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Why are Punishing Light and Soothing Light so terrible?

madqhuemadqhue Member Posts: 58 Arc User
edited May 2013 in The Temple
At this point I think almost all Clerics know that most of our spells are really only useful when Divinity is active and so we are continually hitting Tab to go into Divinity Mode, casting Astral Shield, and then tabbing back out to resume using our at wills or Divine Glow / Sunburst to rebuild divinity.

While in Divinity Mode our at-wills are replaced by Punishing Light and Soothing light which require holding the left and right mouse buttons to activate in order to distinguish them from the normal At-will abilities slotted in their place. You are unlikely to accidentally use either one for this reason, and it is a very good thing because they are both terrible.

I mean really really bad. For abilities that use up Divine Power these things are practically a curse rather than a blessing. The damage on Punishing Light is actually significantly LESS than Lance of Faith or Sacred Flame. Soothing Light is unique in that it is the only direct-channeled heal we have and so it could be a very interesting niche spell... but the healing provided by this use of divinity is so much less efficient than application or Astral Shield or Forgemaster's Flame that it becomes a complete waste to use it in this capacity.

I would expect both of these abilities to be inefficient compared to the use of full pips to enhance Encounter Powers but they should still be somewhat viable. If not then just eliminate them and let Tab only be used to turn divinity mode on and off for the Encounter Powers and let people sit in divinity mode with the regular builders if they so choose.
Post edited by madqhue on


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    beldukilbeldukil Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2013
    You are absolutely right, but good thing we have other things to spend all our divinity on.
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    johnnydepthsjohnnydepths Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    couldn't agree more. I would prefer flame, and seal to stay in the at will spots in divinity mode then use soothing or punishing.
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    cwiyk13cwiyk13 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree: Punishing Light and Soothing Light are currently a waste of divine power. I'm sure the developers didn't intend for this to be the true; why would they take the time to code in such a mechanic if their intention was that we never actually use them? In which case, they really need to address improving these abilities. They need to make Punishing Light and Soothing Light so powerful that a Devoted Cleric would actually consider whether to use their Divinity on those abilities or to super charge their encounter powers.
    Krae Vull - Devoted Cleric
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    realr3sistancerealr3sistance Member Posts: 191 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Punishing Light has one very minor use but else wise is useless, soothing light is pretty much completely useless. Punishing light might be useful to get a quick finish on an enemy in PvP who is around the 1~0% mark when your encounters aren't ready and they are running away... but this is literally grabbing at straws here!
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    deistikdeistik Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 658 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    The only good thing I've found about either of them is a) you can move while casting and b) each crit will proc Repurpose Soul.

    They honestly need to about double the damage/healing of the skills, then they might be worth actually using.
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    lanessar13lanessar13 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'd prefer a divine version of at-will abilities rather than punishing or soothing light.
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    akula69akula69 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Both are utterly worthless and I have quit using them completely, even in PVP with the added movement ability.

    The bad thing for me is that I hold down my mouse buttons while out of divinity since it spam casts them. So I find myself somtimes wasting divinity when I forget to switch or just double click the switch back.
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    wildrage777wildrage777 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    At this point they are more of an annoyance than anything else. I wish we had an option to not use them at all because they are completely useless. I think I've used them both exactly once and both times I wished I had my divine charges for something else instead.
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    stylepilestylepile Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lanessar13 wrote: »
    I'd prefer a divine version of at-will abilities rather than punishing or soothing light.

    definitely this
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    uberguberuberguber Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 110 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Agreed. They could not have meant for these to be this useless.
    Noli sinere te ab improbis opprimi
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    unspecifiederrorunspecifiederror Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 315 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Yup, garbage skills are garbage. I hate when I accidentally spend even a tiny amount of divinity on either of these.

    Both Soothing light and Punishing Light would need about a 100% to 200% increase in healing/damage to be worth using divinity on them.
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    radlackradlack Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Anybody else hate it when your second tab does not register and you waste divine power on one of these?

    The right click heal is nice when you need some single target healing and other spells are on cool down, especially if you don't have healing word slotted.

    The left click is only good in pvp, you have divine power to waste, and your kiting somebody while doing damage to them.
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    cwiyk13cwiyk13 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I loathe when I accidentally find myself using either of these abilities because I either forgot to switch out of Divinity or accidentally double-tapped Tab and stayed in Divinity. Everytime it happens, I feel like someone in the group probably noticed and now thinks I'm a complete newbie.

    Edit: n..oob is considered foul language?
    Krae Vull - Devoted Cleric
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    oronessoroness Member Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The devs should completely remove these and let us use our Divine power just to boost our Encounters, that way we can stay in divinity all the time if we want to as long as we build and have DP.
    If we run out of DP, we go back to normal.

    Or, they could give us the same mchanics as CW and have 4 encounter skills and one of then in the Divine slot, but that would be a huge nerf in healing.
    I want this class in NW. :o
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    uberguberuberguber Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 110 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I too hate when I accidentally use either of these as well. I kind of have a habit of double tapping abilities to make sure they go off. Trying to break myself of the habit.
    Noli sinere te ab improbis opprimi
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    cwiyk13cwiyk13 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    oroness wrote: »
    The devs should completely remove these and let us use our Divine power just to boost our Encounters, that way we can stay in divinity all the time if we want to as long as we build and have DP.
    If we run out of DP, we go back to normal.

    Or, they could give us the same mchanics as CW and have 4 encounter skills and one of then in the Divine slot, but that would be a huge nerf in healing.

    I don't want them to remove our ability to choose whether or not I use Divinity on my encounter spells. For example, I want to be able to choose whether or not to use Divinity with Sunburst because I may or may not want the knockback effect.

    Nor do I want them to rework the entire Divinity system to give us a 4th encounter slot like Control Wizards. That would literally require changing and rebalancing every single Devoted Cleric encounter power.

    I'd just like them to increase the usefulness of the Punishing/Soothing Light abilities to the point that we would actually consider intentionally using them. :)
    Krae Vull - Devoted Cleric
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    suparstarxsuparstarx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Soothing Light costs too much divine power per tick. Needs to be reduced and have some coefficiency brought up with Power/Healing bonuses.
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    madqhuemadqhue Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The maddening aspect of both of these, to me at least, is the frequency with which a knockback or a stun will cause my 'tab' to fail thus sticking me in the wrong mode. Depending on how alert I am I can spend a second or two doing nothing and wondering why my at-wills are not functioning before realizing that I'm in Divinity mode and tab to switch back.

    I am certain we have all had the reverse happen where we accidentally end up tossing down a Yellow Shield thus prompting some period of hardship before Astral Shield refreshes. It becomes a quality-of-life thing where I would like to be able to just stay in Divine mode and use the normal At Wills and throw down only Divine powered encounters. I'd switch out occasionally to conserve or build divinity if fighting against a smaller number of opponents, but I would feel less like I was fighting with the tab button and UI rather than the monsters.

    The above would be something of a cop-out however as I really do think both of these abilities are intended to have a very solid role...they just dont have anywhere near the correct coefficients at the moment for that function.
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    kmschmekmschme Member Posts: 5
    edited May 2013
    madqhue wrote: »
    It becomes a quality-of-life thing where I would like to be able to just stay in Divine mode and use the normal At Wills and throw down only Divine powered encounters. I'd switch out occasionally to conserve or build divinity if fighting against a smaller number of opponents, but I would feel less like I was fighting with the tab button and UI rather than the monsters.

    The above would be something of a cop-out however as I really do think both of these abilities are intended to have a very solid role...they just dont have anywhere near the correct coefficients at the moment for that function.

    I bet everyone pretty much would like that. But.

    I feel that these divine at-wills are there mainly to keep us coming back to the normal mode. There is no real way of building divinity in divinity mode (yes, that one feat, but no -real- way) and that is how it's intended. If we could spam our normal at-wills and gain divinity, we could pretty much just sit there and do nothing else, occasionally slip back for the Sunburst to gain our AP. Totally different rhythm and balance.

    The easiest way to fix this is adjust the numbers on our SL/PL. A bit different, but an interesting way to fix it, would be to grant us "divinity at-wills". For instance, Sacred Flame and Lance of Faith could always cast the so called "3rd hit". Astral Seal could provide the feat bonus (less damage from target). This, however, would need some thinking and adjustments, and that's as far as I bother to go not being able to do anything about it.

    Though in my honest opinion, I don't see anything wrong with them. I see them only as a way to force divinity mode be what it is, a boosted mode where you only spend, never gain. Divinity.
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    j005eej005ee Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm curious if anyone has ever taken the time to actually perform some statistical analysis of these two abilities. There is a lot of hate in this thread, and relatively little math to support it. I'm not trying to discount empirical evidence. I'm just genuinely curious whether or not these two skills are really as bad as everyone is making them out to be.

    It has been my experience that both of these skills are quite useful in the correct situation. I don't think either of them are meant to be spammed or used for top DPS/HPS. They are tools in a box, and I'd argue that there are situations where these tools are quite effective. Specifically, I've used both Punishing Light and Soothing Light to great effect in PvP.

    PL is great for finishing off that target with 2% health that is trying madly to run away and escape - trying to land a Daunting Light or chains can be problematic against a dodging/fleeing target. You can instead try to rely on Searing Light, but there is no guarantee that you will have enough damage to finish the opponent with one attack on a relatively long cooldown. PL provides a constant stream of lock-on damage to help seal the deal.

    SL is great for saving a friendly player that is near death and being targeted - those situations where you can't wait on cooldowns for our regular HOTs. While there are certainly more efficient heals, this is an on demand HOT with no cooldown that locks on target and allows you to continue moving while casting. Relying more on SL is also a great way to free up an encounter power for more damage or utility.

    While it is true that I've used these two abilities less in PvE, similar situations can occur where I find it advantageous to use them.

    In summary, I think it is wrong to treat either of these abilities as "primary" for damage or healing - that's not their purpose, and criticizing them on such a spectrum is not valid. I also would challenge a more enterprising player than myself to get some numbers crunched to help determine when these abilities are most effective.
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    missusmissus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i think what kills the punishing light portion at least for me is how the damage does not increase per tic whereas even my least damaging at will increases with damage per tic plus +hp so I heal for more on the target (and myself).

    They need to ramp up more quickly in damage and healing to account for the extremely rapid Divinity consumption. If they did, it would at least be an option, instead of a "gd it i forgot to tab/tab didnt respond" use.
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    teemoorteemoor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 82
    edited May 2013
    I don't really care about Light powers, what bugs me is sometimes I press TAB and it doesn't register. Like when you're juggled around by happy and laughing ADDS. Or for no reason. Clerics will get me - there's possibly no worse situation than seeing a YELLOW astral shield during a boss/elite trash fight :D
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    agressivekoala1agressivekoala1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    is punishing/soothing light still just this terrible or did they try to buff it?
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    putzboy78putzboy78 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,950 Arc User
    Soothing light is terrible, punishing light can be useful for that last few seconds burn on a boss (here's looking at you Lostmauth). Mostly however you want to use your divinity to stack empowerment and to close the gap between cooldowns on encounters.

    So basically i never use soothing and punishing is very very situational
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    x1101011xx1101011x Member Posts: 87 Arc User
    Another use of punishing light that wasn't mentioned here is for crits. It has a very fast attack rate, so you can quickly get a crit on your target (1 or 2 seconds) to proc Fire of the Gods, which otherwise takes about 6 seconds on average (often longer, especially when attacks are peppered with dodges in PvP).
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    suxip01111suxip01111 Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    I sincerely believe that no one would notice if these 2 abilities were removed from the game.
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    gkjones85gkjones85 Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    I was trying to think outside the box sort of, do either of these abilities proc any of our DC abilities/spec stuff?.

    They both seem to go off very fast and quick to use the damage one looks like it hits fast.
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    putzboy78putzboy78 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,950 Arc User
    They are HAMSTER, the divinity/empowering mechanism made them obsolete.
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    dfncedfnce Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 509 Arc User
    putzboy78 said:

    They are HAMSTER, the divinity/empowering mechanism made them obsolete.

    It is likely that Punishing Light was overlooked or underestimated by devs during their holy anti-dc nerfing wars.

    Nothing could burn mobs faster than that in MOD3, continuous ticks on build with 4 pips could archive unseen anywhere else damage values.
    "When no appropriate rule applies, make one up."
    — (The unwritten rule)

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    putzboy78putzboy78 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,950 Arc User
    Maybe they don't/haven't ran a dc so they really don't understand how they are used. Like most of the people in LFG/PUG.
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