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Trading Reviews

moristinmoristin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in The Foundry
Looking to trade reviews info as follows:

Name: Vermin in the Sewers

This is my first attempt at a quest so some things may seem simple as I'm learning what I can and can't do. Also, I'm not great at dialogue so any suggestions are welcome. Some difficult fights but should be able to be done solo or w/companion. Help me improve, I want to try and do more!

You can mail me in game if you like with suggestions, character name Udokas.
Post edited by moristin on


  • moristinmoristin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Looking for some feedback on my adventure, it's not a blow your mind kind of adventure but I would like to improve it and learn more from experienced users.
  • upskirtupskirt Member Posts: 42
    edited May 2013
    hey i'd love to trade some feedback. i'll give yours a go asap.

    here is my main campaign. I will be adding chapter 2 in the next day or two.
    The Vileforge campaign - NWS-DEMAWGFJS
    chapter 1 - Blood Soaked Silver - NW-DPZ5JW5IO

    and i also made a fun quest, not as serious or story driven as a campaign would be.

    The Tunnel Of Love - NW-DFVGI2QME
    this one is much tougher so i recommend a group of at least 2 or 3 ppl.

    you'll see my feedback in your reviews panel in the foundry but i might pop back in here just to say a few more things.

    thanks in advanced!
  • moristinmoristin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I must have hit a key right as the review window popped up because I didn't get to give you one in game. But some improvements you could do.
    Spelling, to many misspelled words to list. Go through your dialogue and find them.

    At one point in the quest, during the spy interrogation in the tavern, you say find the spy, we don't know where he is. Then the next part you say, "He's up in the second floor room." Might want to fix it one way or the other.

    Final thing, give an exit at the end of the quest, yeah you can just click the exit icon on the map, but its just nice to run to a door to get out of the zone.
    These are all in your Vileforge campaign, chapter 1.
  • upskirtupskirt Member Posts: 42
    edited May 2013
    thanks i'll for sure look into these.
  • skratchxskratchx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 48
    edited May 2013
    In my sig :)
    Quest Thread
    Trials of Atlantis
    • 10 Minutes
    • Standard Difficulty
    • Intended for solo play
    • High detail maps
  • eulerdmoogleeulerdmoogle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Fair enough. I'll try your mission asap.

    My mission:
    A small dwarvish grudge: NW-DUI8A8I7R
    Author name: @cphonx
    about 20 min.
    Story and combat. Some humor.
    Try my missions:
    A Small Dwarvish Grudge: NW-DUI8A8I7R
    The Brink of Disaster: NW-DFDJKW9QF (Still in beta)

  • nyghomanyghoma Member Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'll trade. My quest is in my sig.


    Every time they idiot-proof something...they make better idiots.
  • strainzedstrainzed Member Posts: 46
    edited May 2013
    I gave you a review. I would suggest perhaps adding an alter near the front. I would also add an exit in the front in case people might go in but have to leave.

    My dungeon:
    Witches Brew
  • maddrivermaddriver Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Played and rated in-game.

    It was an enjoyable dungeon crawling quest. In a world where you see demons and undead everywhere, Kobolds become a more interesting challenge. It was really nice seeing a simple concept turn into a quest.

    I played as a level 24 Control Wizard with a rank 13 Healer companion. Most of the fights weren't too difficult. Things do change near the end, where there is more enemy variety.
    While on the subject of encounters, most of the enemies feel to static, thus making large rooms feel kind of empty. What I suggest is you make almost everyone patrol here and there. In some rooms there seems to be enough space to add at least one more encounter.

    Problems aren't that many. Mostly I would recommend more interior decorating and more objectives like the destroy the explosive crates one.
    Traps are always good to have in relatively large numbers, to the point where they don't become a gimmick, but rather something the players want to avoid.
    The one trap I saw was too high and visible. I suggest you use the 3D editor mode and lower it a bit, perhaps cover it with some smoke or some other decal. You can do that to all other traps (if you decide to add more).
    Also the campfire was floating. Again, use the 3D editing more.

    Sometimes you get floating objects, even if their Y (vertical) axis has the value of 0. That is due to the difference between the rooms' ground floor level. Aligning the objects can be done with relative ease through the 3D editing more or directly from the editor (select Room Ground Floor when asked to select your 0 horizontal plane of reference).

    I liked the quest overall. It is simple, yet enjoyable and I feel that with some tweaking, it can get better.

    My quest is called Path to the Underworld and it is part of a (soon to be) larger campaign and storyline.
    And feedback you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
    Ignum Campaign NWS-DBBV2EY9G
    "The quest for the Book of Ignum"
    Chapter 1 Path to the Underworld NW-DA4N8EOZD
    "I have seen your future. I have seen your end"
  • pilatorpilator Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Let's trade.
    Pilator presents professional, long story storyline, with two endings, adventure consists of six maps, with interesting characters, dialogue and plot twists ...
    "Return to Neverwinter"
    (ID: NW-DPZS2MN86)

    Hello all fans of Neverwinter!
    I'm pilator, and this is my first map Foundry. I hope that the story and the gameplay you'll like it. I tried to map was prepared for a really professional. Did I? I'm curious about your comments and feedback :)

    Your name is Argon, you're a former hero of Neverwinter. Its title earned by the defense of the city, defeated the last of the family golden dragons Aldur who wanted to destroy the city Never. For unknown reasons shortly after the victory, decided to go into the unknown. People, however, always remember your name, and believed that one day you will return. It's been 11 years, and you come back to Neverwinter to see how to hold on to things. It's not good, the city returned to the Victoria - once queen golden dragons. Argon will face an important choice.
    WHAT IS IT? - Map offers a rich, role-playing adventure. Map and NPC are customized, maps were created in 3D mode (independently set). MAP HAD GOT 2 ENDS! I can guarantee you that by this adventure will not soon forget :)
    FOR AUTHOR: I apologize for any grammatical errors! Trying to my English was the best I can be :) Enjoy the story!
    MINUTES: 30-1h
    PLAYERS: 1-3max
    1.0 - oryginal

    DANGER! - Click on a sentence in my signature "Return to Neverwinter" to move to the topic dedicated to my own map and give me your opinion on the map :)
    "Return to Neverwinter"

    (ID: NW-DPZS2MN86)

    Role novel about a former hero of Neverwinter, who returns ...
  • eulerdmoogleeulerdmoogle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Played and reviewed in game.
    Try my missions:
    A Small Dwarvish Grudge: NW-DUI8A8I7R
    The Brink of Disaster: NW-DFDJKW9QF (Still in beta)

  • moristinmoristin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thanks for the reviews guys, I think I've almost gotten everyone's here reviewed. If anyone else would like to trade reviews post your information.
  • lostchartalostcharta Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Done with lv47 control wizard.
    Decent little dungeon crawl. One or two points as noted below.
    As other people have mentioned maybe have the enemies move around a bit more. Also it might be more fun with more enemy variety. Even if the enemies look like kobolds and <other enemy you fight later> you could skin them so the combat is different.

    * All of the guard's text is yellow. Maybe reserve this for the bits of important info.
    * Some of the falling water in the sewers is nicely lined up with pipes but some of the rest of it seems to fall from mid air.
    * In the 1st L shaped room after the 1st C shaped room there is a section of pipe floating in mid air.
    * The bonfire levitates a little off the ground
    * <things you have to destroy> are also floating
    * Sequence of quest stages around <things you have to destroy> means that I can actually clear the rooms with the <things you have to destroy> before getting the quest stage. Not major but you might want to move those around a little.
    * Reward chest is floating
    * When I'm leaving the map the quest objective is "only the start". Is that correct?

    My quest is in my sig...

    The Linkwell CryptThe Linkwell Vault

    solo campaign, balanced
    review thread
  • notauriousnotaurious Member Posts: 156 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Here is my quest, first:

    Cat Chase

    On your quest: lots of dead space, which was fine, it was a huge map and I didn't want to explore the whole thing. However, you used markers for clearing trash instead of the kill mob function. I was able to bypass a lot of trash in this regard. Kind of a good thing because after 100 encounters, I was kind of ready to do something else, like kill a boss.

    It was a fun hack-and-slash quest. You certainly have some interesting story possibilities should you choose to expand this. Not bad for a first quest. Heck, my linked quest is my first attempt, and it is more of a story than a quest. I think you're off to a good start :)
    Short Code Copy/Paste: NW-DJC4R9H3R
  • moristinmoristin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thanks for the reviews guys, I'll look into the things you've mentioned and tidy it up a bit.
  • sirhc2sirhc2 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi, was wondering if anyone could review my campaign. I modeled it after the D&D Red Box beginner campaign if anyone has played it. The first quest of the campaign is pretty much just a prologue to lead you into the second. So it is short and simple. The second quest of the campaign is much harder, and I recommend bringing a group and lots of pots.

    Campaign -D&D Red Box Campaign[COLOR=NWS-DCS2HQ27J
    Chapter I First Encounter: NW-DALZWIS9L
    Chapter II The Twisting Halls: NW-DHELEPLXV

    Please be gentle. Constructive criticism is welcome. Flaming and trolling isn't. I will search for and review as many quests as i can.
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