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Ok obviously I suck at this game GWF

daradaldaradal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in The Militia Barracks
Everyone says its a LTF issues with this class and not the fact that since the game had started its taken a 60 percent nerf in damage and all of the feats and powers were nerfed at least that much as well.

Im level 37 with a 2k+ GS. I just got to Ebons Down and/ Velosk. Up to this point its been a struggle, I'm soloing since all my friends quit playing, and the ones that do still play got in early, and are rogues, so they have been 60 for a while now.

So I try Ebons down first. I can't exactly remember what I was fighting, but there were soldiers,not their actual name, I think and then the casters. The soldiers were ok and I could take them with a little effort. The casters on the other hand would continually spawn rotters and they hit hard at this level especially 5 or 6 of them. Between the rotters and the caster hitting me, if I happened to pull a soldier too I was dead. I was like this is fun so I promptly finished the two quests I had going there and figured velosk would be better maybe

So I head to veloks, wolves and beast masters, archers ok not too bad at least there aren't casters that are spawning adds. So I'm messing around there I'm doing the totem missions, like the first one. I try to destroy whatever this thing is at an altar and instead of that I summon something, again can't remember what it was but it was big. So I try to fight it, yeah healer goes down I barely scratch it with an unstoppable and all my encounters and it instakills me.

After that I decided I was done for the night.

So at this point I'm level 37, Im getting killed by mobs and mid level enemies. I doubt i'd stand a chance at this level against a boss. Seems all the enemies are scaling a lot more than I am. I've been waiting for this seeming boost in damage output were supposed to get around this level but I'm not seeing it.

I'm seriously thinking about level a Rogue now just for a change of pace, fact is though I'm so high with this character and Ive put in so much time I dont want to give up.

And LTP, well lets see I try to run when I can to get out of AOE circles, but I tend to run out of stamina er constantly. When I do actually have the stamina to run he either, 1 its too late, 2 I actually get out of the circle and still get hit, or 3 I get hit as I'm running.

I mean I have to build determination, so that means I need to be getting hit. Plus if I run around my hits don't stack either.

Im trying here but at this point its very frustrating.
Post edited by daradal on


  • kishwardkishward Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm 36 with my GWF and I'm at the exact same spot in the game quest wise.

    The zombies in Ebon Downs DO hit really hard for their level.. everyone has that issue, but like you said I think it's just at this point monsters start scaling more sharply. Have not been to Veloks yet but from the sound of things.. you weren't paying much attention to what was happening. No offense meant, just the fact you can't really even recreate what happened in your post leads me to believe you might do better if you focus and understand what your getting into. Some of the monsters have attacks that you've got to learn to avoid. The marks on the ground (red rings/columns) are indicators of what type of attack is coming, but don't always reflect the exact range/area of affect of the attack.

    Anyway, sorry for the lecture.

    I'm not having too many problems in Ebon so far. My cleric is getting crushed a LOT more than in previous zones so that is slowing me down a bit for sure. I'm thinking it might actually be time to get another companion, maybe a tank or something to help take the heat off the harder hitting mobs.

    I'm at about a 2700 or so gear score (at work now, can't check for sure). I'm using Sure Strike and WMS as my At-Wills. For encounters I've got Flourish, Restorative Strike, and Daring Shout. Steel Blitz and Weapon Master class feats. I've been handling Ebon pretty well with this set up so far. I've only died once and that was from getting knocked into a spike pit. I have for sure been using more potions than before because of the cleric becoming almost useless. Thankfully I barely used any since level 16 so I've got about 80 of the 2k health pots and about 30 of the 4k pots.

    Rogues generally do seem to be a lot more effective while leveling (dunno a thing about end game) but they certainly play differently than the GWF. I'd suggest you hang in there if the class is fun to you!

    EDIT: I forgot to mention gear. I'm almost entirely invested on Power/Crit Strike/Armor Pen/Defense. This might end up being a problem, however, as I've read some posts about how leveling seems to be easier with a Life Steel/Armor Pen/Deflection gear focus. So I can't speak directly of it's effectiveness, but it makes sense considering potions will be your only method of restoring HP once your cleric inevitably dirt naps.
  • daradaldaradal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I was paying attention, I could tell you exactly what happened, I just don't recall the names of the monsters off the top of my head. I try to get out of the red circles as best I can but with the way I use sprint I'm out of it a lot. Plus because were not invulnerable when using it I still get hit sometimes even when I can use it.

    I get in these groups and i'm at half health before I know it, I'm popping a pot and me clerics dead, she dies a lot now.....Then I gotta run because they're still surrounding me and hope I can get another pot off before they kill me.

    The velosk thing, I don't know I thought it was a totem and it wasn't. It was some kind of summoning spot that summoned a big monster. I went after it, probably shouldn't have but I didn't know how tough can it be its not a boss or anything, I got some hits in then it did this thing with its arms, raised them up, I didn't see a red ring but we were in between the altar and a statue, so there could have been one and then I was dead. I think in that situation it was something I wasn't supposed to be messing with.

    But thats the thing that frustrates me. I'm in these zones and I'm actually avoiding fights when I know other classes would be running towards to them. I mean I check the group and decide...oh this one's ok or no that one's too much trouble, or heck no they will kill me.
  • th0rfinnth0rfinn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 119 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I just reached 60 yesterday with my GFW and it was pretty much soloable all the way until the last quest in whispering cavern which I did with a rogue I found omw because I felt the need of having a secondary meatshield other than my companion, mobs were doing way too much damage. At the last area It gets to the point where bosses would 2 hit you if you're not careful enough and beware getting cc'd. Sometimes I helped people that needed to complete a quest they had difficulty which i had happened to be doing aswell and have done quests where alot of people ask for help in chat too by myself.

    My cleric companion started dying alot by the time I was lv.42 but I saw that as an advantage so she was kinda like a bait so I could do my AOE spells on them and oblitirate the mob sometimes I even let her die and then kill the remaining enemy so she can get up back at full HP. GFW does tons of AOE damage and your daily are pretty much up all the time.

    Roar is a very good AOE encounter and punishing charge is way too good, not because of the damage but because you can kite mobs and dodge skills with it if running is not fast enough for you.

    I've notcied that bosses has a repeatable AI sequence where they just do the same thing at a certain time and they become easy to dodge. Learn their pattern, dodge attacks, use pots. I always mantained my gear up to my level rare item by doing a dungeon delves whenever the event was up.
  • estephan1984estephan1984 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    just so you know btw, Ebon downs is hard on anyone, my rogue is getting killed quite quickly if I don't murder the casters asap, even without the caster it gets tricky on us rogues. So it's not just hard for your GWF
  • daedracdaedrac Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 51
    edited May 2013
    A GWF can handle everything with relative ease up until around 35. After that you get hit like a truck. My mistake was not having any defense, especially since I had the feats that gave me power for defense. So I'd recommend trying that if you aren't. But the best solution is find someone to level with. From 51-60 I ran with a GF guildie and we tore everything up without any trouble what-so-ever. But solo is just obnoxious as the starter cleric is only rated up to level 30 mobs, anything after that is above her level. And for God only know's reasons the mobs agro onto her even if she hasn't cast a **** thing and no matter what you can't pull them off. Which is funny because a 60 cleric can't pull agro off me if I'm dps'ing the target. Go ****ing figure
  • santentsantent Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's just a hard zone dude. The exact same thing is happening to everyone else. A seasoned MMO gamer knows this and understands how to counter the difficulty with strategy. EXAMPLE, running out of LOS quickly to gather ranged mobs up to better aoe. Etc. Etc. And the 15 companions are pretty worthless now in and past that zone. She was so beautiful...
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  • daradaldaradal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    th0rfinn wrote: »
    I just reached 60 yesterday with my GFW and it was pretty much soloable all the way until the last quest in whispering cavern which I did with a rogue I found omw because I felt the need of having a secondary meatshield other than my companion, mobs were doing way too much damage. At the last area It gets to the point where bosses would 2 hit you if you're not careful enough and beware getting cc'd. Sometimes I helped people that needed to complete a quest they had difficulty which i had happened to be doing aswell and have done quests where alot of people ask for help in chat too by myself.

    My cleric companion started dying alot by the time I was lv.42 but I saw that as an advantage so she was kinda like a bait so I could do my AOE spells on them and oblitirate the mob sometimes I even let her die and then kill the remaining enemy so she can get up back at full HP. GFW does tons of AOE damage and your daily are pretty much up all the time.

    Roar is a very good AOE encounter and punishing charge is way too good, not because of the damage but because you can kite mobs and dodge skills with it if running is not fast enough for you.

    I've notcied that bosses has a repeatable AI sequence where they just do the same thing at a certain time and they become easy to dodge. Learn their pattern, dodge attacks, use pots. I always mantained my gear up to my level rare item by doing a dungeon delves whenever the event was up.

    Yeah I haven't used Roar a ton and I don't have punishing charge yet. I tried it in the BW3 and didnt like it but that was because it didn't seem to do a ton of damage, but as an escape tactic I can see its usefulness.

    How do I build AP fast? I will pop my slam and it will take a while before I get another. At least a mob or two usually.....so I tend to try and save it for when I really get into trouble.
    just so you know btw, Ebon downs is hard on anyone, my rogue is getting killed quite quickly if I don't murder the casters asap, even without the caster it gets tricky on us rogues. So it's not just hard for your GWF

    Ok, I guess I was just wondering if I was doing something wrong. Seems like no. It would be so much easier with a group though.

    As for my gear yeah I've been basically stacking power up until this point like everyone else. I am now just trying to work in some stuff with more defense, crit and recovery, but I don't have a ton as I sold most of it off along the way.

    So just a couple hard zones...ok I can deal with that
  • dalenardalenar Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Some suggestions from a 40 GWF:

    1) I always solo with my Cleric companion. She's maxed at level 15 already, so I pull out another companion (in my case, a dire wolf from the Founders Pack) during quest turn-ins to get it leveled up from the quest exp.

    2) I use Slam as my daily. It's great for those "oh sh**" situations where you get a bigger pull than expected and you need to take down the mob of extras in a hurry. Couple that with a good aoe At-Will power and the Determination cooldown (I forget what it's called), and I don't usually have too much trouble staying alive.

    3) This might be obvious, but don't be afraid to chug your health potions. They aren't that expensive to buy, and you usually find a decent amount of them as well.
  • daradaldaradal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dalenar wrote: »
    Some suggestions from a 40 GWF:

    1) I always solo with my Cleric companion. She's maxed at level 15 already, so I pull out another companion (in my case, a dire wolf from the Founders Pack) during quest turn-ins to get it leveled up from the quest exp.

    2) I use Slam as my daily. It's great for those "oh sh**" situations where you get a bigger pull than expected and you need to take down the mob of extras in a hurry. Couple that with a good aoe At-Will power and the Determination cooldown (I forget what it's called), and I don't usually have too much trouble staying alive.

    3) This might be obvious, but don't be afraid to chug your health potions. They aren't that expensive to buy, and you usually find a decent amount of them as well.

    I do use the potions when I can but sometime I get caught up and get stuck waiting on the recharge before I can pop another one, thats when I usually die waiting to the potion recharge to finish....
  • unblessedhandunblessedhand Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 51
    edited May 2013
    daradal wrote: »
    ...thats when I usually die waiting to the potion recharge to finish.

    This pretty much sums up life as a GWF at higher levels. It would help immensely if they let us level the Cleric companion over 15. I have the panther companion at around level 20 and the cleric is still a better option in tough fights.
  • spacejewspacejew Member Posts: 1,044 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Put 3 points in daring shout, use a cleric companion, problem solved?
    MoF/Thaum CW SS/Thaum CW IV/Protector GF SW/Combat HR SM/Destroyer GWF WK/Executioner TR DO/Faithful DC
  • daradaldaradal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This pretty much sums up life as a GWF at higher levels. It would help immensely if they let us level the Cleric companion over 15. I have the panther companion at around level 20 and the cleric is still a better option in tough fights.

    Or reduce the potion recharge, or make it so one pot doesn't set the recharge in all of them, so you could pop 1,2, then 3 if you needed.

    I say the cleric is useless, because she basically is but still I do notice when shes dead because my health goes down even faster than normal. Also is there any way to get offense slots on her? I'd love to increase her power or recovery, so she can heal me better and/or faster, but all her slots are defense.

    I thought about trying the tank that way he can pull and I can go to work in back but I doubt at 15 the would last too long either and I don't want to spend the gold just to find out.
  • spacejewspacejew Member Posts: 1,044 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Odd, at level 55 my rank 15 free ninety five cleric still heals 20% HP over 10 seconds and has a direct heal that seems to heal for about 1k.

    With Daring Shout and Unstoppable, the damage I'm taking is negligible. 40 guys banging on me with those two abilities active barely moves my HP. (Of course, when they wear off that's a different story. Charge Reaping Strike before it wears off, take a hit or two during your charge, let it fly, and pop them again. Just gotta get used to the timing.)

    I'm so incredibly surprised that people who see that GWF needs to get hit to build their bars don't have even a single damage mitigation ability on their Encounter bar. Then they come on the forums to complain about how they take so much damage, when they aren't using their damage mitigation Encounters.

    I'm...confused...on this issue.

    I mean yeah GWF does damage too, but you must be alive to deal said damage.

    Not to say that potions aren't necessary, but I've tanked dungeons pre-60 with just my cleric and potions with no problem. I mean, it's not like you're gonna use that gold for anything except kits and potions anyway. Don't be cheap, just buy them and live with it as a class cost.

    I'm not even wearing tank gear, it's all DPS equipment with defense as my only 'defensive' stat.
    MoF/Thaum CW SS/Thaum CW IV/Protector GF SW/Combat HR SM/Destroyer GWF WK/Executioner TR DO/Faithful DC
  • evilthecat7evilthecat7 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well, i really like to play my GWF (im lvl 60 with a gs of 9 at the moment).
    I hadnt any troubles so far leveling or doing a good amount of damage.
    Everytime i look at this forum, i am quite confused about all those "whining threads".

    I really cant understand how you have problems leveling a GWF, or doing good damage ?

    I did all the leveling, every single quest myself, without any groups etc and i really cant see the problem some people seem to have.

    Some of the regional bosses were quite hard yes, but after you saw their attack pattern once, they are quite easy (yes, even the fire giant bossthingy).
    I did most of the content with green/white gear, at the very best times, even a single blue item.

    A problem some people seem to have, that they want to play a "striker" class, high single target dmg -> play trickster rogues.

    Though all the lvls i never had more than 1 single target encounter, and i did really really well. Apart from the fire giant endboss everything seemed to be was quite easy, and even the firegiantguy was well doable after the first death.

    As At-Wills i used Surestrike/Reaping Strike, in the later lvls surestrike/weaponmaster strike, and as soon i was able to skill +dmg for wicked strike (initiator tree, best for pve in my opinion) i uswd wicked strike/weapon amster strike.

    As encounters i used Not so Fast, all the time, from 1 to 60, and i still use it. As soon as available, i used Leap, till lvl 60.

    I only used 1 single target strike all the time, even now at 60, i only use indomitable battle strike, before ibs, i used restoring strike, or knockdown.

    For leveling, thoughout all the game, form 1 to 60, it was pretty easy with this setup, just leap into a group of mobs, usw not so fast, 1 times reaping strike, then just kill the very few survivors with sure strike. At some point of the games you have to start using Pots, but not that much.

    Now at 60, i started to farm t1 dungeons, with wicked strike/weapon master strike, not so fast/indomitable battle strike/come and get in.

    Slam/Crescendo as daiyls, all the time.

    With Initiator as paragon path the great weapon fighter is a total BEAST. You can dish out AWESOME damage if you are able to hit multiple enemys at the time (hello Come and get in). Come nd get in is a great skill, you can group up mobs to hit 5 at the time with not so fast, triggering your destroyer/weapon master, and give the whole party battle advantage, you will crit some, which will reduce their armor, just wms and then wicked strike them to oblivion.

    I pretty much never used more than 1 single target encounter, but i guess, since most of the people who creature those threads use mostly single target encounters, that might be the reason you have problems with the leveling content. which should be fairly easy for every class.

    Again, your role isnt the single target dps "striker" class, thats the tricksters role, you role is heavy aoe attacks.

    If you want a striker, get a trickster rogue, if want want to stay with GWF, you have to realise, that you are a heavy aoe focused, supporting/hybrid class. You destroy trashmobs, you destroy adds in bossfights, you give your party advantage (combat advantage, crowd control (knockback(if needed), and come and get in), and you increase the damage output via student of the sword trigger.

    I recomment you to swith your at-wills to surestrike + one ae, and your encoutners to leap, not so fast, and a single target, thsi should solve a lot of problems with the mobs. Equipmentwise, well, i just picked equipment with power and defense/crit, ... but most important for leveling/pve was power/defense to me, afterwards was crit.

    I hope i was able to help you out a bit.

    ps: sorry my bad english : ) im not used to speak/write english that much, i prefer reading it : D
  • eldiablorojo666eldiablorojo666 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am stuck at the Rime Hound. Lv 48 with Cleric companion and cannot come even close to defeating it. Not an amazing player but know what I am doing - the problem is the AoE and stuns are so difficult to avoid. Any advice?
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