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Trickster Rogue (Stealthy PvP build)

iamjynxxxiamjynxxx Member Posts: 7 Arc User
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
Hell my Neverwinter players, today I bring you my stealthy TR. In my opinion it is very durable in PvP. This build mainly focuses on getting in and out of battle very fast. If you can master the ways of dodging you will be unstoppable. Now to get on with the details.

- Race
I really like the Human race, it goes really well with this class (but in the final decision it is your choice).

- Ability Scores - Edited
When trying to roll some scores you really want to look for high dexterity/DEX and charisma/Char. It really supports the build.

- Leveling
What I did for levels is mainly do the quest line the game has to offer until level 15. At 15 you unlock the foundry which really has great quests to offer. I'd say do that until you reach 41 or so. So you can get into the 41-49 tier of PvP (at least I think that's the levels).

Feats are not yet completed as I am level 46 right now.
- Feats - Edited
For feats you really want the ones that let you land crits and more damage while in stealth mode. So the list begins...

- Tier 1
Weapon Mastery - 3/3 - You give 3% extra chance to land a critical, that's what this build is mainly about. Why not get it?
Toughness - 3/3 - The ability to get a % of increased Hit points is amazing. It also helps you survive more in PvP.

- Tier 2
Swift Footwork - 5/5 - You really would want this feat because you will be dodging in and out of combat.
Cunning Ambusher - 3/3 - Dealing a % of damage for 6 seconds can really go a long way if you happen to end u soloing someone.

- Tier 3
Endless Assault - 3/3 - Since your main damage will be coming from your encounters this is a great feat to take.

- Tier 4
Scoundrel Training - 1/3 - This would be great since when your in stealth your opponent most likely not be targeting you, you make take if you wish.
Disciple of Strength - 0/3 - I did take this but looking back at it now it is useless.
Improved Cunning Sneak 5/5 - Yes take, take, TAKE!!! To last longer in stealth is a very great way to avoid people.

- Paragons - Saboteur

- Tier 1
Cunning Stalker - 5/5 - A really great feat to earn back that AP.

- Tier 2
Nimble Dodge - 5/5 - Reduces the cost of you dodge, you will need this.

- Tier 3
Expert Sneak - 5/5 - You gain more run speed while in stealth mode. This really makes a great feat for those who like to rush from point to point.

- Tier 4
Sneak of Shadows - 5/5 - Right now I am at 2/5 but I do suggest taking all of it.

- Tier 5
Ruthless Efficiency - Do not take it's useless. Instead take Speed Swindle it's much better. It is in Tier 1 of the paragon tree.

- Powers
Choose what you will here but you will need the important ones below maxed out...
- Shadow Strike
- Impossible to Catch
- Lashing Blade
- Sneak Attack
- Skillful Infiltrator
- Sly Flourish
- Cloud of Steel
- Bloodbath
- Lurker's Assault

- Gear -Edited
What I mostly look for in gear is...
- Critical Strike
- Movement
- Defense
- Armor Penetration
(all are listed from most important to least important)

- Ability Score -Edited
I suggest you spend your points in Charisma/Char and Dexterity/Dex.

- Combat -Edited
What I like to do when I first encounter an enemy is use Stealth Mode so I can move around them with them not being able to see me.
Next priority is Impossible to Catch this is so you can run out of the way when enemy's try to attack you.
What you should do last is Shadow Strike, because it refills your stealth back up.
After you have done everything successfully you basically start all over :) Stealth > Impossible to Catch > Shadow Strike.

- Dealing with Clerics
1. Most Clerics are unstoppable because of their heals try to stay away from them or get the group together to destroy him.
2. If someone is near the cleric he would most likely be unstoppable also. Try and single out the other player so you can get the upper hand on him.

- Dealing with Great Weapon Fighters
Yes they deal little damage but they get the most support from their shields. Since they block 75% of you hits when you are in front of them you should stealth and sneak behind them and use Lashing Blade/Sly Flourish

- Dealing with Runaways
When people are trying to run away from you, you should do one the following..
1. Stealth then run after the health pot that they are trying to reach
2. Use Deft Strike and then use Lashing Blade if they are on low HP
- More ideas to come...

- Using Dailies - Edited
Lurker's Assault then Shocking Execution

- Runes
- Dark Enchantment - For the Movement and Armor Penetration
- Radiant Enchantment - For the Max Hit Points
- Azure Enchantment - For the Critical Strike

Well that's all I have for my guide to a shadowy TR. It really is effective when dealing with groups alone, only because you can run for your life or try to single them out with your skills.

If you have any questions/feedback please do post. I hope you enjoy the build/Eye cancer post :P. Prepare to be annoying to some people in PvP :)

Also if you think it isn't good please post why and how it can be improved. Happy killing!
Post edited by iamjynxxx on


  • papi032papi032 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well i found armor penetration to be not worth it. The end feat point that gives you 30% after you kill someone is meh, took it to see how it works. 30% arp equals to 15k arp in stats, so go figure how much you need to make it viable. Movement aswell. If all your gear had top movement stats you are looking at 10-15% increase which is good, but look at how much other things you sacrifice for that. I went a stealth build and i regret it very much. You are alrdy at 45% increased speed just from passives in power points. Sure you get almost constant uptime in stealth and is good in pve, but in pvp i can't do a lot. I'm playin for 2 days only (lvl 58) so i'm not a good player atm (pvp) but it has to do with my choices and gear aswell. Also shocking execution is awesome in pvp.
  • xzxshinobixzxxzxshinobixzx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Everything In This Post Is How I Play And I Am Very Successful With It.
  • iamjynxxxiamjynxxx Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    papi032 wrote: »
    Well i found armor penetration to be not worth it. The end feat point that gives you 30% after you kill someone is meh, took it to see how it works. 30% arp equals to 15k arp in stats, so go figure how much you need to make it viable. Movement aswell. If all your gear had top movement stats you are looking at 10-15% increase which is good, but look at how much other things you sacrifice for that. I went a stealth build and i regret it very much. You are alrdy at 45% increased speed just from passives in power points. Sure you get almost constant uptime in stealth and is good in pve, but in pvp i can't do a lot. I'm playin for 2 days only (lvl 58) so i'm not a good player atm (pvp) but it has to do with my choices and gear aswell. Also shocking execution is awesome in pvp.

    Just farm until your gear improves, that's what I did. I probably will put up some gameplay of me taking on 5 people at once :P. If my pc let's me. Movement speed works fantastic with this build, you can be in and out of the way in no time. Even when you get dazed by some players your run speed can be a lot of help.
    Everything In This Post Is How I Play And I Am Very Successful With It.
    Glad you do because this build is pretty good, if you learn how to dodge.
  • artemis154artemis154 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree with most of it except the Improved Cunning Sneak feat... Stealth lasts 5 secs and the last I check 120% of 5 secs is 6 secs lol.
  • whisperofthemoonwhisperofthemoon Member Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    How you fighting mages? 1v1. You going in stealth, and he just dodging away and waiting for your stealth to end. Then he pulls you up, you using impossible to catch, rolling closer to him so you can land first attack, and he blowing you away with another spell. Then he freezing you in one place. Then his dodges and pullup spell ready again. And if he is out of hp for some reasons - he will just blow you away (this is not counts as cc and impossible to catch not helping), mount the horse and go for healing pot. And you have nothing that can chase him and make him stop.
  • mickst3rmickst3r Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I take Dex and Char and find it much more efficient than Dex and Strength, if you are using a stealth build you should be making use of your 'taking advantage' feats from Char and Dex instead of Strength.
    I can stay in stealth during a group fight pretty much the whole time if I use my skills correctly maximizing the Dex and Char stats.
  • iamjynxxxiamjynxxx Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    artemis154 wrote: »
    I agree with most of it except the Improved Cunning Sneak feat... Stealth lasts 5 secs and the last I check 120% of 5 secs is 6 secs lol.
    True never really thought of it :P
    How you fighting mages? 1v1. You going in stealth, and he just dodging away and waiting for your stealth to end. Then he pulls you up, you using impossible to catch, rolling closer to him so you can land first attack, and he blowing you away with another spell. Then he freezing you in one place. Then his dodges and pullup spell ready again. And if he is out of hp for some reasons - he will just blow you away (this is not counts as cc and impossible to catch not helping), mount the horse and go for healing pot. And you have nothing that can chase him and make him stop.
    You can catch up to people when running since you can stealth alot you can travel faster towards him. If you do find it hard to catch him use Deft Strike.
    mickst3r wrote: »
    I take Dex and Char and find it much more efficient than Dex and Strength, if you are using a stealth build you should be making use of your 'taking advantage' feats from Char and Dex instead of Strength.
    I can stay in stealth during a group fight pretty much the whole time if I use my skills correctly maximizing the Dex and Char stats.
    Dex and Char will make this build much better it's something that I didn't think about when creating it. I went with Str and CON on my character because I thought I'd like to survive much better (CON sucks don't get it). I most likely will reroll my character using Dex and Char.
  • gonbesagonbesa Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Will you edit your post with last updates? :)
  • iamjynxxxiamjynxxx Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    @gonbesa Of course, but I might reroll to get a better feel of the character.
  • gonbesagonbesa Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thanks bro
  • iamjynxxxiamjynxxx Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Made a little changes to the main post. Check it out :)
  • whisperofthemoonwhisperofthemoon Member Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    You can catch up to people when running since you can stealth alot you can travel faster towards him. If you do find it hard to catch him use Deft Strike.

    Use it to do what? 1 melee hit and he will keep on running? Problem is that i have to stop to hit, and enemy who runs for the healing pot wont stop. And i cannot dazzle him because animation is too long, so... i still have no way to stop enemies from running.
  • iamjynxxxiamjynxxx Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    @whisperofthemoon They are mostly going to run from you because they are on low HP so it's going to take a few hits too take them down. Like I stated about the HP pots, The key is to run after it before the enemy can run for it.
  • whisperofthemoonwhisperofthemoon Member Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Problem starts when i trying to hold the base point... mage comes, fights me, and when he have 20% hp he using healing pot, pushing me away with spell and runs for the healing pot, then doing it again and again until i die.
    If i choose to rush for the heal pot first, he will just cap point.
  • iamjynxxxiamjynxxx Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You do know you can then capture the point again. You don't always have to have all of the points. Survival > Winning (imo).
  • serle1serle1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You know you get 30 paragon feat points. What are you gonna do with the other 10? Theoretically of course...since you're not there yet. You've thought about it no?

    *edit* Just saw you updated 5 days ago? I was looking at Scoundrel Tree, Underhanded Tactics and Nimble Blade.
  • gonbesagonbesa Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I found that Shocking Execution works better for me then Bloodbath
  • daliumdalium Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Which Questline u mean? Foundry? Which name?
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