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Packets Not Receiving - Can No Longer Play

hakarathakarat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
edited May 2013 in Bug Reports (PC)
So this is my last attempt at getting some help here on the forums. I've done multiple searches, replied to and started multiple threads on this, and nothing seems to help.

So I've been getting some REALLY bad lag, rubberbanding all over the place, NPC's non-responsive, everything with the game is just too laggy to play.

After turning on /netgraph 1 and seeing my ping and SEND: / REC: - it seems to me that something is causing REC: to choke up and I get anywhere between REC: (4,000 - 100,000 unpacked).

When it builds up that much, I either get a HUGE LAG SPIKE or just get disconnected. It happens very often, when I sprint, fight mobs, go to town, ect.

I've tried almost everything, opening ports 7000-7500, connecting through a VPN, changed my graphics settings, restarted client over and over. Nothing has fixed this issue.

This was a non-existent issue in BW2, I live in California, have TWCable RoadRunner 50mbs and there are 2 of us using the internet and playing the game. When I play alone, it's almost fine, but I do get the occasional unpacked loss build-up but nothing too extreme.

It's when we play together on 2 comps is when it gets so extreme the lag always disconnects the 2nd computer and my computer shows up to 100,000-200,000 unpacked loss under /netgraph

Again, never experienced any sort of lag or problems during Beta Weekend 2. This Beta Weekend 3, nothing was changed on my end but now this packet loss is so bad the game is UNPLAYABLE.

I've read under other threads that many people are experiencing problems with this type of lag, rubberbanding, non-responsive NPC - server. People from Australia seem to get it the worst and from other places around UK / America. During primetime American hours, this unpacked or packet loss is the worst, game spikes every other minute.

During offtime (12am-4am+ PST) the lag seems to disappear and the packet loss doesn't occur. I really don't know what seems to be causing this issue, every time I ask [zone] chat, everyone says they're fine and no one is lagging. Again, I am usually okay when playing alone but when 2 people are playing at my house it's unplayable.

Is this a network issue? A transfer of data issue? This problem has been driving me bat sh*t crazy because BW2 was so smooth and now the game is unplayable. I was considering spending over $240+ on the game for 2 people but after this BW3, I may be skipping this game all together now unless this issue is resolved.

Can someone please chime in and help me solve this issue? I really do enjoy the game immensely but with this sort of lag, it's starting to make me really hate the game.
"There are more things in heaven and earth,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
Post edited by hakarat on


  • kravenatorkravenator Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Massive constant lag, "Server not responding" on top of the screen, world freeze every 5 seconds, rubberbanding, etc. There's only one exception. I'm in Poland, and many ppl on chat are saying they have same lag problems. Sad thing is, it makes the game completely unplayable.
  • peppermintlarypeppermintlary Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kravenator wrote: »
    Massive constant lag, "Server not responding" on top of the screen, world freeze every 5 seconds, rubberbanding, etc. There's only one exception. I'm in Poland, and many ppl on chat are saying they have same lag problems. Sad thing is, it makes the game completely unplayable.

    This is my exact same problem but I live in the US, what is the reason, just too much server strain or what? Doesn't make sense that almost everyone else is saying they're fine with no lag, what gives?
  • rharsinrharsin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kravenator wrote: »
    Massive constant lag, "Server not responding" on top of the screen, world freeze every 5 seconds, rubberbanding, etc. There's only one exception. I'm in Poland, and many ppl on chat are saying they have same lag problems. Sad thing is, it makes the game completely unplayable.

    Exact same issue, but I'm in USA. "Server Not Responding" at the top of the screen, Rubber-banding like crazy, getting disconnected ever 2 minutes. Have NEVER had this issue at all and I've played all 3 beta weekends for ~12 hours/day.

    Started happening to me around 3 hours ago and hasn't relented since. Worse part is I had FINALLY gotten into the final dungeon (level 52 Spellplague or something like that) and lost connection mid-dungeon... Looks like I won't get to see that content until this issue is fixed.

    And I cant tell you it's not my internet. Ran a speedtest and I'm getting optimum readings for my 30meg cable connection.
  • raroshrarosh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Same problem but mine is in the 400-6000 not receiving.
    170-200 ping
    70-100 Sent

    Game is unplayable like this.
  • zerowaitzerowait Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2013
  • itbetruthitbetruth Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Report your problems here, the more that do the faster they can fix. http://techsupport.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=19551
  • zerowaitzerowait Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well, its not hardware related. So all those suggestions posted in that thread/discussion will not help at all.
  • shehawshehaw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    this problem has returned!
  • marvinwsmarvinws Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Had the same here, tried pretty much everything I could imagine/find on the web to try to fix it, in the end almost with no hope tried a couple VPNs and its working now, had to try a few different VPNs untill finding one that gets me playable ping, by playable I mean bad bad ping,but at least not rubberbanding (300-350ms)
  • chuckwolfchuckwolf Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm a little confused by this. Because this behavior is the exact opposite that I'm getting. I rarely lag meaning basically none (none is impossible). This is with 2 other gamers playing all accessing the very same game servers 1 of my roommates plays NW the other plays STO, this along with running a website server from the same 25/25 Mbps connection. My ping times are between 80 ~ 120 ms.

    There are things you can do to maximize your performance. First and foremost is maximizing available upload bandwidth. Contrary to popular belief download speed isn't the most important when it comes to gaming, but upload. Making sure nothing is sapping this bandwidth in the background such as filesharing, chat clients, especially voice, etc. Also one of the biggest thing you can do is to disable on demand patching in the launcher, that will keep the game from stopping to download new content randomly.

    Another thing to try is making sure you're on a wired connection, wireless has an inherent lag.
    @Powerblast in game
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