May's Trickjumping by @cravaourShort Code: NWS-DPZCM9FZ8
Mission Type: Puzzle
Average Duration: There are two parts, each is like 5 minute long. However, it depends how skilled jumper you are.
Amount of Combat: None
Starts at: Protector's Enclave - Market Sewer Entrance
Mission Summary: When I first opened the foundry editor I thought about different possibilities it gives you. This is what came to my mind, given that I wanted to do something off-the-wall. I made two trickjumping challenges (you jump between blocks and platforms) in which you have to follow the green banners to reach the teleports and claim your chest.
Author tips/hints: The first one is rather easy and does not require any tips. The second one is harder, but it is the technic that matters. If you need any guidance you can contact me at May@cravaour and I shall provide you with any help. Also feel free to contact me for suggestions, bugs or cool ideas.
Screenshots/attachments:The first challengeThe second challenge
more details on foundry forum later
I'll check yours out too! Thanks for creating it. I'll post mine whenever I'm done, which might be quite a while from now since I'm doing something rather unique and time consuming for the jumping theme.
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
Chapter 1 - The Ruins of Webcrag --- Chapter 2 - Don't get your hopes up. Bored of the game.
Thanks, will do. I'm home from work, so I'll try yours out right now.
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
The second one though, not so much. Didn't like the invisible collision detection on the buildings and the poor camera angles made me feel like I was playing GW2 again. Not completely your fault, as some fault of the devs on that. I got the second area in this one, got up to the flags/banners where you have to do the jump around on it, and really not into that much jumping torture, lol. Everything was ok until I got to that and gave up. I could get lucky and do it successfully once and get through it, but like three times in a row is annoying.
So from me 5/5 for the first one, and second, couldn't complete without getting frustrated, but I'd give it 3/5 from what I could do.
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
I logged out and back in hoping to fix the problem...
Ah Ha! I just figured out what happened, When I teleported from the second to the last puzzle it teleported me to the final puzzle, but did not give me credit for completing the second to last one.
/emote nerd rage
But great mission.
I like the art style of it, it was interesting.