Why does it seem when I run dungeons, there is 1 ******* that will win every **** epic, and all I seem to get are USELESS Drake Seals and some rank 4 regular runes....12 tier 2 runs so far and counting.....without 1 item won.
Happened to me in the few dungeons I've run. One guy usually gets everything he "needs". I seem to always roll under 20 in every case when I "need" something, while that guy seems to always get 80-90s
sorry i know this is off topic but can someone help me?
i cant create a new thread cause of "Please note that, for a short period of time after account creation, posting new threads is disabled. After this probationary period, you'll be able to create threads as normal. "
how long do i have to wait till i can do it?
another spider epic....nothing again, not even a green rune....so ****ing hate this game right now
You clearly haven't played Aion , there the bosses were harder and there was a 99% chance to drop a pile of adena ( gold ) + vendor trash . BLues from the boss were considered " something "
sorry i know this is off topic but can someone help me?
i cant create a new thread cause of "Please note that, for a short period of time after account creation, posting new threads is disabled. After this probationary period, you'll be able to create threads as normal. "
how long do i have to wait till i can do it?
7 days.
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.
You clearly haven't played Aion , there the bosses were harder and there was a 99% chance to drop a pile of adena ( gold ) + vendor trash . BLues from the boss were considered " something "
And even then it was a blue tradeskill item that no one wanted. They always made trash blue items, I was big into tradeskills when I played and made a TON of cash off even my greens. The dungeons and pvp killed that game though. Effort was rewarded in neither, specially for healers in pvp.
i cant create a new thread cause of "Please note that, for a short period of time after account creation, posting new threads is disabled. After this probationary period, you'll be able to create threads as normal. "
how long do i have to wait till i can do it?
You clearly haven't played Aion , there the bosses were harder and there was a 99% chance to drop a pile of adena ( gold ) + vendor trash . BLues from the boss were considered " something "
This is an open beta. Start treating it like one.
7 days.
would if i could lol only way i've gotten items, but i work alot and the dungeon delves are so spread out.
Umad bro? Holy HAMSTER, take a chill pill.
Okay, here's what you do: queue until you get party leader, then whenever something good drops, immediately kick all teammates.
No need to thank me, I'm always happy to help.
lol i'm not a ******bag lolz
And even then it was a blue tradeskill item that no one wanted. They always made trash blue items, I was big into tradeskills when I played and made a TON of cash off even my greens. The dungeons and pvp killed that game though. Effort was rewarded in neither, specially for healers in pvp.