FOREWARNING: The talent and feat calculators have one less point than they should. For the extra power add it to whichever one you like (mine is on Path of the Blades 2/3). For the extra paragon feat, get 1/3 Critical Teamwork. As
Human, after maxing Scoundrel Training, add extra points it into Action Advantage.
Combat Advantage gives a +25% damage bonus while you're in stealth. Not many people are aware of this but it only further stresses the importance if stealth in your rotation.
At-Wills -
Sly Flourish and
Cloud of Steel. These are really the only two to use in PvP since Duelist's Flurry will rarely ever hit enemies because of its long charge-up time.
Race -
Human is the best race to go in my opinion with the extra feats but
Half-Orc is basically equal if you don't mind their appearance.
Abilities - Go full
Dex and
Str, since you'll be getting Disciple of Strength which increases strength dmg bonus.
Skills -
Dazing Strike OR
Smoke Bomb (I personally don't find myself using Smoke Bomb very much. Use Smoke Bomb/Dazing unless against a team with 2 or more CWs, in which case use Impossible to Catch)
Impact Shot OR
Deft Strike(Impact Strike will hit enemies at long range for the same dmg that Deft Strike does but can be used more times because of the 3 charges. Use Deft Strike if you really feel that you need it to get up close and melee. I use Impact Shot most of the time.)
Lashing Blade (Insane damage.)
For Dailies:
Shocking Execution and
Lurker's Assault.
Class Features -
First Strike and
Tactics. Make sure your first hit is always Lashing Blade when possible so that you fully utilize First Strike. Alternatively (in place of First Strike) you can use
Tenacious Concealment but it isn't as useful in my opinion.
Powers - Part 1:

Basically the same as my first guide except there are points in
First Strike this time. It doesn't entirely matter what you spec in as powers but this build allows you to get all of the skills and such that are important to both PvP and PvE.
Part 2:

I use
Impossible to Catch for CW heavy teams(2 or more) and Smoke Bomb when only 1 or 0.
Feats -

You don't need any stealth length improvements because you'll only be using it for Lashing Blade.
If you're a human put the extra feat points into Scoundrel Training and Action Advantage.
All of these paragon feats I spec in for this build contribute to burst and nothing else. Naturally you will be squishy so I suggest keeping your distance and DPSing with Impact Shot and Cloud of Steel. Only if you really need to burst an enemy down or you have no other choice(ie: Killing a cleric in a team-fight) do I suggest going in with melee.
If you'd like to change your FOV use the following command: /gfxSetDefaultFOV XX where XX is your FOV. I suggest 70, the default seems to be around 55.
Honorable mention to Focuzed for giving my first build a chance and encouraging me to get more into theorycrafting. Also thanks to Loli for help with drafting ideas. (PS: I accept any friend requests and I own a guild which is theorycrafting oriented on Beholder - Praelatus@ararararararagi)
Of course it will do good damage, but will it do more than mocking knave?
Overrun Critical hits 30% of your severity, not 30% severity.
Meaning if you have 75% severity (which is what most people do) it will only hit 22.5% more.
If your crit chance is 40%, you'll be hitting 22.5% more 40% of the time.
9% more overall damage on At-Wills and (sometimes) after you happen to use an encounter after a crit.
When going scoundrel you'll have Mocking Knave instead.
This gives a straight up 10% dmg on your At-Wills and increases the Cloud of Steel consecutive hit bonus by 2.5%
So +2.5% bonus on consecutive Steel hits and 10% more damage at all times for your at-wills.
9% damage on At-Wills(Varying by a wide margin as it is reliant on critical chance) and on Deft Strike very rarely.
Since this build only really uses Lashing as a DPS encounter (Deft is a utility, never really use it for DPS) and you only use Lashing as your first hit because of the bonus, you won't gain much by speccing in Overrun Critical instead of Mocking Knave as Lashing won't be affected by it. Cloud of Steel is very important in this build as it will be doing around 30-40% of your enemies HP.
Although the damage is basically the same, it comes down to whether you like a build that is more consistent in it's burst or has the possibility of having sporadically stronger burst (or sporadically weaker burst). I choose the former because "I, like God, do not play with dice and do not believe in coincidence."
wow! this is the same spec that I want to do! : D I think it's also great because the final talents are not as incisive and this hybrid is excellent
As for sandric, you use Tenacious Concealment instead of First Strike in PvE and you don't have much else to spec in for powers that is useful in PvP OR PvE. If you've ever gotten to 60 you'll realize just how big the excess of points is.
still, it isnt terribad, just not "better" in raw dps terms.
If you have 40% crit (this is the average with critical teamwork, which you'd have to take to get overrun) and 75% severity (also average) and you are hitting 1500 with your Sly Flourish-
Then after every crit (40% of the time) you'll do 1850ish extra dmg. You will do 22.5% more dmg 40% of the time because of overrun. This is a 9% increase in damage overall (mostly for auto attacks, as you use lashing as your first attack and your other encounters aren't intended for damage.)
as opposed to
10% extra dmg on at-wills 100% of the time and a 2.5% continuous bonus on Cloud of Steel. I'm not sure what the base continuous bonus on Cloud of Steel is, but let's assume for the moment that it's 2.5%. Overall continuous bonus = 5% each hit.
By the 12th hit of Cloud of Steel you will be doing 55% extra dmg. Additionally, this stacks with the Clouds of Steel of other rogues. So two rogues Cloud of Steeling one target = upwards of 100% extra dmg on your hits PLUS crits.
With this build you will be doing Lashing Blade for 10-15k and then finishing people off with Cloud of Steel. Almost 100% of the time this is a guaranteed kill.
Executioner is definitely a good PvE/PvP hybrid build, and you can find my full PvE executioner build @ but this is first and foremost a PvP based build.