For some reason in some zones I am having some major FPS issues. Helm's Hold is the major kicker here dropping as low as 15 to 20fps in the main part of the zone. I get 22 to 25 in town as well (which I could care less about).
Here are my specs
Radeon HD 7770
AMD Fx 6300 (oced comfortably to 4.0ghz attempted with and without the oc)
Windows 7 and Windows 8 (tried both, both legal and fully updated)
Temps are higly monitored and do not get anywhere near there thermal junction. Cpu 48c GPU 58c while playing
Now I know these aren't amazing specs by any streatch of the word but what concerns me is my room mate has a five year old video card and a core2 duo and he gets slightly better preformance in these areas
I thought that something might be wrong with my computer upon entering helms hold so i went and made sure my other games were playing OK and they were fine.
Tera maxed settings 45 to 60 fps (lowest 28 in nexus raid during combat)
Skyrim steady 60+
WoW 80+ easy pretty much anywhere (not saying much)
I could go on and on....
It just seems odd to me, but I looked this up and I don't see where anyone else is having issues like this so I look to the community. Am I missing something? I have even tried uninstalling and reinstalling. Tried old/new/beta graphics drivers (properly uninstalled and reinstalled via driver cleaner)
I even went as far as to reformat (I love this game)
The only way to make these areas playable is to turn shadows completely off and even then I only get 28 to 30. In these offending areas flat lining my graphics only net me 45 fps.. anywhere else at max settings (default) I get 45ish (which seems low to me but perfectly livable no complaints).
I love this game, please say I am just missing something silly because I really want to enjoy this game to its full capacity. I would assume it was my hardware but it just seems odd to me that a computer that is much worse than mine can play these areas with higher frame rates and that I can play games that he can barely play at minimum settings (he gets 20fps in tera at best on lowest settings).
Thanks in advance for all your help
I'm also getting this strange phenomena in some zones (mostly neverdeath) where the shadows behind me look great but forward they look horrible. its literally like half the screen isn't fully rendering the shadows. Not a big deal to me but thought I'd bring it up
Going to a new place as well can cause this, since the game needs to loads materials for the first time.
To fix it, run laucher, click options and tick "disable on-demand patching" then login and let the laucher fully update.