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Guild Repository issues.

bama2u2bama2u2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 31
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Recently, I was playing with my alt character, (a TR), and I went to the guild repository located at the Manycoins Bank. I had seen a piece of gear that someone else in our guild had placed in there that was better than what I currently had equipped. When I tried to remove it, I kept getting a message stating that I could not remove it due to a permission setting. I then went with my main character (a CW) and tried to deposit a random piece of gear, which it took, but when I tried to remove the very same item I just put in, I got the same error message. While I do not have unlimited access to our repository, I do have the permission to deposit and withdraw a limited number of items and coins that my guild rank allows. I brought this to the attention of our guild leader, and he said that he has repeatedly changed the permissions and they always revert back to the previous settings where no one can deposit or withdraw anything from the repository. We also had this same issue during the alpha and closed beta testing. We have submitted numerous "Bug Reports " on this issue, but nothing has changed as of yet. I know our guild leader personally (RL), and I do not question his word on this matter. Can we please get someone to look into this?
Post edited by bama2u2 on


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    platinuplatinu Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've been fighting with my guild's bank since the 25th. I started the guild but when our guild leader from TSW started playing I made him the guild leader and stepped down to officer, but I still have permissions to mess with the bank.

    I finally, after adjusting the settings dozens of times, got it to 'stick' with 'everyone of every rank can remove or add items'.

    It took about 15 minutes though.

    And there's no 'permissions per rank'. The permissions for 1 rank are the permissions for all of the ranks.

    I'm sure they'll fix the guild permissions eventually but you're right, they are very broken right now.
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    bama2u2bama2u2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 31
    edited May 2013
    Thank You Platinu. Not being a guild leader or one who can change the permissions right now, I was not aware of that. When we were in alpha testing, I did have the permissions to change the bank when the ranking system had only 4 ranks, not the current 7. At that time it was working the way it was supposed to.
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    tripjackstripjacks Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ok, this is frustrating.
    I'm guild leader & founder. I paid for & opened the repository yesterday when I started the guild & invited my friends to come to this game. First one here tells me he cant pick up items from the repository which I left for him. I've rechecked all the permissions, they are wide open for all members to take anything (we are all friends anyhow). Not only can he still not retrieve anything, even I cannot retrieve anything. I thought repository meant "bank" not very expensive "garbage disposal".
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    bama2u2bama2u2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 31
    edited May 2013
    platinu wrote: »
    And there's no 'permissions per rank'. The permissions for 1 rank are the permissions for all of the ranks.

    Correction, yes there is. Lower right corner of the Guild storage window is a "Permissions" tab. Clicking on it brings up the Guild Storage Configuration" window. Each guild rank has it's own permissions.
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    bigtank10kbigtank10k Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I too am having issues w/taking items out. As a guild starter I think that the GL should have 100% access to guild bank but apparently it isnt so. please fix this because its getting extremely annoying to have invested into a bank tab and can only look at it...
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