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[UGC] The Fear That Freeze

voivodakvoivodak Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
edited June 2013 in Foundry Quest Database


[- Campaign name : In The Streams Of Inferno - ]
[- Quest name : The Fear That Freeze - ]

[ A mysterious disappearance...an abandoned village cursed in the mist and a danger that comes from afar, but that now is nearer than ever... ]


[ While you're walking through the streets of Neverwinter, your attention is captured by a document posted on the city bulletin board. Judging by the quality of paper and the official stamp on the bottom, it seems to be something important.

The document contains the following words:

" To the whole city of Neverwinter and Sword Coast citizens, the militia of Lord Neverember urgently needs your help. More information will be given to anyone who comes at the guard post in the Tower District. Go there and ask of me.

In witness whereof, Captain Harold Tybelock "

[ Do you known what it means kill an innocent person? The emotion you feel when you shed the blood of someone weak and helpless. It gets inside you and feeds you... ]

Note of the Author :

This is the first quest of the campaign: "In The Streams of Inferno".
I havent's said so much in the preview 'cause i prefer to keep the mistery about it. Revealing too much could be a giant spoiler.

The adventure is born to be done in solo-mode, but it can also be played with a companion or a party member (more than 2 players can make become the clashes too easy).
You'll find a story (I hope) very exciting here, with evocative atmospheres and many dialogue options and moral choice, to make the gaming experience more immersive.
The dungeon has a lot of hard-oriented fights, so i reccomend you to buy some potions before to play the quest. Do it with another player could help in this way.
Feel free to leave feedbacks on how improve it, especially make reviews! Also let me know as you have found the difficulty of the clashes, if too easy or too difficult and maybe what was your level.
rPlease remember that english is not my mother language so probably, if not certainly, there will be errors. Let me know also those.

Hope you have fun and enjoy the FEAR

I trade reviews, so fell free to post here your quest code

In The Streams of Inferno : The Fear That Freeze by @voivodak
Short Quest Code: NW-DNUZSYEEY
Short Campaign Code : NWS-DPT8BX3XE
Mission Type: Lore, Dialogue, Exploration, Hard-oriented Combat
Average Duration: 30-45 min.
Amount of Combat: Average

First Update :

- Fixed some environment elements
- Reduced the difficulty of some encounters

Last Update :

- Fixed some effects
- Fixed ALL dialogues
My Campaign and Quest :

Campaign - In The Streams of Inferno
Act I : The Fear That Freeze - nw-dnuzsyeey
Act II : Demons Never Sleep - nw-dbj2us96n
Post edited by voivodak on


  • voivodakvoivodak Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    OMG, i have miserably fail to write the code. Now it's correct : NW-DNUZSYEEY.
    My Campaign and Quest :

    Campaign - In The Streams of Inferno
    Act I : The Fear That Freeze - nw-dnuzsyeey
    Act II : Demons Never Sleep - nw-dbj2us96n
  • sunnyrainingsunnyraining Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I just finished it and gave you 3 stars.
    The best thing about this one is the environment and special effects design (fire, lightning etc) - I'm making my own horror story and I've taken a few ideas off you. The dark foggy town was pretty good! Also sound (music) choice is great :)
    Suggest cutting back on the amount of fire around in the house fight - makes it hard to see stuff when 3x waves of mobs rushing at you and fire everywhere.

    I didn't like the grammer and spelling (but I understand that you don't speak native English so it's actually alright as I can't speak any other language :P) - it makes it pretty hard to read and understand when I was struggling to deal with the quest text. Moral choices were pretty good though and fit in with the overall story theme.

    Nor did I like the fact that I had to fight through a lot of difficult encounters in that last third - (as a 60 T1 geared GWF) - had to use a lot of pots so I don't think it's set up right for solo high level unless you like pain; duo is probably recommended here.

    I also suggest placing a few more respawn points in that last dungeon area as well - died twice and had to run allllll the way back.

    Some minor issues: texture clipping of the arches in the last dungeon, unnamed elements (like horse 04).

    Otherwise quite good - great potential and looking forward to the the next one.
  • gamdariangamdarian Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hey Voivo,

    I just played your campaign and I think it is pretty good overall here is some things to think about though;

    - First door says: Go to next map instead of enter house.
    - To much flames in the burning house, plus the shaking of the screen makes thing very very chaotic.
    - There is a Bench floating in the 3rd room of the Crypts (first cave like area u used)
    - Some other stuff that is incorrectly labeled ( Dog01, Opening crypt doors after fighter the 3 demon brothers)
    - Maybe a lilttle less Fog in the first town? Im playing in ultra settings and everything got a bit warped because of so much FX

    Overall I think I would give you a 3/5
    This is because I think it has great potential to become something awesome.

    Ps: I'll have to play it again soon, got a disconnect in the last room >.<
    Murkeep Monastery - Foundry quest in need of reviews - NW-DNQY9CXMZ - Just updated to V1.5

    Leave your code in the review and I will return the favor!
  • voivodakvoivodak Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Thank you guys for you reviews and tips. I'm fixing it now with your suggestions.
    My Campaign and Quest :

    Campaign - In The Streams of Inferno
    Act I : The Fear That Freeze - nw-dnuzsyeey
    Act II : Demons Never Sleep - nw-dbj2us96n
  • bardurnonbardurnon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The Vultures Circle
    Author: Bardurnon
    Handle: @bardurnon
    Type: #Story, #Balanced

    Great work guys. Any reviews you can throw my way would be so helpful. Thanks!

    @Voivodak: Great screenshots. I'll play now and give feedback.
    When Vultures Circle (Story-Driven Action Campaign)
    Q1: Prey on the Predators - NW-DL5CBR73D - http://tinyurl.com/cqkgj8q
    Q2: A Snake in the Nest - NW-DDVKMGSTY - http://tinyurl.com/ow63vt3
    Q3: The Scorched Dove - Under Construction
  • voivodakvoivodak Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    And i'll try your quest in a few minutes. The time needed to relog :)
    My Campaign and Quest :

    Campaign - In The Streams of Inferno
    Act I : The Fear That Freeze - nw-dnuzsyeey
    Act II : Demons Never Sleep - nw-dbj2us96n
  • mosby1mosby1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 288 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Duo'd this with a friend (41 rogue and wizard). Encounters were challenging in a few places, would be tough solo.

    Very nice work with effects (a bit overdone at times). Some of the mobs were really creepy (in a good way).

    I thought the "DM Notes" was an interesting idea. They were subtle enough that they didn't interfere with the story I think.

    Enjoyed the story, though the English translation is pretty hard to read. I captured a few phrases here, with what you probably want to change them to be:

    FROM - TO
    without giving you an eye - without looking at you?
    with the hand - with his hand
    I written that - I wrote that
    talk to the died orc - examine the dead orc
    shooks his head - shakes his head
    continues to speech - continues to speak
    good new - good news
    armor fades to red - blood on your armor
    safe your son - save your son
    prepare to be blooded - prepare to bleed
    dispersed on consciousness - ?
    eyes from the orbits - eyes from the sockets

    ps. please review mine if I ever get it finished hehe... maybe a week or two more. :)
    DM's Studio - NW-DHZ5DAV4R
    The Cursed Emerald:
    1. Weird of the Weather-witch -- NW-DEZAK4QPA
    2. The Ambitious Apprentice -- NW-DLRAVW4S4
  • straytoasterstraytoaster Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm giving it a play now. I can tell you put a lot of work into the story. Bravo.

    In the room with Captain Tybelock, the guards wander around aimlessly. It seems a little silly and it is distracting while I'm trying to read Tybelock's serious conversation. Maybe give them something to do other than wander? Nice interior.

    In the District Guard Post, did you mean for "Drunky Soldier" or should that be Drunken? YOu should make the horse look like it's attached to the carriage when it's time to leave.

    The Smelly is nice and atmospheric. I do wish there were fights while I was looking for clues though. Would have been nice in that atmosphere.

    Nice fight with Tybald. Not too tough, just tough enough. Again, nice effects :)

    I left you a 3 star rating. I enjoyed the story but would have preferred more variety in the enemies. All the enemies feel super tough. I would have liked to have seen more mixed lvl mobs. Overall, I enjoyed your adventure, more so than many of the others I have sampled so far.
    Author of: My Dreams of Blood - NW-DM8RPLWP2
  • bardurnonbardurnon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Review for "The Fear That Freeze"

    Overall, I enjoyed this quest. I was able to just about solo it as a level 30 wizard, although difficult even at that level. Here are my thoughts on specific parts;

    - STORY: The story line was above average, with good dialogue that I was interested to read through. Improved grammar would make it easier for the player to engage with the text. That being said, perhaps the title should be changed to "The Fear That Freezes"?
    - POLISH: Some work needs to be done in the Foundry to polish this quest to a higher standard. 3D edit Smellywood so that buildings are firmly on the ground. Edit the room with Tybelock so that the guards appear more naturally. If using wandering, reduce patrol speed to 0.3 feet/second.
    - ENCOUNTERS: High difficulty, which is good. I would reduce the model size of some of the monsters. The Three Brothers, for instance, seem unnecessarily large to me. Also, I would change monster idle animations to something more natural.
    - SOUND AND EFFECTS: The strongest part of this quest. I wouldn't change anything with this aspect (I fought the three waves of evocation in the entrance hall! ;D)

    Good job.
    When Vultures Circle (Story-Driven Action Campaign)
    Q1: Prey on the Predators - NW-DL5CBR73D - http://tinyurl.com/cqkgj8q
    Q2: A Snake in the Nest - NW-DDVKMGSTY - http://tinyurl.com/ow63vt3
    Q3: The Scorched Dove - Under Construction
  • voivodakvoivodak Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Okay. Quest fixed with your feedbacks. Thank you so much
    My Campaign and Quest :

    Campaign - In The Streams of Inferno
    Act I : The Fear That Freeze - nw-dnuzsyeey
    Act II : Demons Never Sleep - nw-dbj2us96n
  • kyeo138kyeo138 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Playing through it now (thanks for the review on mine too!):

    0. May want to change the name to The Fear that Freezes (instead of Freeze, for grammar purposes)

    1. First dialog with the soldier in tower district says 'Oh sorry man', even though my toon is female. I know, I know it's nit picking. I wish there was a way to use options for players gender in dialog.

    2. Also, this guy probably isn't too educated, but you started a sentence with And. I was always told not to do that, but if it's RP though, sure why not ;) Good work w/all the /ooc text.

    3. In the building w/the captain, the dead orc on the right is called 'Died Orc', and the interact text says 'Press F to talk to Died Orc'. I think you meant something like 'Press F to investigate dead orc'

    4. There are periods missing in a lot of the dialog/responses. Also, some capitalization issues (Tybelock dialog especially - 'if yes is the answer...', the if should be If). Again, nothing too serious, but it's noticeable.

    5. Instead of the 'Who the *** are you!?', try using something like 'Who in the flaming hells are you?'. It makes it fit in w/the setting more, for me anyway. Just a suggestion

    6. Tybelock dialog:
    'The sounds which he perceived, you heard them too. Then, you don't have time to looking back, that the door is smashed. You are facing an horde of orcs really angry'.
    I get what's going on, but the grammar isn't all that great.

    7. The first encounter does say 'horde of orcs' - I would maybe change the encounter to not have an ogre and elites, but perhaps 2-3 encounters of 5 easy orcs. That way it feels like they're storming the building, but it's not too difficult.

    8. Good map transition from the house back to an alternate tower district you created. I LOVE that approach!

    9. Dialog w/Greenwash says 'You are the stupid who want to venture into the forest'

    10. Good transition again w/the caravan, smellywood is very dark and spooky. Great job

    11. Helena is a creepy little girl!

    12. Inside the house, it's very hard to see (I think that was your point). The entier house 'shakes' and there's so many effects my framerate dropped way down. I died 5x in there solo (lvl42 TR). Try not to stack encounters, especially hard ones. If this is a solo adventure, it gets very hard to do the higher in level you go. If it's for more than 1 person, then I think it's ok.

    13. After I beat the tybald demon, I was in a catacombs. I clicked one of the doors and it brought me out of the quest (aborted it). I'm still on the objective: Descend into the dungeon, but i can't get back in unless I drop/restart the quest. You may want to change the ability to click on the doors like that.

    Overall a very good storyline. I have a feeling english isn't your first language, and if that's true, you've done a very good job. I would just have someone proofread your dialog, and clean it up a little. Other than that, you created some very spooky (smellywood), hectic (house on fire), and creepy (dungeon) environments. Lot's of attention to detail, great job! I didn't get to review it in game, but I'll play it again once it's clean up. 4/5 so far :)
  • slaidzslaidz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 181 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    The map design was brilliant and very well laid out. I'm sure you put many hours into the map and it showed. The environment was amazing, so great job on that. The combat was difficult as well, but it was never unfair (I soloed with a 30 TR) so that was very enjoyable.

    My main gripe is with the spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Now, I know English isn't your first language, but that's really all that's keeping you from scoring much higher than a 3/5. You're quest is very good, but you need to work on the text. Perhaps change the map transitions from 'Go to next map' to something else? Also, there was some clipping with the blood decals and collision detection problems with gravestones (though that could be on Cryptic's end). Finally, you really need to reduce the visual effects during the first boss fight. While it may not have happened to me, there will be people whose FPS drop due to all the stuff going on.

    There was also a part where it said to 'slay the demon plague' and nothing popped up. I ran through the dungeon (which was, again, beautifully laid out) only to get to the end and have nothing happen. I finally backtracked and killed some demons so I could progress. Maybe look into that?

    Overall, 3/5. Again, work on the writing and you'll be golden.
  • voivodakvoivodak Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Okay guys, thank you. I know that my English is not the best and that this would penalize the quest. However I don't know any native speakers who can help me.
    So I ask you: there were serious mistakes that you remember?

    Let me know and i'll change them.

    Thanks again

    Please let me know, so that I can change them
    My Campaign and Quest :

    Campaign - In The Streams of Inferno
    Act I : The Fear That Freeze - nw-dnuzsyeey
    Act II : Demons Never Sleep - nw-dbj2us96n
  • voivodakvoivodak Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Update to a new version with all dialogues fixed. A big thanks to slaidz for the help with the translation :)
    My Campaign and Quest :

    Campaign - In The Streams of Inferno
    Act I : The Fear That Freeze - nw-dnuzsyeey
    Act II : Demons Never Sleep - nw-dbj2us96n
  • jintortlejintortle Member Posts: 655 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Voivodak quest 'The fear that freeze' - So I can just enter name now cool - I will take something off my tag.
    Were to start: Hmmm. Question? How did u get npc's to fight and die? And how did u get the house to shake? and How did you get the Ghosts to disappear when approached?
    Was cool!
    Anyway, I loved your use of lighting, sound,npc's and your little DM notes - I found the mobs you ask about challenging but doable (in your DM note on the ground) - as a control wizard the only problem was the 3 Brothers knocking me down.
    Once again I thought the quest was going to end and it kept on going - I was like, ok the first part was not too long and then I completely forgot about the time.
    Brilliant work - I love heavy combat and I'm not afraid to use the odd healing pot. 5 stars. Would say one of my favourites so far.
    Genus Draco Fad and the Muster@Jintortle
    Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.

    Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
    SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
  • trixsterjltrixsterjl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 35
    edited May 2013
    save your son... instead of safe. Diary page 2 is hard to click on.
    I found a use for my healing potions. Thanks. Lol. As stated before very hard encounters. I got instant killed on last spawn. Requires stratagee to do solo. Will be bad for level 60 squishy's i think.
    DM V : staring all over.
    death in last room stuck me in a wall on respawn. Was able to use a rogue skill to glich out of it but could be bad. I'd move campfire out of hall to near DM.
    Really like the environments. Nice length. Lots of work into this Good job.

    PS nit picking but should be freezes. Sounds better.
  • dominemesisdominemesis Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    5 stars and 500 tip. Superb quest, good story, lots of dialogue. It looks like english may be your second language, so I took that into consideration in the dialogue. Your lighting, sound, and NPC's/encounters were were excellent. You could give a class on lighting, effects, and sound design. Very good, would play again.

    I played through as a lvl 60 Control Wizard, I died twice on the last encounter trying to zerg it, I pulled more carefully to get past it when I did. I found it appropriately challenging but not too hard overall. Once again, very good!
  • annadruvezannadruvez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wow. Okay, as a level 43 CW, may I say ouch? The mobs were very difficult for me. I went in with 30 health pots and gave up with four left. What I saw of the quest was fantastic. If I had managed to get all the way through, I would have set it to five stars and tipped very well..

    I look forward to trying this again with a different toon, one that isn't quite so squishy. I'll probably come back and do it on my CW with a party, if I can persuade a friend or two to go with me.

    The only graphical issue I saw - and it was more of a 'that's funny' than that something I'm complaining about - was when I was fighting the three in the first room of the actual dungeon part of the quest. I was kiting and ran back up the stairs, only to watch their heads disappear into the ceiling. I literally died laughing!
    Pool of the Dead - NW-DLTS5X6TO - Duration: ~20 minutes - Daily Qualified

    Fountain of Dread - NW-DACS7JITE - Duration: ~15minutes - BRAND NEW!
  • mrrobsworldmrrobsworld Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    woops,,just replied the same thing in the same place...lol
  • mrrobsworldmrrobsworld Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've added your quest to my list for play and review. Please check out my first quest.
    Descendant of Simon part 1. -- NW-DDMY3WOTA --

    It needs some refining still, but I encourage players to be as critical as possible so I may develop higher quality quests in the future.
  • hippyshakehippyshake Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hokay...finally got the review uploaded! Took all night, 3 audio files, and 105 Gigs of video to make 3 minutes. lol But it was worth it. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed playing your quest. :)

    Tales from the Foundry: The Fear That Freeze by @Voivodak
  • nezroy123nezroy123 Member Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Fun quest, definitely have some challenging fights in there, and a lot of great FX.

    A few notes... first big boss fight (fire guys everywhere after Tybald).. there are a lot of colors in that room. Red, purple, green, blue, orange.. I'd tone down the palette a bit. Also, you have a red swirling effect in there... I would definitely get rid of that, it makes it far too difficult to see the AOE markers for the mobs (and the fight is already difficult enough as is).

    There are also quite a few transitions between crypt/cave rooms that have very visible seams/reversed normals that look glitchy. You should definitely cover these up with some detail objects to hide them.
    Quests: Fate of the Bonnie Kate (NW-DE6K6H63Q)
  • lolsorhandlolsorhand Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 981 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Posted a review ingame on the map, i liked it. Though there were some things, such as the fire mentioned. But also the big mobs in small areas.

    Overall i liked the story/setting, though i don't notice spelling errors quite easily/know how hard it can be when not being a native English speaker, or writer. I liked the encounters, soloed it quite easily though as a trickster, but i enjoyed the time spent. My score is ingame, but yeah. :)

    - Still waiting, got stuck in the foundry? :)
    I like turtles.

    Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
    The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
  • meysameysa Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 72
    edited June 2013
    Sorry this took so long, this weekend got really crazy for me. Thank you for your review, I've republished, some updates to my quest, if you would like to check it out again. (NWRDAQHLR54)

    Many sentence conjugation issues. (If you would like help on this, send me a PM here or in game and we can work something out.)

    I llike the town but having me run around a large area to find something isn't fun, for me anyway. Less running, don't space stuff apart so much, unless there is an encounter between them.

    In Smellywood, again you have so far to run between objectives.
    The Diary in to coffin is very hard to reach. Maybe move it somewhere else, or tip it on edge and adjust it's location so it can be clicked more easily.

    Clipping issue about 2/3 of the way to the DM/Abort location in the Crypt of Fear. It's on one of the arches on a llittle tunnel thing.

    Your Crypt of Fear needs more decoration. It seems pretty barren.
    Storming Monte Hall Review Thread
    Storming Monte Hall NW-DRAQHLR54
  • jorricjorric Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hey Voivodak,

    I was playing your quest when the shards went down, I'll start again when they are back up. I reached The Mighty Herzog, so I'll give you my thoughts up to that point.

    * In the dialog with Captain Tybelock, when he becomes aware of you in the conversation you refer to him as sergeant in your reply.

    *I LOVE the transition to night and the effects when you leave the house. Is it possible to have it rain since you have Thunder and Lightning?

    *Sign Post at beginning of Village should be press F to Read Sign.

    * All the Diary Pages should be Press F to Read Page.

    *Flames on House in the village is too big, maybe you can make them a bit smaller.

    *The Cross Insignia and Rubble pile just says Press F to Interact, maybe Press F to Examine Insignia and Press F to Search Rubble. They are small things but sometimes smalls details add a lot.

    *The Shaking when you enter the house is a bit chaotic, especially if you get motion sickness.......LOL

    Over all I really enjoyed what I played, the dialog and story were really good and the combat wasn't that hard. I done it with a Lvl. 9 GWF and got through must fights fairly easy. I could see if you done it with a Lvl. 60 character that it could get tangly.

    Like I said, I'll run it again to finish it and give you a rating.

    Great Job.
    Small Beginnings - NW-DT43OMJWH
  • boneninja03boneninja03 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Haven't forgotten about you. Run into a bit of illness. Will play through soon!
    "Sometimes boys, you just have to sit back and taunt the Cyclops."

    My Foundry Quests:
    Campaign - Trial of Willpower - NWS-DA72SRNCK
    Strange Rumors - NW-DF3ZTBJXG
  • boneninja03boneninja03 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Done and reviewed! A few of the encounters starting in the dungeon were a little rough. It took me playing through as a duo (as a 21 cleric) to get through it at all. The fx in some areas were a little intense too. And I'm not entirely sure why there was lightning going off in the cave? Some spelling and grammar mistakes, when you get a chance I'd just go through each of your dialogue trees and double check them.

    Otherwise good job!
    "Sometimes boys, you just have to sit back and taunt the Cyclops."

    My Foundry Quests:
    Campaign - Trial of Willpower - NWS-DA72SRNCK
    Strange Rumors - NW-DF3ZTBJXG
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