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What classes are planned in the new release of the game

Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
Back when this was a co-op, five classes were promised on initial release: Fighter, Wizard, Rogue, Ranger and Cleric.

Now that the game has about a year's worth of retooling for the MMO offering (and that it's being considered a MMO,) are the classes at launch (gold) going to be the same (with future classes released in later builds,) or are there going to be more classes at (gold) release?
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2012
    My expectation is that Cryptic will work towards implementing some more classes during this extra development time, but will wait until that content is mostly finished before making any public announcements to that effect.

    With that said, Cryptic has been pretty quiet on these forums lately. The most recent Dev Tracker entry is more than 2 weeks old. My guess is that means there's a lot of behind the scenes discussion about what people should and should not be focusing their efforts on right now.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2012
    I think for a mmo 8 would be nice, with 8 you could have

    2 Defenders : Fighter, Paladin
    2 Strikers: Rogue, Ranger
    2 Controllers: Wizard, Druid
    2 Leaders: Cleric, Bard

    Ofcourse you are not limited to that role, bard may want to control, druid can heal etc
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2012
    I think for a mmo 8 would be nice, with 8 you could have

    2 Defenders : Fighter, Paladin
    2 Strikers: Rogue, Ranger
    2 Controllers: Wizard, Druid
    2 Leaders: Cleric, Bard

    Ofcourse you are not limited to that role, bard may want to control, druid can heal etc

    QFT. I hope something similar will be done if not this by release or at least by future build releases. If a response isn't done shortly, I can hope at least a response will come by the end of March. But I hope some reply can be done quickly.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2012
    D&D 4 e has more than "roles". Roles are concepts that define a playstyle for a type of character, not cement to be trapped in. just as a "CLass" is like a window on the other side of the house, all the possibilities can be seen through it, but a player is going to choose the path.the view from another window may share some, but it is still a different view...

    for example: rangers can be marksmen- a master of a ranged weapon, be they an elven archer or a halfling slinger, Or a ranger can work towards two weapon mastery- whether that be a pair of scimitars, a long and short sword, or a double ended weapon (quarterstaff) an amazonian unarmored "speardancer", then there is beast mastery- a human falconeer is different from a halfling "knight of hounds" mastiff rider, a while these are all "rangers" the race, skills, feats, abilities, will clearly not be. there is also; the bounty hunter, the explorer-cartographer, and much much more...

    Alternately: Rouges; human swashbuckler/duelist (musketeer), halfling accrobat(entertainer turn highstory cat burglar), Eladrin archaeologist (treasure hunter), half orc Apothecary (poison master), Gnomish gadgeteer (traps maker), wood elf Scout (elf rogue uses bow with 'tree topper' feat), Dragonborn "thug" (uses heavy mace), revenant creeper (two daggers, shadows, subtlety)...

    don't panic if a rogue uses a bow, longsword, and has Knowledge-Nature,
    hmm okay?

    Psion: Telepath, an eladrin enchantress "heartbreaker" toying with emotions, is likely quite different from a pendant waving "messmerist" who uses his 'science' to control others, as will the insane illusionist who thrusts his schzoid visions into his foe's mind...

    I see how the TERMS, "role" and "class" help provide details, but a character is defined by the player's imagination., hair: length, color, style, is only a detail, but I wouldn't let that limit the way I can play my character.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2012
    Seriously, Two people can say: STRIKER, ROGUE.

    but the goth girl says= race-revenant(human), feats: vampiric heritage, I stalk you from the darkness with an undying hunger for blood. I can use my blooddraining bite with my sneak attack. My plan is to earn the feats to look completely normal, and have some sick vampiric immunities and powers!

    and the Mr.Straight laces+crewcut says= Former Sailor (ahem, pirate), uses his father's rapier, Slayer of pirates and their ilk. I want to be an agent of the law, a protector of the innocent, bound by a code of honor, to bring justice into the places where angels fear to tread.(an EX-thief who hunts theives)

    Striker+Rogue may be true of both, but that dosen't limit either of them.
    can the Dhampyr slake her thirst for blood? yeah.
    can the Anti-hero pirate have a heart of gold? yup.

    are either of them "vanilia" Striker+rogue ala cookie cutter? ah hell nawh!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2012
    I enjoy playing an ELADRIN, class "hybrid" (spellblade/wizard).
    with my aegis I teleport to my alies aid. with my magic missile & wizards furry I strike from afar. alone, I can fight with spell or sword. my sword is my arcane implement, and the runes carved into the blade, my spellbook.

    My character can fight (near and far with various damage types), use rituals, and my character brings Lore (history, knowledge skills) to a group.
    my character does not heal, spot/disable traps, my character has no special power over the undead, elementals, beasts, dragonkin, etc.

    so, his role could be: defender, melee striker, ranged striker, in cold-hard game terms. when playing the game My character can be the loremaster, a tactician, an arcanist, and yes even lead a party. need I limit myself with a role? not if I don't want to.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2012
    Thanks PSI for the feedback, but could you next time try to consolidate that in one reply if the same response group?

    The one thing that is the limitation (to everybody not just PSI) is what can be coded in game. So while the classes may be adaptable as replied, the porting of said versatility may not.

    Therefore it's important we know what classe are being released, and also (now):
    • What class abilities and variants are being supported?
    • What is planned to be added in the future but not released now to classes currently released (and what future classes if applicable?)
    • What doesn't work being ported in an MMO and these classes are planned not to be released?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2012
    @PSI_Co. I think your confusing the role of a build and the means of a build. For example a striker might be a simple full <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> dps machine like a barbarian or a two weapon fighting ranger/rogue who prefers tatics and speed over brute force. Yet another build may even decided that both of those options are to up close and personal and decided that the best idea is to turn something into a pin cushion before it even gets close with a bow.

    All of these fill the role of striker as their primary function is dps. The means they use to accomplish these roles are as varied as the players who make them.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2012
    Thanks PSI for the feedback, but could you next time try to consolidate that in one reply if the same response group?
    The one thing that is the limitation (to everybody not just PSI) is what can be coded in game. So while the classes may be adaptable as replied, the porting of said versatility may not.
    Therefore it's important we know what classe are being released, and also (now):
    • What class abilities and variants are being supported?
    • What is planned to be added in the future but not released now to classes currently released (and what future classes if applicable?)
    • What doesn't work being ported in an MMO and these classes are planned not to be released?

    Uhm, yes. sorry got carried away. anywho, by watching the videos we just barely get an idea of what may be in the game. we don't have a whole lot of info to go on. with the developers possibly being concerned with "Post-Max-Cap" players and all the leveling in between- a diversity of choices is counter to the effort. the idea is, out there, people can play W.O.W. for free till level 20, or EVERQUEST for free period:

    will the game have more than "pretty background art+useless furniture",
    will there be; meaningful-useful crafts, trades, and resource gathering,
    will there be enough events, stories, special locations, unusual loot, etc.
    will there be enough details in the art, especially character customization,
    to compete with the competition?

    cryptic loves to say, "here's a finished game" and vomit up a bad beta...
    here's hoping that a years worth of programing allowed them to resolve issues like:
    food, drink, bandages, ammo, fatigue, sleep, wounds, damage to equipment, disease, special class skills like tracking, and find/remove traps (devices), overland travel, mounts, swiming, not 'magic' (but still worthwhile) stuff to do, impact of 'superstitions' (as magic is supposedly real in this game), diffrentiating ability scores (so that a guy with a 9 intell isn't acting like the guy with a 22 intell), player interaction- chat, teams for missions, the ability to form a "guild", to safely; trade goods, materials, and loot?
    social interaction with common and uncommon NPC's, interaction with vendors, guides, quest givers, interaction with high ranking nobility, high ranking priests, high ranking mages, Are there factions? how do I join, leave, or even betray? who can teach "prestige classes"? how society reacts to "Taboo" subjects- like rogues who utilize poison, necromancers who dabble in reanimation, warlocks who may have sold their own afterlife and the lives of others (for power) or tieflings who may be seeking redemption Or worse than they look.

    Player impact on the game world, if a player defeats dragon X- should he be in a town where dragon X regularly razes, and the people run about crying for a hero to save them? if a player's horse breaks a fence, does it stay broken? can there be repercussions to a player's actions?
    If I reach level 30, won't I have become famous? won't I be recognized? didn't I change *something*? was I good, was I bad, or did I changes sides?
    who knows and who would care?

    will a player who wants to live and breathe the story of a nordic looking dwarven waitress turn warrior-heroine (starting at 1st level using her leather cooking apron as armor, serving plater as a shield, armed with: oversized cleaver, or WAR-tenderizer) be able to?

    I am only brushing the surface. beyond character generation and level progression, there is a whole lot of world to design too. I want to know how much of that did cryptic do?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2012
    Jendrak wrote:
    @PSI_Co. I think your confusing the role of a build and the means of a build. For example a striker might be a simple full <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> dps machine like a barbarian or a two weapon fighting ranger/rogue who prefers tatics and speed over brute force. Yet another build may even decided that both of those options are to up close and personal and decided that the best idea is to turn something into a pin cushion before it even gets close with a bow.

    All of these fill the role of striker as their primary function is dps. The means they use to accomplish these roles are as varied as the players who make them.

    exactly, the D&D rules use of the term "ROLE" is a lose definition for a combat style. it is, in my opinion, wrong headed to let the depth,width,etc of your "Character" be constrained by a supposed 'combat style'.

    Could your barbarian be a tracker, a navigator, a survivor, a herb and bandage healer? the answer should be "YES". these abilities are not a combat style, yet can impact the success of many, many, many, quests.
    a runnaway princess hidding somewhere in the foothills of the elven forrest- "STRIKER-ROGUE" or anyother supposed *ROLE* is not going to do the job, for this job you would a lot more depth to your character than "DEFENDER-TANK-MELEE"...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2012
    PSI_Co. wrote:
    exactly, the D&D rules use of the term "ROLE" is a lose definition for a combat style. it is, in my opinion, wrong headed to let the depth,width,etc of your "Character" be constrained by a supposed 'combat style'.

    Could your barbarian be a tracker, a navigator, a survivor, a herb and bandage healer? the answer should be "YES". these abilities are not a combat style, yet can impact the success of many, many, many, quests.
    a runnaway princess hidding somewhere in the foothills of the elven forrest- "STRIKER-ROGUE" or anyother supposed *ROLE* is not going to do the job, for this job you would a lot more depth to your character than "DEFENDER-TANK-MELEE"...

    The best things to focus on are:
    1. What classes are definitely being released/planned in a future update?
    2. What can those classes do (in regards to that features/alternate abilities, etc. and in regards to 1. above as in released now/future release?)

    If we can get a lock on the definite classes, then we can know what we can play. If we can hear a possible (or even definite but in the future,) class release list, then we can request concepts/future builds for potential class updates.

    But I'd be happy if we can get a solid confirmation on initial class release. If we have to wait for the end of March/early April "soon" date, so be it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2012
    truely, we do know nothing of what is currently in NEVERWINTER, aside from a blue dragon, a lich, skeletons, zombies, and giant spiders dipped in a skittles rainbow. the concept art we have is nothing but pretty scenery and useless furniture (all the stuff you can do nothing with no mater what you click). the header of the forums has a few characters in it;
    female human, chain mail, mace, brooch (holy symbol?) possible cleric.
    male human, MANGA-ANIME PLATE, two-two handed weapons (axe, greatsword) most likely a warrior,
    the other side has what may be ENEMIES:
    teifling mage, a foul demonic visage, I HATE THEM ALREADY (it's so obviously going to spawn a never ending stream of ignorant jackasses namming their characters 666satanlucifer et al.)
    and a drow chick with all the curves of a two by four... I gues that is why I am supposed to hate her- she has no bewbs!:eek:
    watching the two videos over and over again give us no new information.

    we have no list of classes, no list of builds, no list of feats, no discusion of how they converted 4e rules into an MMO format, no list of races, no list of options, no idea how a room with 10 fighters in it will look...

    heaven help us if they all look like cookie cut rejects from starcraft, "space marine" cosplayers. SPACEMARINE ANIMIE MANGA PLATE FTW!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2012
    oopss, had to watch the videos again to double check this but it looks like:
    mass starvation is the norm... (twig legs, twig arms)
    moon boots are more comfortable when they are made of metal...

    for a city that supposedly recovered from a few wars and cataclysms;
    the populace sure can build vertically...
    who the hell is the planner, the damn place looks like it's biggest deterent to an invasion is the fact the city looks like a MAZE...
    I don't see a single farm, not even one bit of livestock...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2012
    PSI_Co. wrote:
    oopss, had to watch the videos again to double check this but it looks like:
    mass starvation is the norm... (twig legs, twig arms)
    moon boots are more comfortable when they are made of metal...

    for a city that supposedly recovered from a few wars and cataclysms;
    the populace sure can build vertically...
    who the hell is the planner, the damn place looks like it's biggest deterent to an invasion is the fact the city looks like a MAZE...
    I don't see a single farm, not even one bit of livestock...

    To be fair, the farms are outsides the cities and are likely non-developed, so we won't see much of it looking outside the cities when surveying the lands.

    The previous post with "twigs" for descriptions could be role-played as per the location's famine from destruction. Realistically, it seems just how they drew her.

    The rest though is a good straightforward point (looks like a maze, it's pretty vertical for recently rebuilt versus out of space for new buildings.)

    Edit: oh yeah, we forgot "'Horn'y" for all the D&D ignorant naming their tieflings.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2012
    PSI_Co. wrote:
    the other side has what may be ENEMIES:
    teifling mage, a foul demonic visage, I HATE THEM ALREADY (it's so obviously going to spawn a never ending stream of ignorant jackasses namming their characters 666satanlucifer et al.)

    As a Tiefling Warlock, I can already tell we won't be friends. Foul visage? Ha! Probably some lowborn human thug who is just subconsciously afraid of his betters. There is Noble blood running in the veins of that pensive, determined visage- and while blood may not determine EVERYTHING, he seems to be at the very least educated in enough social graces to tolerate standing next to that... thing.

    /endcharacter ;)

    I think Tieflings and Drows are playable races. Cleric might be a half-elf, she looks to happy to be a human.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2012
    As a Tiefling Warlock, I can already tell we won't be friends. Foul visage? Ha! Probably some lowborn human thug who is just subconsciously afraid of his betters. There is Noble blood running in the veins of that pensive, determined visage- and while blood may not determine EVERYTHING, he seems to be at the very least educated in enough social graces to tolerate standing next to that... thing.

    /endcharacter ;)

    I think Tieflings and Drows are playable races. Cleric might be a half-elf, she looks to happy to be a human.

    If drow are playable races and tiefling are playable races....how can I say what my opinions on those and the (future) warlock class are?

    A certain first line from a Simon and Garfunkel song might say it,
    Hello darkness my old friend.....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2012
    PSI_Co. wrote:
    exactly, the D&D rules use of the term "ROLE" is a lose definition for a combat style. it is, in my opinion, wrong headed to let the depth,width,etc of your "Character" be constrained by a supposed 'combat style'.

    Could your barbarian be a tracker, a navigator, a survivor, a herb and bandage healer? the answer should be "YES". these abilities are not a combat style, yet can impact the success of many, many, many, quests.
    a runnaway princess hidding somewhere in the foothills of the elven forrest- "STRIKER-ROGUE" or anyother supposed *ROLE* is not going to do the job, for this job you would a lot more depth to your character than "DEFENDER-TANK-MELEE"...

    I wouldnt worry too much about being pidgeonholed into a certain role based on class. If they keep anywhere near to and DnD rule setting, which they have said they are going to, this wont be an issue.

    That being said, there is going to be a certain synergy between certain classes and certain roles. For example, a fighter is going to be a better tank than a rogue, cleric is going to be a better healer than a ranger, ranger/ barb is going to be a better tracker than a wizard. Thats simply because that the class itself is better suited for the job and this is where power gamers start confusing viable and optimal.

    The choices of how your character preforms is completly up to you. If your happy with the way it is handeling the situation thats the important thing.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2012
    I want Psionics! And not the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> they slammed in the back of the head w/the nerf bat that makes Mindflayers nothing more than an average mob albeit one w/a creepier look.
    I want Mindflayers feared again! I want them feasting on N00b brains!
    I want Githyanki raiding parties porting in leaving a trail of beheaded corpse in their wake!
    And before you say it, Yes it feels good to want :p
  • erendunerendun Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Action gameplay in a dungeons & dragons game, that's okay. Dungeons, gameplay and feeling still seem to be interesting.
    But only 5 classes? That would be a flaw (I want my bard :D!).
    Please exhaust the D&D concept!
  • mnaticmnatic Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 233 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2013
    I wouldnt necro old topics that is a no no.
    There are now class type orinted changes now. Check out other threads and videos for better updates.
  • starbearstarbear Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Honestly I'd just be happy to make my Drow Druid. If they allow that it'd be the greatest thing ever to me!
    Raychul - Remen Sci Officer
    Lumba - Ferengi Eng Officer
    Vadesca - Orion Eng Officer
    AKA: Yavin_Prime
    Add a Race-change token in the Zen Store, please!
  • remedialhappymanremedialhappyman Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I think for a mmo 8 would be nice, with 8 you could have

    2 Defenders : Fighter, Paladin
    2 Strikers: Rogue, Ranger
    2 Controllers: Wizard, Druid
    2 Leaders: Cleric, Bard

    Ofcourse you are not limited to that role, bard may want to control, druid can heal etc

    +1 for bard, as long as its an action game bard, oh my god that would be sick.
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Okay due to the new class build release we'll let this post resurrect, but no necroing old posts, but make new ones, thanks.
  • oldskylanceroldskylancer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Wait new what?? Just got around to "Great Weapon Fighter" video looks great but who's this guy?


    Orcus bane, Knight-wanderer of the Sword Coast
  • ranncoreranncore Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2,508
    edited January 2013
    Wait new what?? Just got around to "Great Weapon Fighter" video looks great but who's this guy?


    A dev commented that that was a henchman, a Ranger. And that the ranger class was in the works for PCs.

    I'll try to find the post.

    Edit: found it. "That is a dwarf NPC named "Dusty" who is a ranger class. The player ranger class is in the works."
    per h2oratty, who you may recognize from other Cryptic games.
    When asked whether it would be in release or not, he could only say "in the works."
  • oldskylanceroldskylancer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Thanks Ranncore!!

    Orcus bane, Knight-wanderer of the Sword Coast
  • ranncoreranncore Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2,508
    edited January 2013
    Thanks Ranncore!!

    Np dude.

    Or dudette.
  • bluenativebluenative Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i know i know this sounds a little over powered but could we get bladesinger please that would be awesome i love the bladesong and that whole idea
  • zieglerzzieglerz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 197 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    bluenative wrote: »
    i know i know this sounds a little over powered but could we get bladesinger please that would be awesome i love the bladesong and that whole idea

    I'm sorry sir...but the necromancer class is not available currently. Please refrain from raising the dead and buried.
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