Its really stupid, I hear people complain about rogs, but I also see them drop as often as any other class...
BUt no matter who you are, u see a CW, its 'choking midair for a few seconds... then slammed against a wall... then hit for about 160k dmg in quick 2-5k hits.
its the same EVERY time, and meet more than a single CW in a 5vs5 when u have none? its usually instant defeat. SURE u might get one between his cool downs, but chances are 1 CW will easily hold his own 1vs1 against ANY other class, likely without any damage or stress on his part.
I know this prob sounds like a 'pvp is too hard' moan thread.. its not. All other classes(Even the nigh invincible healer tanking you) seem balanced... they have downtime and weaknesses. CW on the other hand, seem to have only 3 abilities in their entire list of skills since I NEVER see any use anything BUT those 3.
CW are very vulnerable during the long cool downs. Its 12 secs+ cool down on the 3 sec choke hold you are describing. A smart CW rotating casts and teleporting smartly can do very well one v one. However, it is a fair fight 1v1 and if the CW gets attacked by 2v1 its over VERY quickly. CW is extremely squishy.
Id say LTP but we are all LTP.
Comparing the PvP to LoL, CW is like a CC AP. They can be annoying, but if your team focuses them at all they die quickly and easily.
Rogues are much worse to deal with because they can turn invisible and I can't cast anything at them...
blupa2010Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
This isn't that much of a problem, you just got to know how to deal with it. Best way to learn how to beat a class is to play that class for a while.
Rogues are much worse to deal with because they can turn invisible and I can't cast anything at them...
Actually your AOEs cans till hit him . Also properly powered up your ray of frost can be used to immobilize a target while your choke hold timer completes....the thing is you have to be good at timing your spells and activities...and add to that maneuver tactics.
ive found a properly timed Choke, RoF, Repel combo can keep a single foe under control indefinitely.
If your hand touches metal, I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you.
teptepMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited May 2013
As a GWF, PvP is never fun.
1. Control wizards will knock you down to about 20% before you can move or use your tab ability, then they can easily kite you before they finish you off.
2. Rogues will combo you from full to 0 hp, even if they mess up they have OP smokebomb or other abilities to escape/easily kill you.
3. Clerics, well, you will NEVER kill them, not even close if they are a decent player.
4. Guardian Fighters, have fun blowing all your stuff and having them drop to 80% health, you should never beat them 1v1.
5. Other GWFs: Woot, only class we can beat is ourselves
wizards arent that bad rogues on the other hand......
solresolMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
As soon as the choke is over don't even look at your health, rush them, stun or cripple them, then kill them. They drop extremely fast from rogue damage and take a few extra whacks from a Guardian (only two classes I have played)
With these two classes, I would say in 5 v 5 PvP and 1 on 1, my success rate is around 75%. All depends on how much health I had before the choke and who in my group is paying attention to my situation
Might i ask what level you are? Cause the 10-19 and 20-29 bracket, control wizards are defently way to strong. but the 30-39 and 40-49 they stop being that much of a problem.
The only thing I really dislike is when they are standing on a rock or something above you and are shooting at you when your a melee class. Theres no real way to get out of range while defending a point.
solresolMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Level 17 for the Guard and 15 for the Rogue. However I have had the Guardian Weapon thingy from the cheap Founders pack, so I know that I have been spoiled for melee for the first 5-7 levels of my PvP life
CW are very vulnerable during the long cool downs. Its 12 secs+ cool down on the 3 sec choke hold you are describing. A smart CW rotating casts and teleporting smartly can do very well one v one. However, it is a fair fight 1v1 and if the CW gets attacked by 2v1 its over VERY quickly. CW is extremely squishy.
I'm afraid I got to disagree on that, many of us have already stated many valids points about wizards and tricksters being way too OP in pvp and something has to be done about this for sure. Guardians and us 2 handers are getting the bum rap in pvp, we are the unwanted children of NW for sure.
Now I can understand me being owned by magic but I should be owned by a rogue a rogue should totally own a wizy, that's how it works. Right now, not only us meleers are owned by wizards but we are also owned by rogues also which makes pvp utterly boring for a guardian or even more a great fighter which we aren't at all by the way.
Most people do agree right now, both rogues and wizards are way above and need to be brought down in pvp for a real balance game and even rogues in pve are way too powerful as they survive way too much.
I dont know why all say Rogue is so op..a CW with good gear owns him with no problem..just needs a little skill thats all.
I really think that CW are way to op in the right hands.
Now I can understand me being owned by magic but I should be owned by a rogue a rogue should totally own a wizy, that's how it works.
Most people do agree right now, both rogues and wizards are way above and need to be brought down in pvp for a real balance game and even rogues in pve are way too powerful as they survive way too much.
That's how what works lol? So all of a sudden there should be a pre-determined outcome for pvp encounters? No, saying one class always should beat another is just not valid. All classes should be competitive with one another. That being said, I play as a CW and yes I win 90% 1v1 fights. But that isn't just because I'm a CW, I spec my feats specifically for only pvp play. I use certain powers for control in pvp over dps. I wear gear with stats to synergize with my build choice. There are many pieces to the puzzle, and comments like this make it obvious some people just haven't put them all together yet.
I encounter the occasional 'good' rogue who can eat my lunch if he gets the jump. And tbh, even a sword and board fighter can give a CW hell if they use their blocks right. The only problem I see that all GWF suffer from is that they aren't persistent. They will fight me and I blink away a couple times, but then they give up chase and move on and then I just dps them with range. If more GWF would just be persistent, they would realize that once they have beat a CW's face a bit those CW's run out of stamina to move and the control skills are on cooldown.
Also saying that rogues in pve are way too powerful b/c they survive way too much is absurd. I've seen more rogues die in pve content than any other class.
I'm afraid I got to disagree on that, many of us have already stated many valids points about wizards and tricksters being way too OP in pvp and something has to be done about this for sure. Guardians and us 2 handers are getting the bum rap in pvp, we are the unwanted children of NW for sure.
What level is this at? Guardians absolutely rock at 60 in PvP, and GWFs are a force, too. Probably the hardest of all to control, and you can't shake them while they do heaps of damage, heal themselves and stick like glue. Clerics are mostly unkillable, but that is a different issue. What you describe sounds like the sub-40 situation, but at 60 it is a different game. Check Envy's GF guide below in my signature -- he included a PvP video.
"Most people" are not 60, and "most people" have L2P issues (we all do, it is a new game!), and "most" people always seek fault in class balance instead of looking at their own abilities and trying to come up with counters.
Everyone believes they are skilled,
everyone believes they have full command of their class,
everyone is convinced that they are good.
So if they don't do well, it's not them, it's something else that is wrong. So, what "most people" agree with isn't relevant from a balance point of view (or for anything else that is development related).
I have issues with rogues too, but I'm not making nerf threads about them. Why not? Because I can plainly see that it's not all rogues who give me a hard time, only some. So there is something they do that others don't do. Quite possibly they are simply better players than me. Rogues do attract a lot of skilled people. But I also don't fully understand how high level rogues work, so, I am leveling one to learn how the class works so that I can figure out how to counter them better.
(GFs do not get owned by rogues, by the way, and I can say THAT even for the 20-29 bracket, because that's where my GF and TR are. )
pvp is fun until spawncamped without anyway of avoiding damage.
The only available gametype for pvp currently in Neverwinter is Domination. If you and your team lets yourself get pushed to the spawn point, you just got dominated, and you deserve to be spawn-camped.
I'm afraid I got to disagree on that, many of us have already stated many valids points about wizards and tricksters being way too OP in pvp and something has to be done about this for sure. Guardians and us 2 handers are getting the bum rap in pvp, we are the unwanted children of NW for sure.
Now I can understand me being owned by magic but I should be owned by a rogue a rogue should totally own a wizy, that's how it works. Right now, not only us meleers are owned by wizards but we are also owned by rogues also which makes pvp utterly boring for a guardian or even more a great fighter which we aren't at all by the way.
Most people do agree right now, both rogues and wizards are way above and need to be brought down in pvp for a real balance game and even rogues in pve are way too powerful as they survive way too much.
Dont speak for me. I dominate as a Guardian, as well as others that have a clue what they are doing. I will admit though, that a GWF is probably my easiest kill.
Okay - so I have now seen threads that complain the CW is nasty difficult to fight PvP. I have seen threads that complain the Trickster is NASTY difficult to fight PvP. Yes, I also have seen threads stating "watch out for those Clerics as they have NASTY AoE Powers and will tear you apart at high level.
And finally, I have actually seen threads complaining about how NASTY POWERFUL those Great Weapon Fighters can be.
I'm still waiting to see the thread that complains about Guardian Fighters being too strong or too hard to kill.
I am really very serious here.
TL;DR: NONE of the classes are either Over powered or Under powered. They are *well-balanced* if you figure out how best to play their strengths and defend their weaknesses and perform the opposite against the others as each an every one has both: strengths and weaknesses.
amdarkwolfMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Really can't see how ppl keep saying that.. u go in u get choked u get thrown u take liek 50k dmg u die, u respawn instantly and hes doing the same thing again...
Sure they got a timer but when your against them ALL the time and they ALWAYS use the same spells, it stinks of 'somethings wrong' and it should be fixes. Maybe something as simple as 'cannot be affected by like effects at teh same time' or somesuch.
And saying 'they squishy' is bs, cuz ANY class can 'die' in short order if they stand around not using skills, I don't care if your a rog, cleric, tank, etc, if u are 'defenseless' your 'defenseless'
Tired of all the CW users going on about how hard it is to be one, when it takes the same level of skill and intelligence as a brain damaged, one armed monkey to play one.(Yes I tried, from 1-40 was derpderpderp spam 1 spam 2 spam 3)
dman wish my force choke did last 3 secs in pvp. my cc's last 2 secs max, some last a whopping 1 sec. CW is decent in pvp tho. but i still feel my rogue is stronger, SOOOO much dmg and i can reset the fight pretty easy if things are going bad.
Not sure about mass damage, I just try to keep enemy players off the control points with Shield's knockback, Ice Storm, and Repel, I use Entangling Force as Spell Mastery, and Ray of Enfeeblement for some DoT. I wouldn't say I'm very good, actually I would go as far to say that I suck but I am quite adapt at keeping people away from these points and allowing my team to squeeze in a few more points.
Yes i do admit we dish out a lot of damage and disabling skills; but on the bad side, we have long cooldowns and squishy armor. Its just pros and cons.
I could find myself easily on the brink of death when 2 people decided to gang up on me(but thanks to my dodging timing i survived more than that).
Id say LTP but we are all LTP.
Comparing the PvP to LoL, CW is like a CC AP. They can be annoying, but if your team focuses them at all they die quickly and easily.
Rogues are much worse to deal with because they can turn invisible and I can't cast anything at them...
Actually your AOEs cans till hit him
ive found a properly timed Choke, RoF, Repel combo can keep a single foe under control indefinitely.
1. Control wizards will knock you down to about 20% before you can move or use your tab ability, then they can easily kite you before they finish you off.
2. Rogues will combo you from full to 0 hp, even if they mess up they have OP smokebomb or other abilities to escape/easily kill you.
3. Clerics, well, you will NEVER kill them, not even close if they are a decent player.
4. Guardian Fighters, have fun blowing all your stuff and having them drop to 80% health, you should never beat them 1v1.
5. Other GWFs: Woot, only class we can beat is ourselves
With these two classes, I would say in 5 v 5 PvP and 1 on 1, my success rate is around 75%. All depends on how much health I had before the choke and who in my group is paying attention to my situation
The only thing I really dislike is when they are standing on a rock or something above you and are shooting at you when your a melee class. Theres no real way to get out of range while defending a point.
I'm afraid I got to disagree on that, many of us have already stated many valids points about wizards and tricksters being way too OP in pvp and something has to be done about this for sure. Guardians and us 2 handers are getting the bum rap in pvp, we are the unwanted children of NW for sure.
Now I can understand me being owned by magic but I should be owned by a rogue a rogue should totally own a wizy, that's how it works. Right now, not only us meleers are owned by wizards but we are also owned by rogues also which makes pvp utterly boring for a guardian or even more a great fighter which we aren't at all by the way.
Most people do agree right now, both rogues and wizards are way above and need to be brought down in pvp for a real balance game and even rogues in pve are way too powerful as they survive way too much.
I really think that CW are way to op in the right hands.
That's how what works lol? So all of a sudden there should be a pre-determined outcome for pvp encounters? No, saying one class always should beat another is just not valid. All classes should be competitive with one another. That being said, I play as a CW and yes I win 90% 1v1 fights. But that isn't just because I'm a CW, I spec my feats specifically for only pvp play. I use certain powers for control in pvp over dps. I wear gear with stats to synergize with my build choice. There are many pieces to the puzzle, and comments like this make it obvious some people just haven't put them all together yet.
I encounter the occasional 'good' rogue who can eat my lunch if he gets the jump. And tbh, even a sword and board fighter can give a CW hell if they use their blocks right. The only problem I see that all GWF suffer from is that they aren't persistent. They will fight me and I blink away a couple times, but then they give up chase and move on and then I just dps them with range. If more GWF would just be persistent, they would realize that once they have beat a CW's face a bit those CW's run out of stamina to move and the control skills are on cooldown.
Also saying that rogues in pve are way too powerful b/c they survive way too much is absurd. I've seen more rogues die in pve content than any other class.
What level is this at? Guardians absolutely rock at 60 in PvP, and GWFs are a force, too. Probably the hardest of all to control, and you can't shake them while they do heaps of damage, heal themselves and stick like glue. Clerics are mostly unkillable, but that is a different issue. What you describe sounds like the sub-40 situation, but at 60 it is a different game. Check Envy's GF guide below in my signature -- he included a PvP video.
"Most people" are not 60, and "most people" have L2P issues (we all do, it is a new game!), and "most" people always seek fault in class balance instead of looking at their own abilities and trying to come up with counters.
Everyone believes they are skilled,
everyone believes they have full command of their class,
everyone is convinced that they are good.
So if they don't do well, it's not them, it's something else that is wrong. So, what "most people" agree with isn't relevant from a balance point of view (or for anything else that is development related).
I have issues with rogues too, but I'm not making nerf threads about them. Why not? Because I can plainly see that it's not all rogues who give me a hard time, only some. So there is something they do that others don't do. Quite possibly they are simply better players than me. Rogues do attract a lot of skilled people. But I also don't fully understand how high level rogues work, so, I am leveling one to learn how the class works so that I can figure out how to counter them better.
(GFs do not get owned by rogues, by the way, and I can say THAT even for the 20-29 bracket, because that's where my GF and TR are.
The only available gametype for pvp currently in Neverwinter is Domination. If you and your team lets yourself get pushed to the spawn point, you just got dominated, and you deserve to be spawn-camped.
Dont speak for me. I dominate as a Guardian, as well as others that have a clue what they are doing. I will admit though, that a GWF is probably my easiest kill.
Okay - so I have now seen threads that complain the CW is nasty difficult to fight PvP. I have seen threads that complain the Trickster is NASTY difficult to fight PvP. Yes, I also have seen threads stating "watch out for those Clerics as they have NASTY AoE Powers and will tear you apart at high level.
And finally, I have actually seen threads complaining about how NASTY POWERFUL those Great Weapon Fighters can be.
I'm still waiting to see the thread that complains about Guardian Fighters being too strong or too hard to kill.
I am really very serious here.
TL;DR: NONE of the classes are either Over powered or Under powered. They are *well-balanced* if you figure out how best to play their strengths and defend their weaknesses and perform the opposite against the others as each an every one has both: strengths and weaknesses.
Sure they got a timer but when your against them ALL the time and they ALWAYS use the same spells, it stinks of 'somethings wrong' and it should be fixes. Maybe something as simple as 'cannot be affected by like effects at teh same time' or somesuch.
And saying 'they squishy' is bs, cuz ANY class can 'die' in short order if they stand around not using skills, I don't care if your a rog, cleric, tank, etc, if u are 'defenseless' your 'defenseless'
Tired of all the CW users going on about how hard it is to be one, when it takes the same level of skill and intelligence as a brain damaged, one armed monkey to play one.(Yes I tried, from 1-40 was derpderpderp spam 1 spam 2 spam 3)
I could find myself easily on the brink of death when 2 people decided to gang up on me(but thanks to my dodging timing i survived more than that).
Rose - Control Wizard