Search for shortcode NW-DLN6BC8NX and review for me please. In your review place the shortcode of your foundry project you would like tested and reviewed and I will respond in kind. I am not looking for fake reviews, I would like constructive feedback. Thanks!
I like the idea of this thread, hard to get reviews in the current state. Mine is listed below my sig.
Khaless nau uss mzild taga dosstan.
Dirty Business, NW-DBU9MXKXW
narathkorMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Yeah thanks for the replies, but seeing how I started the thread I am not reviewing yours till mine is done. You two replied and not a single one has played mine.
I've played through quest and it's quite good! Some things I've noticed though:
-Finding the cellar is a bit difficult, perhaps you can change it points to find the location better.
-The npc that you have us talk to in order to go to the trap door has it's default name, perhaps you missed that?
-The door you use to enter the orc place has a model that doesn't fit the atmosphere.
-The quest reward pointer is pointing to the wrong nobleman, it's pointing to the npc outside NEXT to the door of the map you want to enter.
Other than that, it was pretty good. I actually accidentally closed the review tab before I could actually write this stuff in though. Sorry lol.
My Campaign: "Lords of Desire" Quest 1: "A Basement Full of Bones" -Code: NW-DNNSEN88D Quest 2: "The Halls of the Everdead" IN BETA NOW NW-DF9CHASFN Quest 3: TBA Quest 4: Maybe
narathkorMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
The quest trail marker would not work in there, was nothing I could do to fix that in the current foundry version. But thanks!
I renamed that npc and will publish that update shortly, thanks!
The guild hall door it doesnt fit the cave but its the only door that would squeeze in that hole right that is currently available. I could use the roll away cave stones but that would not fit the key situation, I will think about it some more and maybe come up with a better alternative, thanks for that input!
I rechecked the settings, its a default protectors enclave map, and it points to the door, if the trial is going to the wrong place it is a bug. I actually had it on the other side of the map but the quest would bug out all together and not point anywhere sadly.
Yea, it's posted about a page back now if you just looking the forum if you want to.
My Campaign: "Lords of Desire" Quest 1: "A Basement Full of Bones" -Code: NW-DNNSEN88D Quest 2: "The Halls of the Everdead" IN BETA NOW NW-DF9CHASFN Quest 3: TBA Quest 4: Maybe
narathkorMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Ill search your user name and find it, going to do a couple of reviews for the guys who have done my maps here in about an hour when the foundry bonus pops.
narathkorMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Update Notes: I have blocked off the upstairs of the tavern. I know this is kind of an easy way out, however the upstairs has no baering on the story for now and this will make it easier for players to find the cellar.
I have also added some spider webs/eggs/creepy crawlies to the cave part. Moved orcs out of the walls.
By popular request the door in the cave has been changed to a rolling rock door, even though it does not roll perhaps it will fit the scene better and people will like it more.
Just played this, and I felt it was a very impressive effort. This is a very promising quest, with a few issues I would love to see corrected. Here are the things I jotted down as I played:
Get rid of any "Press F to Go to Next Map" messages. They give a very bad first impression. Same with "Go to Next Map" quest objective in caves. That's just lazy.
The inn was very atmospheric. Good use of lighting and furniture. The quest in general is very visually appealing, so you've done a good job with this.
I would be very careful about making a quest about the player character's father if I were you. Most people have some mental image of their own character already, and this kind of story could feel like an intrusion into their own domain. It could cost you ratings at least.
Consider placing the respawn point in the caves further into the cave. It's not needed at the entrance, and just leads to backtracking.
The exit from the caves is both interactive and an exit. This could lead to complications, not least because the player must choose between exiting or interacting. Remove the interaction. It's not needed.
Respawn point once you meet the orcs is under the stairs. Also, it should be further into the map as with the caves.
The nobleman Dupree turned VERY quickly from murderous to grateful. Maybe tone it down a little and make it more believable.
For a story-based quest, there wasn't a very good balance between story and combat. You put all the story at the very beginning, and then the entire rest of it was combat until you meet Dupree, who has two boxes of text before the quest ends. The combat section was also too long and repetitive. Once you've fought three groups of spiders in those caves, you've really fought enough of them, at least in that way. There was nothing to shake the experience up. Consider adding interactables with some story, an NPC in the middle, some alternate enemies, and most of all consider shortening down the cave section. Tight and focused is better than long and repetitive.
All in all, this was better than most new quests I play. Subscribed, and looking forward to updates.
narathkorMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
A little bump for this I am working on the second quest in the series and it should be available this weekend. I would like to get some more people to play this one and more opinions and I am using the feedback to make the second quest even better. This is a fairly short prologue quest you should be able to finish in 15-20 minutes of time. The next one is going to be much longer.
Hi all im going to test the OP quest and anyone elses when i get time that would be kind enough to review mine and offer feedback good and bad my details are in signature.
Why not try my first foundry mission with a good story if you fancy a adventure. The Rule of Lord Infernos NW-DC9P6Q161 @blasteron01
Quests are in my sig below. Thanks
Bill's Tavern | The 27th Level | Secret Agent 34
Khaless nau uss mzild taga dosstan.
Dirty Business, NW-DBU9MXKXW
The Sins of the Father NW-DLN6BC8NX
A Name For Yourself NW-DRBWMCFL4
Click Here To Visit The Official Thread
-Finding the cellar is a bit difficult, perhaps you can change it points to find the location better.
-The npc that you have us talk to in order to go to the trap door has it's default name, perhaps you missed that?
-The door you use to enter the orc place has a model that doesn't fit the atmosphere.
-The quest reward pointer is pointing to the wrong nobleman, it's pointing to the npc outside NEXT to the door of the map you want to enter.
Other than that, it was pretty good. I actually accidentally closed the review tab before I could actually write this stuff in though. Sorry lol.
Quest 1: "A Basement Full of Bones" -Code: NW-DNNSEN88D
Quest 2: "The Halls of the Everdead" IN BETA NOW NW-DF9CHASFN
Quest 3: TBA
Quest 4: Maybe
I renamed that npc and will publish that update shortly, thanks!
The guild hall door it doesnt fit the cave but its the only door that would squeeze in that hole right that is currently available. I could use the roll away cave stones but that would not fit the key situation, I will think about it some more and maybe come up with a better alternative, thanks for that input!
I rechecked the settings, its a default protectors enclave map, and it points to the door, if the trial is going to the wrong place it is a bug. I actually had it on the other side of the map but the quest would bug out all together and not point anywhere sadly.
The Sins of the Father NW-DLN6BC8NX
A Name For Yourself NW-DRBWMCFL4
Click Here To Visit The Official Thread
The Sins of the Father NW-DLN6BC8NX
A Name For Yourself NW-DRBWMCFL4
Click Here To Visit The Official Thread
Quest 1: "A Basement Full of Bones" -Code: NW-DNNSEN88D
Quest 2: "The Halls of the Everdead" IN BETA NOW NW-DF9CHASFN
Quest 3: TBA
Quest 4: Maybe
The Sins of the Father NW-DLN6BC8NX
A Name For Yourself NW-DRBWMCFL4
Click Here To Visit The Official Thread
I have also added some spider webs/eggs/creepy crawlies to the cave part. Moved orcs out of the walls.
By popular request the door in the cave has been changed to a rolling rock door, even though it does not roll perhaps it will fit the scene better and people will like it more.
The Sins of the Father NW-DLN6BC8NX
A Name For Yourself NW-DRBWMCFL4
Click Here To Visit The Official Thread
Get rid of any "Press F to Go to Next Map" messages. They give a very bad first impression. Same with "Go to Next Map" quest objective in caves. That's just lazy.
The inn was very atmospheric. Good use of lighting and furniture.
I would be very careful about making a quest about the player character's father if I were you. Most people have some mental image of their own character already, and this kind of story could feel like an intrusion into their own domain. It could cost you ratings at least.
Consider placing the respawn point in the caves further into the cave. It's not needed at the entrance, and just leads to backtracking.
The exit from the caves is both interactive and an exit. This could lead to complications, not least because the player must choose between exiting or interacting. Remove the interaction. It's not needed.
Respawn point once you meet the orcs is under the stairs. Also, it should be further into the map as with the caves.
The nobleman Dupree turned VERY quickly from murderous to grateful. Maybe tone it down a little and make it more believable.
For a story-based quest, there wasn't a very good balance between story and combat. You put all the story at the very beginning, and then the entire rest of it was combat until you meet Dupree, who has two boxes of text before the quest ends. The combat section was also too long and repetitive. Once you've fought three groups of spiders in those caves, you've really fought enough of them, at least in that way. There was nothing to shake the experience up. Consider adding interactables with some story, an NPC in the middle, some alternate enemies, and most of all consider shortening down the cave section. Tight and focused is better than long and repetitive.
All in all, this was better than most new quests I play. Subscribed, and looking forward to updates.
The Sins of the Father NW-DLN6BC8NX
A Name For Yourself NW-DRBWMCFL4
Click Here To Visit The Official Thread
The Sins of the Father NW-DLN6BC8NX
A Name For Yourself NW-DRBWMCFL4
Click Here To Visit The Official Thread
The Rule of Lord Infernos