I was killed ( I know I know LTP) and received a minor leg injury.
According to patch notes and what I have found injuries are supposed to heal in 5 minute increments.
So a minor injury should be the first thing to go.
It has been 16 minutes since I received the injury, standing next to a campfire and ... nothing happened. I am still injured.. Did something change that I missed? Or is this a current bug?
And I know about the injury kits, I have a bunch, but I am curious about this.
Sorry I forgot to put that in there. Thought that was understood.
Waited 26 minutes no change
Hey! When you are standing next to that campfire are you getting a buff called "Mending Wounds" with a duration of roughly 3 minutes? When that buff expires you lose an injury (so you can keep track of how long you have left). If you are not, can you tell me which campfire it was so I can look into what might be going on?
It was in a campfire located in a dungeon to finish up the missions in Ebon Downs. I did not see any other buff than the campfire buff and the cat companion buff. The injury stayed on me until I just used a kit.
I just encountered a problem in Mourner's Rest where my injury failed to heal, despite having the Mending Wounds buff. I watched it count down, and the countdown stuttered at 5 seconds - it went 0:05 to 0:04 and back to 0:05 before finally saying "ah to hell with it" and resetting to 3:00.
Hey! When you are standing next to that campfire are you getting a buff called "Mending Wounds" with a duration of roughly 3 minutes? When that buff expires you lose an injury (so you can keep track of how long you have left). If you are not, can you tell me which campfire it was so I can look into what might be going on?
I'd had a reoccurring bug where the timer will get down to about 4 seconds, go back and forth between 4 and 5 seconds a few times, and then reset to 3 min, all without removing the injury. This has happened at more than one campfire.
cesard915Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
Ive encountered this bug a few times as well. Most recently at The Sacred Pool in Vellosk and again at the final fire in the Grey Wolf Den.
astaziaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 51
edited May 2013
I believe there are two types of injury. Minor and major (not sure on terminology), minor injuries go away after one "tick" at a campfire, major injuries only decrease in effect each tick but take several ticks to go away completely. Maybe that's what you are seeing.
I'm not too sure on the system, I only died once and used an injury kit right away.
kwsapphireMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 671Arc User
edited May 2013
I was in guild chat with Hawke at the time, and his injury was always a "minor" one, so it didn't have to downgrade.
nostalg1cMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I have this problem, standing by a fire with mending wounds buff and a minor head injury only. It ticks down 3 times and then with 4 secs left it finally kicked off the injury so roughly 9 mins. Although it doesn't help that the tooltip said 5 mins and the timer is less in the first place.
i have also a campfire to report. i'm standing right now in the second campfire in the istance Illithid Enclave, the mending buff does not display and the injury does not go away.
I had a similar experience in the Tower District with the campfire closest to the Cloak Tower. I waited and waited for the injury to go away, finally giving up and using a mending kit. It was a first death, so it would have been a minor at that point.
hasegawaeffectMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
Clockwork Tomb. Had to wait 10 or so minutes to remove one minor injury.
ikuruyoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 132Bounty Hunter
Hey! When you are standing next to that campfire are you getting a buff called "Mending Wounds" with a duration of roughly 3 minutes? When that buff expires you lose an injury (so you can keep track of how long you have left). If you are not, can you tell me which campfire it was so I can look into what might be going on?
I tested the campfires in Vellosk. NONE of them gave me the buff "Mending Wounds". I picked up an injury then stood in all of them to test something I had seen in a previous visit. Not a single campfire in the entire zone gave me the buff. I stood in them for 10 minutes and tried leaving the area of the campfire and returning, all to no avail.
Did not think to try changing instances but I had tried to heal an injury at the campfires in that zone when I was doing the quests there and never had that buff show up.
I have also seen the "count to 5 seconds, then 4, go back to 5, then reset to 3m without doing anything" problem in a number of areas.
ikuruyoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 132Bounty Hunter
edited May 2013
Oh and there are at least 4 threads about this issue in the bug forum.
Hey! When you are standing next to that campfire are you getting a buff called "Mending Wounds" with a duration of roughly 3 minutes? When that buff expires you lose an injury (so you can keep track of how long you have left). If you are not, can you tell me which campfire it was so I can look into what might be going on?
I have seen the timer reset on pretty much all the dungeon ones, if that helps? Basically the timer goes to a number of seconds between 3 and 5 (as mentioned before), and then resets to 3:00min. This is how I feel when i see it. ----> </3
Though, to speed up recoveries (and to make sure the group doesn't have to wait for those cheap guys who don't buy kits etc.) I now always bring 60+ kits, not because I need them all, but because sometimes I might just forget unless i have that 55+ kits buffer to remind myself within.
Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes!
nuestiMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
At this moment, I'm standing next to the campfire by Mayor Gunderson in Rothe Valley by the village. I've got an injury (minor head injury) but I'm not getting the "Mending Wounds" buff and hence not healing. I've been standing next to the campfire for at least 10 minutes at a time, as well as moving away and re-entering the campfire area to see if it would work with no luck.
Edit: I found that after completely exiting the game, restarting it, and logging in, the injury was gone. Not really sure if this means it's just a visual bug and the campfire was actually working but just not showing that fact to me, or what the case could be.
None of the campfires in Rothe Valley seem to give the "mend injuries" buff. I tried the Slaver Outpost and Ranger Base Camp campfires. It gives the stat buff (+1 to all abilities) but not the mending wounds buff.
I left Roth to the Neverdeath Graveyard, and that campfire gave the buff, healing my injury.
dandamisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Hey! When you are standing next to that campfire are you getting a buff called "Mending Wounds" with a duration of roughly 3 minutes? When that buff expires you lose an injury (so you can keep track of how long you have left). If you are not, can you tell me which campfire it was so I can look into what might be going on?
I posted earlier and also submitted a bug report but haven't received any response. NONE of the campfires in Rothe Valley give the mending wounds effect (since latest patch, not sure about before) - this includes any single player instances that the quest line takes you through. Was a very annoying map for that reason.
geequeueMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 3Arc User
I have seen the timer reset on pretty much all the dungeon ones, if that helps? Basically the timer goes to a number of seconds between 3 and 5 (as mentioned before), and then resets to 3:00min. This is how I feel when i see it. ----> </3
Though, to speed up recoveries (and to make sure the group doesn't have to wait for those cheap guys who don't buy kits etc.) I now always bring 60+ kits, not because I need them all, but because sometimes I might just forget unless i have that 55+ kits buffer to remind myself within.
This right here.
Sorry I forgot to put that in there. Thought that was understood.
Waited 26 minutes no change
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Hey! When you are standing next to that campfire are you getting a buff called "Mending Wounds" with a duration of roughly 3 minutes? When that buff expires you lose an injury (so you can keep track of how long you have left). If you are not, can you tell me which campfire it was so I can look into what might be going on?
Hope you can look into this.
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Hope you fix it
I was immobile the entire time, needless to say.
A third pass appeared to get it.
I'd had a reoccurring bug where the timer will get down to about 4 seconds, go back and forth between 4 and 5 seconds a few times, and then reset to 3 min, all without removing the injury. This has happened at more than one campfire.
I'm not too sure on the system, I only died once and used an injury kit right away.
I have not seen this bug again for a while, but I try not to die so much when not in PvP.
When you want to break the mold
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I tested the campfires in Vellosk. NONE of them gave me the buff "Mending Wounds". I picked up an injury then stood in all of them to test something I had seen in a previous visit. Not a single campfire in the entire zone gave me the buff. I stood in them for 10 minutes and tried leaving the area of the campfire and returning, all to no avail.
Did not think to try changing instances but I had tried to heal an injury at the campfires in that zone when I was doing the quests there and never had that buff show up.
I have also seen the "count to 5 seconds, then 4, go back to 5, then reset to 3m without doing anything" problem in a number of areas.
I have seen the timer reset on pretty much all the dungeon ones, if that helps? Basically the timer goes to a number of seconds between 3 and 5 (as mentioned before), and then resets to 3:00min. This is how I feel when i see it.
Though, to speed up recoveries (and to make sure the group doesn't have to wait for those cheap guys who don't buy kits etc.) I now always bring 60+ kits, not because I need them all, but because sometimes I might just forget unless i have that 55+ kits buffer to remind myself within.
Edit: I found that after completely exiting the game, restarting it, and logging in, the injury was gone. Not really sure if this means it's just a visual bug and the campfire was actually working but just not showing that fact to me, or what the case could be.
I left Roth to the Neverdeath Graveyard, and that campfire gave the buff, healing my injury.
I posted earlier and also submitted a bug report but haven't received any response. NONE of the campfires in Rothe Valley give the mending wounds effect (since latest patch, not sure about before) - this includes any single player instances that the quest line takes you through. Was a very annoying map for that reason.
Having this problem at first campfire in Epic PK.