wrong.
- Grave News (Sergeant Knox in Protector's Enclave) -> Complete with Doomguide Volahk in Neverdeath Graveyard
- The Missing Doomguides (Doomguide Volahk)
- The Undead and the Dying (Doomguide Volahk)
- Rest in Peace (Doomguide Orran) - Makes sense to also take "Thinning the Horde" here since you'll kill that many anyway, basically free xp.
- Red Rituals (Doomguard Orran)
- Dragon Attack (Tristopher Chettlebell)
- Enter the Dragons (Harper Windle)
- History Lessons (Tristopher Chettlebell)
- Opening the Way (Tristopher Chettlebell)
- Artifact Snatch (Harper Windle)
- Wheels Within Wheels (Harper Windle)
- Clockwork Guild Tomb (Tristopher Chettlebell) - Awards Adventurer's Pack!
Let me know if I've made any mistakes. I did it twice with my Cleric and Wizard to be sure of the steps!
Bump because this is the kind of thing that needs to be in the forums. Not the endless whining and *****ing that plagues it now.
Nah, this guide here is way better then that... Lol
Ty for this step-by-step guide.
Any more must-do quests like this with good rewards?
While you're in the graveyard, don't miss A Lich's Lament - because it's really that funny.
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Do all the quests in the graveyard, like you would anyway. Receive bag, done.
2. complete Clocktower
3. Get bag.
the darn bag should be FIRST mission of a chain, OR, just 1 silver from a vender (maybe 12 silver)
bag of hold if it's 1K Zen should have 45 slots and be an account unlock. and even then cutting price to 900 Zen would sound right
a "greater" bag of hold should have more slots than ANY other bag, including the 30 slot starting bag.
we can "craft" shirts/pants, so? why can't we sew the legs shut on a pair of pants and call it a .... bag? maybe a bag... IDK are bags even made of cloth? maybe leather... oh we can do leather also.... maybe the bags are chain bag....s....hmm, I'm CONFUSED WHY THE FRAK CAN"T WE MAKE BAGS???
edit to add, the bag in question, that takes a 12 quest chain to finish is ONLY a 12 slot bag, and requires level 30 to start... but the bag itself only requires you to be lvl 3 to use it......
I actually leveled past this, had it shared with me from a guildy, then completed it and returned to the proper NPC and only got 75 copper. Could it have been because they shared it with me after completing it and not turning it in themselves? I could really have used that bag.
I just talked to everyone who might give me a quest at that place. Talk to people, do quest, talk to everyone again etc
Once you talk to him and get the quest going, you'll be able to get the quest from the fellow next to him (Harper Windle).
I know this from personal experience because I did the quest line at level 60.
i missed A Doomguide's Duty somehow swapping back and forth between toons.
now it won't give the the quest for some reason...
Ty!! Now my two 60s that missed this bag wont be stuck with 2 (b/c i aint paying for bag space and what kind of HAMSTER is a bag of holding with only 25 slots, anyway? Even a small one can hold 250ish lbs).
I appreciated this post. A friend posted it for those of us who missed this bag. I went back to the graveyard with my level 48 or 49 and talked to these people until I found that Tristopher was the one holding the next part of my quest. He didn't even have a question mark above his head. I would have missed it. I talked to him anyway and got the Clockwork Guild Tomb part of the quest so that I could finish and get the bag. Thank you again to the person who posted this here.