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No Love for Fighters

zardoz007zardoz007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
edited May 2013 in The Militia Barracks
Do Fighters need to be fixed or Do the other classes need a fix?

The GWF has such a poor reputation from all those players that have tried leveling it, And then there usefulness in a group comes into question at lv 60.

Can't solo bosses like rogue, Can't make threat like GF, can't crowd control like CW.

To me the GWF has become the Garbage Man. That is all they are good for they clean up the trash good (Only if you are a heavily focused damage spec) But other players don't want someone that helps clear the way to the boss. Everyone can do that. Fighting the Boss is the hard part and so players want 2 clerics , 2 Wizards and a rogue.

And look what happened there the GF gets completely left out of the loop? And why is that? because tanking and holding threat is very difficult in this game. You once again Must be full DPS build because more damage means more threat. Since you lowly threat moves increase threat by a % based on the damage you are doing.

There is no "Taunt" in the game. It says Enforced threat "Taunts" but it only marks and does not pull mobs away form attacking your cleric. It says the Stab at will "Taunts" but it does not even mark the only use for it is you can stab while having your shield up meaning you wont lose your mark on the target you are fighting because that target can't hit you. (P.S you lose your mark if a marked target hits you if you did not already know)

So this is the question Do fighters need a fix? does the GF need more threat options, is there tank spec and pure defense focus build even viable? Should it be?

Does the GWF need to do more damage, does the GWF need control powers or more threat in order to support his group better? Or is spamming those superfast at-wills all day really what the GWF should be about and nothing else?

Or is the reason why the fighters are being put on the sidelines because the other classes are too good? Cleric Astral shield stacking, Wizards doing more damage than the fighters while paralyzing groups of mobs and rogues for super kill all single target DPS while avoiding damage like a pro.
Post edited by zardoz007 on


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    samanthyasamanthya Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 98
    edited May 2013
    You forgot the option: - People need to learn to play fighters and quit whining about their lack of skill.
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    zardoz007zardoz007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Samanthya you just made the point that the fighter class needs the fix. Since all other classes and different class builds out there work and those classes fill there roles but if you do not have the very specific and the only effective fighter build out there you will suck. If you are not avoiding damage and dodging all the attacks you can you will suck. You are not there to stand around and take hits (true all classes need to avoid damage, I just wish avoiding damage did not have anything to do with how much threat you make cause taking a hit ends your mark). The difficulty curve on playing fighters is one of the main points as to why both classes get bad reputations.

    To play a fighter correctly either GF or GWF you need to focus on damage first. IF you take the defensive path on either fighter all you will do is chase mobs that have no interest you. Meaning all your defense powers never help your group, you never tank.

    So learning to play fighter is basically know what you can do and what the fighter can't do even though from all other MMO experience you would assume a fighter could stack Defense and still hold mobs attention to take hits so his other party members wont have too.

    And any class that has lots of options to choose from but only one set of those options is effective is a problem. Because there should be pros and cons to all choices you make in the game but they should all be playable and be effective.
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    riggsxriggsx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    .. And now we(GF) got our dmg. nerfed. Thats it! I wanna tank, so I'm re rolling a Cleric!
    Great job Blizza... hm...
    Fix the agro system, then you can nerf the weak. Not before. Jeez.


    Clarification added to the patch note.

    Clarification: The change to Guardian Fighters is not a balance change and does not affect damage output for that class under normal circumstances. This fixes a very rare circumstance where damage would be calculated incorrectly to a significant degree. Most players have never experienced this, however, those who have know that it was significant enough to warrant a fix ASAP. Thanks to all the players who requested clarification on this!

    GOOD. Still. Remove that f'ing blue shield....
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    solthusx2solthusx2 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    imo, the main complaint about the GWF seems to center around a few areas:

    1) The class is just bad at low levels and takes a while to become effective
    2) Lack of versatility in builds (Sentinel build can provide good mitigation but can't function properly as tank/off tank due to threat generation issues) making dps builds the only viable ones
    3) Playstyle. Fighter type classes tend to presented as the most beginner friendly class in a lot of games while the GWF is decidedly not.
    4) Gamers expecting fighters to relatively simple and straightforward classes to play (as they tend to be in other games) but is not the case here.

    On a lighter note: we should be thankful this is not based on 3.0/3.d DnD where fighters are even worse off compared to just about every class:rolleyes:
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    warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    GWF have to low damage they have close or bit better then cw but cw can control and knock ads so cw is a lot of better idea for team ,u cant finish t2 dungeons if u dont have cw but u can if u dont have gf or gwf and will be faster and more easy if u dont bring them there
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    shadowpwn691shadowpwn691 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Fix aggro and buff GWF damage a little bit. That is all.
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    warmachine104warmachine104 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Lack of dodge mechanics is not counterweight by anything.
    GWF aoe dps can hold up, but he is awful at anything else.

    If class is good for 1 thing only, there mustn't be other class good at same thing + other stuff as bonus.
    Like GF, there is no other tank atm. Broken aggro will get fixed hopefully.
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    terrorgr2terrorgr2 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    idk about gwf but i have a GF a TR and a CW(45-53-39)and i gotta say that gf is the most usefull class for dungeons and bosses.in most cases i can hold aggro pretty well(i rarely lost it to cleric).i gather well i can block anything and do damage while blocking.to see how important this role is think about mad dragon.i practicly solo the boss while cw was killing adds and cleric healing me and doing moderate damage to boss(we had a tr and a gwf but they died in the first 2 aoe).using my other classes even if i die no one cares but if i die as a gf in a boss, team is going to lose no matter what.no need for buffing or nerfing the other classes i actually believe we are 'op' in dungeons
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    s3z3s3z3 Member Posts: 216 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Just at-will\encounters damage buff... else if good enough. No need to nerf rogues etc, they are problem and OP only in PVP about which I don't care. I love my guild rogues with me in dungeons , they burn through l33ts super fast and that is good. Just a buff to single target or something cause I do feel useless(not bad\lacking but useless) when it comes to takeing out 3-4 l33ts.
    Carnage TR Dragon shard - retired? hell yea it's retired along with Nevewinter

    Seze - Rogue - Necropolis - <3 RIFT
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    aakekpwaakekpw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The problem is more in the current meta and how encounters including bosses work. Right now Cleric and Good Wiz can pretty much handle ALL adds. TR is pretty effective at just solo dpsing a boss down cause for the most part bosses do little damage beyond a special they may do which rogue can easily dodge out of or use their ability which makes them immune to damage to ignore.

    I have never felt more useless than when I fought the Dracolich in Castle Never where my 'role' was that of Herder to drag the mobs that spawn on one side of the dragon to the other so the wizard and cleric could take care of them. Sure I whacked the Dragon some but most the time I was herding for the Wizard.
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