I was just curious how much of the games lore is based on the Neverwinter games. I assume it all is and everything, but is it mostly the first game or the second or both?
I played through those games years and years ago but now i don't remember anything about it other then i think i played a female drizzt clone lol. (female drow ranger with a panther) Now the reason i ask is because i wouldn't mind going and playing them again, assuming i can find them. Mostly because there are a lot of places in the mmo that i have no memory of. Blacklake for instance, i don't remember anything about how it turned into a zone filled with slightly living goo.
And then at the same time, how much is taken from Forgotten Realms in general? For instance, the spell plague sounds familiar from another drizzt book but i don't remember it mutating people.
A long time has passed since the Neverwinter games. For reference, NWN1 took place in 1372DR, while Neverwinter Online takes place around 1461DR or so.
The spellplague (and 4th edition) happened since the first two Neverwinter titles, so while the things that took place in those games did happen and are part of Forgotten Realms lore, they are no longer relevant for the most part because we're dealing with a whole new world now. The spellplague really changed a lot of things.
So it's natural that you don't remember those things :P They hadn't happened yet. Using your example, In NWN1/2, Blacklake was the Noble's district. In Neverwinter Online, "Blacklake is a mess" because Mt. Hotenow erupted and destroyed most of the city.
Did the eruption happen during the first games or way after that? Now that i think about it, i don't think i ever played the second game anyway.
This game being almost 100 years later does help to explain a few things that i don't remember. I had thought it was right after.
blitterpongMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
The blue fires of the spellplague not only destroyed cities and villages but also plaguetouched certain adventurers who had Tymora's luck and gifted them with "superheroish" powers. Also added a ton of warped baddies which I'm hoping to see in game.
Did the eruption happen during the first games or way after that? Now that i think about it, i don't think i ever played the second game anyway.
This game being almost 100 years later does help to explain a few things that i don't remember. I had thought it was right after.
Way after, in 1451DR
During the first game you had to deal with the Wailing Death plague while during the second it was an ancient evil and its hordes of undead.
Needless to say, Neverwinter's hardly a safe place to live in Though in all fairness, it was largely unaffected by the Spellplague, but then Mt. Hotenow decided to spice things up a bit.
I was just curious how much of the games lore is based on the Neverwinter games. I assume it all is and everything, but is it mostly the first game or the second or both?
I played through those games years and years ago but now i don't remember anything about it other then i think i played a female drizzt clone lol. (female drow ranger with a panther) Now the reason i ask is because i wouldn't mind going and playing them again, assuming i can find them. Mostly because there are a lot of places in the mmo that i have no memory of. Blacklake for instance, i don't remember anything about how it turned into a zone filled with slightly living goo.
And then at the same time, how much is taken from Forgotten Realms in general? For instance, the spell plague sounds familiar from another drizzt book but i don't remember it mutating people.
I played NWN2 some weeks ago (I stopped because this game was released) and it holds up really well graphics wise and such, but the first game really looks dated now - also the storytelling in NWN2 is much better.
If you are really interested in the Forgotten Realms you could always get the "Forgotten Realms Campaign settings" book, I spent many hours reading it over the years lots of fun info and stuff in that one. (not sure if a 4'th edition exists).
Neverwinter Online Open Beta is an ongoing success
AS a matter of fact, there is a Neverwinter Campaign Setting for 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons. As a DM, I own it, and strongly suggest you read it. It is a good purchase, even if you don't play D&D.
The spellplague (and 4th edition) happened since the first two Neverwinter titles, so while the things that took place in those games did happen and are part of Forgotten Realms lore, they are no longer relevant for the most part because we're dealing with a whole new world now. The spellplague really changed a lot of things.
So it's natural that you don't remember those things :P They hadn't happened yet. Using your example, In NWN1/2, Blacklake was the Noble's district. In Neverwinter Online, "Blacklake is a mess" because Mt. Hotenow erupted and destroyed most of the city.
This game being almost 100 years later does help to explain a few things that i don't remember. I had thought it was right after.
Strive ceaselessly to dominate your environment.
Be merciless in the execution of your duties, and show no pity to the weak.
Respect tradition and authority.
Way after, in 1451DR
During the first game you had to deal with the Wailing Death plague while during the second it was an ancient evil and its hordes of undead.
Needless to say, Neverwinter's hardly a safe place to live in
If you are really interested in the Forgotten Realms you could always get the "Forgotten Realms Campaign settings" book, I spent many hours reading it over the years lots of fun info and stuff in that one. (not sure if a 4'th edition exists).