Was wondering if this is happening to anyone else, this morning is when I noticed it, but I had like 4k unrefined astral diamonds then I log in and I had like 600, later today I had around 6 thousand and right before I logged I had only 690. Now I'm just wondering where those magically went to, the only thing i buy with my refined astral diamonds is when I un-enchant my gear and it says you will be paying x amount of astral diamonds, but obviously those are refined not unrefined. I haven't refined my diamonds in a few days, so I should have more than 690, because I try to get my dailies done to get more.
If you don't refine any AD during a day, when you log in the next day the game will automatically refine for the previous day.
Lead Programmer: Neverwinter
shincedonMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Thanks for the reply, now I don't feel as crazy, although now I feel that the refine button is just useless in that regard if it'll automatically do it.