Along with the sick and super important patch that fixed
*drum roll*
...The Clock Tower exploit ...
I was thinking, you may want to fix the lame mechanics youve set in your game, for example some classes being able to knock of huge numbers of adds to faceroll certain dungeons and get free T1 & T2.
"Your story may not last forever; but it will exist forever"
I would think that knocking off mobs is a valid tactic... (but of course in turn there should be mobs which are immune to knockback at least selectively so that it isn't the solution to everything)
What isnt cool, is when good players gather the mobs in piles after dragging them for miles, and gathers them up on a high cliff and knock them out for an execution.
I dont want to play my game that way, seriously. it got boring a week ago.
"Your story may not last forever; but it will exist forever"
What isnt cool, is when good players gather the mobs in piles after dragging them for miles, and gathers them up on a high cliff and knock them out for an execution.
Bosses do. Elite enemies don't. 90% of the difficulty of bosses is from elite enemy adds.
I don't think you understand that the majority of bosses have an insta death pit around them for more than cosmetic purposes. If they did not want you to knock things off, there would be more bosses with edges similar to the pirate ship, invisible walls, or adds that were immune to knockbacks. While there are issues with the game, and exploits to get t1/t2, killing adds in such a manner is not one.
dixa1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 4Arc User
Along with the sick and super important patch that fixed
*drum roll*
...The Clock Tower exploit ...
I was thinking, you may want to fix the lame mechanics youve set in your game, for example some classes being able to knock of huge numbers of adds to faceroll certain dungeons and get free T1 & T2.
when it's the only tactic that works due to the obscene amount of health that the obscene amount of trash has in tier 2's, it's not actually an exploit. no more than stacking two clerics and forgoing a GF entirely.
I don't think you understand that the majority of bosses have an insta death pit around them for more than cosmetic purposes. If they did not want you to knock things off, there would be more bosses with edges similar to the pirate ship, invisible walls, or adds that were immune to knockbacks. While there are issues with the game, and exploits to get t1/t2, killing adds in such a manner is not one.
Please read my first reply on my opinions on knockback.
when it's the only tactic that works due to the obscene amount of health that the obscene amount of trash has in tier 2's, it's not actually an exploit. no more than stacking two clerics and forgoing a GF entirely.
Dudedudedude! Its no way an exploit! My point is, the mechanic is _bad gameplay_
its overused to farm dungeons in a bad/unintended way, and yes I agree, mob health should be reduced.
"Your story may not last forever; but it will exist forever"
I watched a twitch stream last night of a group doing Dread Vaults, and they had the other group members lead a HUGE section of mobs to ledges, CW black holed them to the edge, then shield popped them over. It was funny when they landed on a lower ledge, and ranged at them, because they had no clue what to do. They also got destroyed when mobs actually fought back. What's sad is that's the tactic of the xp farms with CW's, gather up with black hole, shield pop (which rebuilds AP), repeat. I've seen too many in dungeons do this, but they seem to forget the mobs that can't be affected by this, and only care about "leet deeps". :P
I don't know, it seems to be an intended tactic since there are so many areas with ledges, but it still feels cheap, and i have a feeling once more classes come in that people will only let in certain ones for certain dungeons, which is always annoying. Already bad enough that people can't seem to adapt to not always needing a trinity.
This is an open beta. Start treating it like one.
Either the mobs should be resistant of the knock alot of the time, or falling down should make them come back.
So after say 100 foot fall they dust themselves off climb back up and have another go?
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
I'm so going to steal that for a foundry idea...
This is an open beta. Start treating it like one.
Bosses do. Elite enemies don't. 90% of the difficulty of bosses is from elite enemy adds.
This is an open beta. Start treating it like one.
What isnt cool, is when good players gather the mobs in piles after dragging them for miles, and gathers them up on a high cliff and knock them out for an execution.
I dont want to play my game that way, seriously. it got boring a week ago.
Strat - Great Weapon Fighter - Level 60 ( Retired for now )
Strattwo - Control Wizard - Level 60
Stratx - Devoted Cleric - Level 60
Stratt - Trickster Rogue - Level 18 - Visit for more information on our gaming community.
MOTHER OF ZOD! That is my new endgame.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
I don't think you understand that the majority of bosses have an insta death pit around them for more than cosmetic purposes. If they did not want you to knock things off, there would be more bosses with edges similar to the pirate ship, invisible walls, or adds that were immune to knockbacks. While there are issues with the game, and exploits to get t1/t2, killing adds in such a manner is not one.
when it's the only tactic that works due to the obscene amount of health that the obscene amount of trash has in tier 2's, it's not actually an exploit. no more than stacking two clerics and forgoing a GF entirely.
Please read my first reply on my opinions on knockback.
This is an open beta. Start treating it like one.
its overused to farm dungeons in a bad/unintended way, and yes I agree, mob health should be reduced.
I don't know, it seems to be an intended tactic since there are so many areas with ledges, but it still feels cheap, and i have a feeling once more classes come in that people will only let in certain ones for certain dungeons, which is always annoying. Already bad enough that people can't seem to adapt to not always needing a trinity.