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About instance levels..

grekthorangrekthoran Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 68
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
So, I keep out leveling these instances. As it is right now, I am level 37. I would really like to run the lair of the mad dragon with some friends when I get home tonight. We are emailing and trying to get the run planned out right now. Is there any way I can get into this instance with them, or am I completely locked out?

What if we all physically run to the dungeon enterance instead of using the auto zone tool... thing that happens when you hit "K"? Any way at all to do this with level 32-35 characters?

Thanks for any help.
Post edited by grekthoran on


  • thekaras1982thekaras1982 Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2013
    I honestly think Cryptic should look at how Guild Wars 2 does it with areas. Allow anyone to do the regular dungeons and it auto-scales their character levels to the level range for the dungeon, or everyone at max range much like PVP tiers. Cryptic, the same dev company that introduced sidekicking, lacks that very feature in this game is such a huge step back in progress.

    Same goes with Skirmishes. I doubt anyone would want to do the same 60th level skirmish over and over for the dailies. (Going a bit side track...)
    Yes, I play a Great Weapon Fighter, and I tend to keep it that way ... till the Ranger or Monk comes in. :)
  • grekthorangrekthoran Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 68
    edited May 2013
    I honestly think Cryptic should look at how Guild Wars 2 does it with areas. Allow anyone to do the regular dungeons and it auto-scales their character levels to the level range for the dungeon, or everyone at max range much like PVP tiers. Cryptic, the same dev company that introduced sidekicking, lacks that very feature in this game is such a huge step back in progress.

    This is one is pretty much my fault. I knew you could out level a dungeon and be stuck here. I guess I just assumed, when I got the lair of the mad dragon on my queue list that it would be from level 30-39 and didn't notice the 5 level increment thing. So, even if me and my friends all run to the enterance of the dungeon tonight, it still won't let us in?
  • bringerofreddawnbringerofreddawn Member Posts: 109 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Group with them and enter the dungeon through the door. Done deal.
    Can't queue past the dungeon level (for whatever reason) but can always go back to the dungeon.
  • grekthorangrekthoran Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 68
    edited May 2013
    Group with them and enter the dungeon through the door. Done deal.
    Can't queue past the dungeon level (for whatever reason) but can always go back to the dungeon.

    Awesome, I thought I read somewhere that this was possible, I'm going to try it tonight, thanks for the help.
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